Ingvar Lybing

Kerosene lamp and Hand Impression

were modeled in the detail editor using backdrop images as references. The texture used for the metal parts of the lamp was Metals (silver). The flame is a fog object using the Ghost Fog texture. The Marble texture was used for the ground. The textures used in the water were Noise Bump and Drip Drop. A fractal noise image was used as a Global Brush. The main light-source was placed inside the glass cover and consists of five light-objects (axis) that was set to cast softshadows. To cut the total rendering time the project was divided into three separate frames. Frame 1: softshadows=50 (total: 5*50=250 lights), the kerosene lamp without the Metals texture, no glass cover. Frame 2: softshadows=1, the kerosene lamp with the Metals texture, the glass cover. The two renderings were combined in a paint program, the part with the softshadows from frame 1 and the rest from frame 2. Frame 3: The resulting image was used as a backdrop for the final addition of the glow using the Lensflare halo effect.

Render in trace mode at 1000 x 1000 pixels. 1:1 Antialiasing best. Render time: 29 hours. Composite Image+Background 3 hours.

Pentuin 150/64MB Video 771/S3-2MB Monitor 17" Windows NT. Agfa Scan Studio siII Imagine WinNT. Adobe Photoshop 3.51. (Sory by my poor english)