The following Web page templates are custom-designed to help you organize your ideas and content into pages of your own. Use the templates as a starting place and modify the text, add your own images, and customize the templates to suite your needs.

Offline or Online: The templates included in the list below are saved to your hard drive, so you can access them both when you are connected to the Intenet and when you are offline.

Online only: When you're online, try out the Netscape Page Wizard, an easy-to-use tool to help you create Web pages from scratch. You can also visit the Netscape Gold Rush Tool Chest for a collection of clip art, techniques, backgrounds, Java applets, and JavaScripts to help you create your page.

Please note: These templates only work with Netscape Navigator Gold.


  1. Choose a template from the list below.
  2. While viewing the template, select the Edit Document command from the File menu.
  3. Edit and customize the template to suit your needs.
  4. Please note that the links in the templates are not real; they are meant to suggest how you might use links. (We've also provided some pointers in parentheses to help you along the way.)
  5. When you finish your page, be sure to delete all extraneous text, sample logos, links, images, and email addresses. The template simply uses them as place holders for your own information.
  6. Remember to save the page with your own filename.
  7. When your page mentions other companies by name, it's a good idea to link to their Web page as a courtesy.

The following templates* are saved on your hard drive. You do not have to be online to view and access these pages.

*Some of the templates above can also be found on the Netscape Gold Template page on the Netscape Web site.


Users of Netscape Navigator Gold have permission to modify and reuse the templates.

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Copyright © 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation