Well, once again I'm running right down to the wire. I'm quite pleased with the way this one turned out. It was done in Imagine 4.0 for DOS and I've been working on it for the past 2 months (things slowed alot during exams.) It's a rendering of the Edmund Fitzgerald as it might have appeared on that fateful day. (Hence the title and the list.) The ship isn't anatomically correct just yet, but I only had one photo to work from.... The hull uses the "Mountain Tops" texture (upside down) to give the waterline mark on the bottom. It's also got the "Ribbed" texture for the plate seams and a few "Blast" marks here and there. The portholes have "Blast" around them too. The I threw "Dirt" all over the whole thing. The light beam was made using a combination of fog and textures (as described on Steven Blackmon's homepage.) The waves were made by hand.... with much frustration ;) .... They were made reflective using "Fakely" to vary the reflection on the sides and top. Then they were colored using "Mountain Tops" and bumped a little using "Bump Noise." The splashes are particle effects. There's quite a bit of post-processing on this one. The ship and the ocean are rendered along with a fog layer. Then the sky was "enhanced" by adding clouds using ColorWorks (and OS/2 image editing program.) The splashes were also "enhanced." There weren't enough (in my opinion) so I added a few more in the paint program. Then I "dodged" the image and applied "tonal compression" simultaneously while using a linear gradient in order to give it the foggy look you see on the left side. I tried hard to line it up with the line cast by the spotlight on the waves. I think it worked well. Basically, the goal of the post-processing was to give an overcast, gloomy look to the picture. I think it worked..... but then you be the judge ;)

Martin Conlon
