Fans and a Lamp by Bill Graham

The original bitmap size of this image is 2000x1600 pixels and was rendered in a day and a half on a Pentium 166 with 80 megs of RAM with Imagine 4.0. Everything was modeled in Imagine with the exception of the horse which is a digitised Viewpoint object. The paper on the Fans is done with clip art plus the Crumpled and Dirt textures. The wooden sticks are done with the Hardwood texture instanced once for each stick with the texture's Z axis elongated and aligned with the stick. The metal parts of the Lamp have a simple gradient image map created with Photoshop and warped with Kai's Power Goo that is applied as an Enviroment map. The lampshade is colored light blue with the Radial texture applied set to white and with overall brightness set to 200 to simulate the shade being illuminated from within. The horse has the Agate texture applied and a relatively high Filter value to simulate jade. The light in the lamp is a Fog object set as a light source with Cast Shadows on and a value of 300 on all three guns. There is also a non-shadow casting fill light in use. The table top has the Marble and Statue textures applied with a Reflective value of 30 on all guns. The wallpaper is a tiled image map made from composited and image processed clip art with Roughness set to 25. Both the Fan and the Lamp are available for sale as Datasets from Viewpoint Datalabs, Inc. (A shameless plug).

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