How to use this template
To use a Netscape Web page template in Navigator Gold, select the Edit Document command from the File menu. Then customize the template with your own content. Please note that our suggestions serve only as place holders for your own information - the links are not real. Once your page is complete, be sure to delete all extraneous text (including this paragraph), as well as sample logos, links, images, and email addresses. Remember to save the page with your own filename. Then you can post your page to the Internet using Navigator Gold's Publish feature.

The McNab Family "Home" Page

Welcome home - to the McNab family home page, that is. Come on in, stay awhile, and meet the folks.

What's New with the McNab Family

ò Garth McNab, aka "Gramps," saw daughter Heather married in June.
ò Taught grandson Tim how to fish last month.
ò "Grannie" McNab is busy in her new gourmet kitchen.
ò Kent and Dianna McNab are overjoyed by the birth of their second child,
  daughter Waverly.
  (You also can add animation and sound here.)
ò Resident artist Brendan McNab designed this page.

ò Family News
ò Grannie's Favorite Cool Web Sites

ò Wedding and Baby Pictures
ò Family Tree
ò Clan Gatherings
ò Holiday Greetings

You can send e-mail to the McNab family

This page created with Netscape Navigator Gold

This page last updated on December 31, 2000.

 Copyright © 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation. Photo © PhotoDisc, Inc.