4D Solutions


One of my early renderings trying to test Imagine's capabilities. I chose a scene from one of the more popular Mac magazines and tried to duplicate it. The scene appeared in many ads for computer monitors and after viewing other magazines I found out it was done in Strata 3D - a product available only for the Mac at that time. I changed it slightly by changing the pool table cloth to dark green from the teal color as it appeared in the ad and also added the chalk as a signature for the rendering. Although it is not an overly complex rendering I still get requests for copies of it. I believe the file was rendered on my A3000 Amiga with about 4 Megs of memory.

The original file size was 2048x1366 to conform to a slide ratio of 3 to 2. The balls are perfect spheres with the numbers being IFF maps done in Deluxe Paint. The pool cue has a wood procedural texture on it and the lights that are reflected on the balls are two axes set as light sources just under a flat plane hanging in space.