Question 1 Line 1 Position 2 Camptosaurus 3-D Skeleton What skeleton of a Jurassic dinosaur is featured in this 3-D picture? Correct! HINT: Often featured in museums as the prey of Allosaurus. Sorry! The correct answer is Camptosaurus. Edmontosaurus Camptosaurus Prosaurolophus Compsognathus Heterodontosaurus Centrosaurus Gallimimus Question 2 Line 13 Position 2 Parasaurolophus Skull Popular theory for the use of the crest of Parasaurolophus. Correct! HINT: The crest contains two hollow tubes. Sorry! The correct answer is Enhances Resonance. Snorkeling Enhances Resonance Weather Barometer Brain Heat Regulation Weapon Food Storage Shoveling Tool Question 3 Line 25 Position 7 Stegosaurus Plate Stegosaurus plates were definitely not used for _____. Correct! HINT: The plates were covered with skin and blood vessels. Sorry! The correct answer is Sawing Trees. Heat Transfer Protection Ornaments Defensive Weapons Sexual Display Scaring Enemies Sawing Trees Question 4 Line 37 Position 7 Maiasaura Infant Skeleton The principal discoverer of the famous Maiasaura nesting colonies was? Correct! HINT: He is curator at Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana. Sorry! The correct answer is Jack Horner. Robert Bakker Don Lessem Michael Brett-Surmann Nicholas Hotton III Raymond Rye Charles Darwin Jack Horner Question 5 Line 49 Position 6 Allosaurus Skeleton What famous Utah quarry has yielded over 40 Allosaurus skeletons? Correct! HINT: In Emery County, near Cleveland, due south of Price. Sorry! The correct answer is Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry. La Brea Tar Pits Dinosaur National Monument Dinosaur Valley Dinosaur Provincial Park Frank Lloyd Wright Quarry Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry Bedrock Quarry Question 6 Line 67 Position 7 Protoceratops Eggs The famous Protoceratops nesting sites of the 1920Õs were found where? Correct! HINT: Mongolian Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History. Sorry! The correct answer is Mongolia. Germany Egypt Canada Algeria England Argentina Mongolia Question 7 Line 73 Position7 - Archaeopteryx skeleton One Archaeopteryx specimen was catalogued as this dinosaur for 30 years. Correct! HINT: Chicken-sized dinosaur in the book, ÒJurassic Park.Ó Sorry! The correct answer is Compsognathus. Dryosaurus Claosaurus Euoplocephalus Gallimimus Ouranosaurus Coelophysis Compsognathus Question 8 Line 85 Position 3 - Utahraptor claw This 8Ó sickle-claw belonged to the largest of the deinonychus dinosaurs. Correct! HINT: This dinosaur was named after a place of discovery. Sorry! The correct answer is Utahraptor. Albertosaurus Montanaraptor Utahraptor Sickleopholus Corythosaurus Plateosaurus Ankylosaurus Question 9 Line 97 Position 2 - Brachiosaurus Skeleton This is the only dinosaur to have front legs longer than the hind legs. Correct! HINT: A reconstructed skeleton resides in Berlin, Germany. Sorry! The correct answer is Brachiosaurus. Diplodocus Brachiosaurus Camarasaurus Apatosaurus Haplocanthosaurus Parasaurolophus Stegoceras Question 10 Line 109 Position 2 - Triassic Continents. During the Triassic Period only one single land mass existed. Name it. Correct! HINT: Sorry, No hints on this question. You are on your own! Sorry! The correct answer is Pangaea. Laurasia Pangaea Panthalassa Terrahumungus Cambrianaland Supraterra Gondwanaland Question 11 Line 121 Position 3 Edmontosaurus Skeleton This duck-billed dinosaur was named after a popular Canadian city. Correct! HINT: The province of Alberta claims this dinosaur. Sorry! Edmontosaurus is named for Edmonton, Alberta. Calgary Toronto Edmonton Ottawa Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver Question 12 Line 133 Position 6 Edmontosaurus Skin Cast This skin impression represents the skin texture of what dinosaur family? Correct! HINT: This dinosaur falls within a family of herbivorous dinosaurs. Sorry! The correct answer is Hadrosauridae. Camptosauridae Ceratosauridae Ceratopsidae Stegosauridae Coeluridae Hadrosauridae Ornithomimidae Question 13 Line 145 Position 1 Chasmosaurus Skeleton The word ÒChasmoÓ from the name Chasmosaurus translates as Òcleft.