"Discovery" by Bill Graham, Rendered with Imagine 4.0 on a Pentium 166 with 80 megs of RAM.
The image was Gamma/Contrast adjusted with Photoshop 3.0. The original rendering was 2000x1600 pixels,
rendering time was 33 hours.

The Skeletal Robot character was created in Imagine in 1991 and was originally a Cycle object.
With minor changes to it's geometry I converted it to a Bones object with Imagine 3.0.
The individual skelbots are base colored and then modified with the Pastella and Scratch textures.
Their spears are a simple Torus primitive with 3 ring sections and 4 cross sections on a cylinder.

The Ground and backround boulders use the Bumpnoise, Blast, and Dirt textures. The small mounds were done with Drag Points/Magnetism and the boulder things were done with Imagine's Blobs.

The Creature Hand is an object I originally created for a commercial print job I did a couple of years ago
for a small circus troupe. The claws are separate objects, and are Grouped to the main hand object in a
heirarchical Bones set up. The claws are untextured, but the hand was done with Frogskin, and the Linear
texture was applied and tacked with the hand extended to lighten the palm and inner arm.

The atmospherics, or overall cast of the scene was accomplished using several techniques.
First, a yellow Fog Object was used as a mist wall in the backround. A yellow Global Fog was
applied to the entire scene with a very gradual fade distance. Two light sources were used, with
the main source being a Soft Shadows lightsource using the Purple Haze Light texture.
A lower intensity fill light was used also.

I created this image for use in upcoming gallery exhibitions and shows, and it was inspired
mostly by the late, great Ray Harryhausen, a fantastic 3D artist and animator and special effects master,
who did not even have the advantage of using a computer. Gulliver's Travels figured into this scene at some time also.

For more info you can email me at nucmong@xroads.com Feel free to visit my website at http://www.xroads.com/~nucmong