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Community Announcements

At this months meeting of the Happy Town City Council meeting, The topics ranged from new commercial zoning for increased industrial development to the installation of more wheelchair ramps in the Happy Town mall. The hours of the meeting can be found online, or by request from the office of the county clerk.

Due to the budget increase from last november, operations on the new sewage system for the outlying rural areas is nearing completion. This project has had many benefits on our community, employing at least 100 people as ditch-diggers. Joe, owner of Joe's hardware has reported a dramatic increase in sales as the inexperienced workers continued to break or lose the tools we purchased for them. Once in place, this system will allow less pollution into our water supply, allowing us to finally drink the water from our own county instead of shipping it in from Alhambra.

Once again, the Chinese New Year celebration, sponsered by donations from local businesses and the Lincoln High School bake sale was a smashing success. Pictured above are some of the elaborate decorations that adorned Main Street.

Recently, Miss Beatrice Wormeater was named teacher of the year by the Happy Town PTA. Miss Wormeater has been a teacher at our elementary school since the dawn of time, and has sacrificed any thought of her own family in order to better serve ours. Beatrice was named teacher of the year because of the incredible amount of time she has spent with the disadvantaged youths in the over-crowded juvenile hall as a volunteer.

Unfortunately volunteer involvment has been lacking in our community, and we would once again encourage you to take some time out of your busy schedule to do something for the other people in your world. Shown at left is young Mrs. Loni Greene, mother of four, PTA Secretary, Avon sales lady, candy striper, and cook for the soup kitchen. If the list of things she does for her community makes you feel guilty about your lack of volunteer involvement, then I've done my job correctly.

This page last updated on December 31, 2000.

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