Ó Correct! HINT: Term also used in describing a genetically shaped chin in humans. Sorry! True. True False Question 14 Line 152 Position 2 Dilophosaurus skeleton This skeleton of Dilophosaurus was first found in Oregon. Correct! HINT: Home to the Grand Canyon. Sorry! False True False Question 15 Line 159 Position 6 DinosaurLand The Cretaceous Period witnessed the first occurrence of this life form. Correct! HINT: They blossomed alongside the dinosaurs. Sorry! The correct answer is Flowering Plants. Tropical Rain Forests Man Trilobites Cold-Blooded Reptiles Woolly Mammoths Flowering Plants Multi-colored Dinosaurs Question 16 Line 171 Position 5 Coelophysis Diorama The name of this dinosaur translates as Òhollow-form.Ó Correct! HINT: Dissect the dinosaur name into two parts. Not much help was it? Sorry! The correct answer is Coelophysis. Stegosaurus Velociraptor Ceratosaurus Apatosaurus Coelophysis Centrosaurus Ornithomimus Question 17 Line 183 Position 1 - Edmontosaurus Skull The most abundant group of dinosaurs in the Late Cretaceous Period. Correct! HINT: They are often described as Òduck-billedÓ dinosaurs. Sorry! The correct answer is Hadrosaurs. Hadrosaurs Stegosaurs Ankylosaurs Tyrannosaurs Ceratosaurs Abundasaurs Herdasaurs Question 18 Line 195 Position 4 - Edmontosaurus Diorama The first named dinosaur in America was found in this state. Correct! HINT: Mid-Atlantic State. Sorry! The correct answer is New Jersey. Delaware Vermont Maryland New Jersey Colorado Utah Wyoming Question 19 Line 207 Position 3 Tyrannosaurus Skull This term is often used when describing a Tyrannosaurus tooth. Correct! HINT: Steak Knives. Sorry! The correct answer is Serrated. Herringbone Sinuous Serrated Blunt Needle-like Cork Screw Flat Question 20 Line 219 Position 3 Stegosaurus Skeleton The grooves in the plates of Stegosaurus may have been used for? Correct! HINT: They were not used for playing records. Sorry! The correct answer is Furrows for Blood Vessels. Playing Records Tunnels made by Worms Furrows for Blood Vessels Tentacle Attachment Areas No Logical Explanation Scars from Fights Areas for Muscle Attachment Question 21 Line 231 Position 5 -Geologic Time Scale Which type of organism did not live during the Paleozoic Era? Correct! HINT: The Paleozoic Era was 545 - 251 million years ago. Sorry! The correct answer is Dinosaurs. Reptiles Fish Amphibians Insects Dinosaurs Spiders Shellfish Question 22 Line 243 Position 5 - Geologic Time Scale The first humans appear in this Era. Correct! HINT: 65 million years ago to present. Sorry! The correct answer is Cenozoic. Mesozoic Paleozoic Cambroic Humanoic Cenozoic Peoploic Manoic Question 23 Line 255 Position 3 - Dinosaurland Early man and dinosaurs are separated by this amount of time. Correct! HINT: Square root of 3600. Sorry! The correct answer is 60 million years. 36 million years 72 million years 60 million years 3.6 million years 18 million years 9 million years 600 million years Question 24 Line 267 Position 6 Archaeopteryx Cartoon When did the earth witness the appearance of the first birds? Correct! HINT: Archaeopteryx is considered to be the earliest-known bird. Sorry! The correct answer is Jurassic Period. Paleozoic Era Quaternary Cenozoic Era Pleistocene Cretaceous Period Jurassic Period Triassic Period Question 25 Line 279 Position 4 - Albertosaurus Diorama This dinosaur is a very close relative to Tyrannosaurus. Correct! HINT: First found in the badlands of western Canada in 1884. Sorry! The correct answer is Albertosaurus. Ornithomimus Maiasaura Tenontosaurus Albertosaurus Torontosaurus Calgarosaurus Ankylosaurus Question 26 Line 291 Position 4 - T-Rex Carnage Scene What dinosaur has recently been referred to as ÒKing of the Scavengers.