Some Hand-Crafted Worlds

In Chapter 22, we examined three worlds. All of them were built primarily or entirely by hand, without the use of 3d Modelers or tookits. Make no mistake: authoring tools have their place. However, the amount of control and compactness you can achieve by hand-editing VRML has yet to be matched by any of the available tools. This will change eventually, but in the meantime, you should seriously consider doing it by hand. If nothing else, you'll learn a lot about how VRML works.

The Worlds

The Alien World

The Monster (generated by LPARSER; see Chapter 26 of the book)

The Rocket, converted to VRML

The Astronaut, converted to VRML

The Plain (generated by FRGEN; see Chapter 26 of the book)

3D Studio file for the rocket

3D Studio file for the astronaut

The Objects

The Farm

The Trees

An Alien World

A Home Space

Other Worlds and Objects

From Chapter 11

VRML Files from Chapter 11

From Chapter 14

VRML Files from Chapter 14

From Chapter 17

VRML Files from Chapter 17

From Chapter 26

VRML Files from Chapter 26

From Chapter 32

VRML Files from Chapter 32

Sample objects from Syndesis's 3D-ROM collection

Sample objects and a free CD offer

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