Ó Correct! HINT: Opportunistic Hunter Sorry! The correct answer is Tyrannosaurus. Albertosaurus Deinonychus Velociraptor Tyrannosaurus Triceratops Chasmosaurus Seismosaurus Question 27 Line 303 Position 3 - DinosaurLand The Mesozoic Era is often termed _____. Correct! HINT: This term did not come from a movie title. Sorry! The correct answer is The Age of Reptiles. The Age of Man One Million Years BC The Age of Reptiles The Age of Mammoths The Ice Age The Land that Time Forgot Land of Gwangi Question 28 Line 315 Position 1 - Dinosaurland From oldest to youngest, which periods characterize the Mesozoic Era. Correct! HINT: Dinosaurs died out at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Sorry! The correct answer is Triassic/Jurassic/Cretaceous. Triassic/Jurassic/Cretaceous Cretaceous/Triassic/Jurassic Jurassic/Triassic/Cretaceous Cretaceous/Jurassic/Triassic Triassic/Cretaceous/Jurassic Jurassic/Cretaceous/Triassic None of the Above Question 29 Line 327 Position 2 - Woolly Mammoth The latest ice age is associated with Woolly Mammoths and this period. Correct! HINT: Man did live among the Woolly Mammoths. Sorry! The correct answer is Quaternary. Triassic Quaternary Jurassic Cretaceous Permian Devonian Silurian Question 30 Line 339 Position 2 - Dilophosaurus Skull The term for the gap in the jaw of Dilophosaurus below the nostril. Correct! HINT: Latin word for ÒUnder the Nostril.Ó Sorry! The correct answer is Subnarial Gap. Dorsal Gap Subnarial Gap Antorbital Fenestra Deviated Septum Post-ilium Furrow Phalanx Hole Neural Spike Question 31 Line 351 Position 7 - Dilophosaurus Skull The bony head crest of Dilophosaurus was DEFINITELY NOT used for _____. Correct! HINT: Give some thought to the comb of a rooster or hen. Sorry! The correct answer is Wind Deflector. Male Ornament Female Ornament Male Dominance Female Dominance Regulating Temperature Scare Potential Enemies Wind Deflector Question 32 Line 363 Position 2 - Dilophosaurus Skeleton Finding Dilophosaurus skeletons of varying sizes indicates _____. Correct! HINT: Safety in numbers. Sorry! Scientists believe these dinosaurs ran in packs. Meandering river deposit They ran in packs They ate their young Mere coincidence Dilophosaurus cemetery All of the Above No Theory Offered Question 33 Line 375 Position 3 Allosaurus Skeleton A foot-like expansion of this bone is found in theropods. Correct! HINT: Characteristic bone in the classification of dinosaurs. Sorry! The correct answer is Pubis. Femur Tibia Pubis Ischium Fibula Scapula Humerus Question 34 Line 387 Position 1 Dilophosaurus Diorama _____ led Samuel Welles to the first-known fossil of Dilophosaurus. Correct! HINT: Virtually unknown outside of this paleontological event. Sorry! The correct answer is Jesse Williams. Jesse Williams Jesse James Geronimo Jim Thorpe Samuel Lightfoot Keith Sundance Jim Tolliver Question 35 Line 399 Position 2 - Plateosaurus Skull Among others these two countries have excavated Plateosaurus skeletons. Correct! HINT: Western European Countries. Sorry! The correct answer is Germany and Switzerland. Norway and Spain Germany and Switzerland Egypt and Libya Australia and Korea Tanzania and Kenya Argentina and Brazil Sweden and Italy Question 36 Line 411 Position 2 - Coelophysis Skeleton The most famous Coelophysis fossil site is located here. Correct! HINT: This quarry is located in New Mexico. Sorry! The correct answer is Ghost Ranch Quarry. Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry Ghost Ranch Quarry Martin Sparks Quarry Dinosaur National Monument La Brea Tar Pit O. C. Marsh Quarry Rabbit Hill Quarry Question 37 Line 423 Position 3 - Coelophysis Skeleton***** Bones of infant Coelophysis in the bellies of adults may indicate _____? Correct! HINT: Food is Food. Sorry! The correct answer is Cannibalism. Unhatched Eggs Unborn Embryos Cannibalism No Conclusion Bony Stomach Walls Marsupial-like lifestyle Poor field work Question 38 Line 435 Position 1 - Coelophysis Diorama The demise of 200 Coelophysis at Ghost Ranch was probably the result of? Correct! HINT: When it rains it pours. Sorry! The correct answer is Flood. Flood Mass Suicide Volcanic Activity Fire Earthquake Tornado Epidemic/Disease Question 39 Line 447 Position 3 - Coelophysis Skull Coelophysis was first discovered in this southwest U.S. State. Correct! HINT: This state is also home to Albuquerque. Sorry! The correct answer is New Mexico. Arizona Oklahoma New Mexico Nevada Texas Utah Colorado Question 40 Line 459 Position 2 - Diplodocus Diorama Which dinosaur is the longest complete dinosaur skeleton known? Correct! HINT: This dinosaurÕs name translates as ÒDouble Beam.Ó Sorry! The correct answer is Diplodocus. Apatosaurus Diplodocus Camarasaurus Plateosaurus Longosaurus Tyrannosaurus Snakosaurus Question 41 Line 471 Position 7 - Stegosaurus Skull To date, this is the only kind of plated dinosaur found in North America. Correct! HINT: The most complete skeleton is now at the Smithsonian Institution. Sorry! The correct answer is Stegosaurus. Camptosaurus Iguanodon Ceratosaurus Plateosaurus Spinosaurus Ankylosaurus Stegosaurus Question 42 Line 483 Position 6 - Diplo Skull Samuel Williston discovered the first Diplodocus near this Colorado town. Correct! HINT: City near the ÒRoyal Gorge.Ó Sorry! The correct answer is Canon City. Denver Salida Westlake Climax Colorado Springs Canon City Pueblo Question 43 Line 495 Position 4 - Diplo Teeth Diplodocus swallowed food whole, so how was it broken up? Correct! HINT: Digestive organ common in modern birds. Sorry! The correct answer is Gizzard. Alkali Leaves Acidic Leaves Luck Gizzard Soft Food Lots of Water Maalox Question 44 Line 507 Position 3 - Diplo Skeleton Bones on the Diplodocus tail vertebrae probably provided this advantage. Correct! HINT: Although lightened by hollow vertebrae the tail was very heavy. Sorry! A resting tailÕs blood vessels were protected by these bones. Better rudder for swimming Identifying insignia Protected veins in tail Support for standing on tail Weapon for spearing enemy Better for waving to friends Left nice drag marks Question 45 Line 519 Position 4 - Diplodocus Diorama How many vertebrae were there in the tail of Diplodocus. Correct! HINT: 4 SCORE. Sorry! 80. 1 5 10 80 173 245 9 Question 46 Line 531 Position 8 - Stegosaurus Diorama Stegosaurus is the largest stegosaurid known. Correct! HINT: 50/50 shot. Hints are not allowed here. Sorry! True. True False Question 47 Line 538 Position 8 - Stegosaurus Skeleton Two popular Stegosaurus relatives are Kentrosaurus and Tuojiangosaurus. Correct! HINT: 50/50 shot. Hints are not allowed here. Sorry! True. True False Question 48 Line 545 Position 2 - Stegosaurus Diorama Rising numbers of these may have hastened the extinction of stegosaurids. Correct! HINT: These dinosaurs have been called ÒCretaceous Tanks.Ó Sorry! The correct answer is Ankylosaurs. Tyrannosaurs Ankylosaurs Ceratosaurs Hadrosaurs Massosaurs Pachycephalosaurs Ankleosaurs Question 49 Line 557 Position 4 - Stegosaurus Diorama The first Stegosaurus fossil site occurred at Quarry 13 in this state. Correct! HINT: Home to the Grand Tetons. Sorry! The correct answer is Wyoming. Kansas Missouri New Jersey Wyoming Alaska Oregon Texas Question 50 Line 569 Position 3 - Stegosaurus Skeleton 3-D Stegosaurids have been found in N. America, Europe, Africa, India, and __? Correct! HINT: Home of the worldÕs longest wall. Sorry! The correct answer is China. Australia Mongolia China Canada Mexico Argentina Belgium Question 51 Line 581 Position 1 - Cretaceous Continents Stegosaurids lived in this country during the Late Cretaceous Period. Correct! HINT: Home to the Bengal Tiger. Sorry! The correct answer is India. India South America Antarctica Canada Argentina Austria China Question 52 Line 593 Position 3 - Stegosaurus Skeleton The earliest stegosaurid is found in Upper Jurassic rocks of this country. Correct! HINT: Home to the Beatles. Sorry! The correct answer is England. France Belgium England Switzerland Austria Norway United States Question 53 Line 605 Position 3 - Cretaceous Continent The last stegosaurid lived during this time. Correct! HINT: The first modern birds appeared in this period. Sorry! The correct answer is Cretaceous. Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Permian Carboniferous Devonian Cambrian Question 54 Line 617 Position 1 - Jurassic Continents This process separated India from Africa at the end of the Jurassic Period. Correct! HINT: The second word is often associated with sand dunes or snow. Sorry! The correct answer is Continental Drift. Continental Drift Ice Age Tsunami Earthquake Continental Slide Big Bang Continental Shift Question 55 Line 629 Position 4 - Stegosaurus Skull The brain cavity of Stegosaurus is about the size of this object. Correct! HINT: A good hot dog ingredient. Sorry! The correct answer is a wiener. Basketball Atom Peanut Wiener Stegosaurus had no brain Grapefruit Watermelon Question 56 Line 641 Position 6 - Stegosaurus Skull The teeth of Stegosaurus are described as being this shape. Correct! HINT: This object usually is affected by senescence. Sorry! The correct answer is Leaf. Tear drop Pencil Spear Knife Hammer Leaf Needle Question 57 Line 653 Position 3 - Stegosaurus Skeleton How many plates did Stegosaurus have? Correct! HINT: 2x9+12/2-14/2. Sorry! The correct answer is 17. 9 13 17 21 23 14 19 Question 58 Line 665 Position 4 - Camarasaurus Skeleton Camarasaurus means ÒChambered Reptile.Ó Where were the chambers? Correct! HINT: These hollow cavities provided weight-saving advantages. Sorry! The correct answer is Vertebrae. Skull Femur Ribs Vertebrae Feet Teeth Pelvis Question 59 Line 677 Position 5 - Camarasaurus Diorama North American sauropod best known from nearly complete skeletons. Correct! HINT: The ÒChambered Reptile.Ó Sorry! The correct answer is Camarasaurus. Diplodocus Apatosaurus Plateosaurus Brachiosaurus Camarasaurus Camptosaurus Edmontosaurus Question 60 Line 689 Position 3 - Camarasaurus Skull Camarasaurus skeletons have been found in this country and N. America. Correct! HINT: This country occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. Sorry! The correct answer is Portugal. Spain Argentina Portugal Brazil Chile Norway England Question 61 Line 701 Position 1 - Camarasaurus Skull Diplodocus teeth were peg-like. CamarasaurusÕ teeth were shaped like? Correct! HINT: Eating Utensil. Sorry! The correct answer is Spoon-shaped. Spoon-shaped Serrated Box-shaped Blade-shaped Banana-shaped Leaf-shaped Needle-like Question 62 Line 713 Position 6 - Camarasaurus Skull The large eye sockets of Camarasaurus may indicate this quality. Correct! HINT: Generally the larger the eyes the easier to spot danger. Sorry! The correct answer is Keen Eye Sight. Bug Eyes Poor Eye Sight Blindness Small Brain Large Brain Keen Eye Sight Cross Eyed. Question 63 Line 725 Position 4 - Camarasaurus Vertebrae How many vertebrae did the neck of Camarasaurus contain? Correct! HINT: 2400 hours is military time for this hour in the PM. Sorry! The correct answer is 12. 57 34 3 12 21 8 58 Question 64 Line 737 Position 2 - Camarasaurus Diorama The number of hollowed-out dorsal vertebrae on the Camarasaurus back? Correct! HINT: The square root of a gross. Sorry! The correct answer is 12. 18 12 3 6 21 8 25 Question 65 Line 749 Position 5 - Coelophysis Skull What was the approximate weight of an adult Coelophysis? Correct! HINT: Half the weight of an average man. Sorry! The correct answer is about 80 pounds. 350 pounds 1 ton 2 grams 3 pounds 80 pounds No way to estimate 6 liters Question 66 Line 761 Position 2 - Dilophosaurus Skeleton Dr. Samuel Welles initially described Dilophosaurus as this dinosaur. Correct! HINT: The first dinosaur to be named scientifically. Sorry! The correct answer is Megalosaurus. Allosaurus Megalosaurus Plateosaurus Coelophysis Troodon Oviraptor Velociraptor Question 67 Line 773 Position 2 - Dilophosaurus Diorama Outside of Arizona, Dilophosaurus has been found in this state. Correct! HINT: West coast state famous for its apples. Sorry! The correct answer is Washington. Oregon Washington Maine Florida Kansas Missouri Texas Question 68 Line 785 Position 5 - Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry The Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry was declared a Natural Landmark in this year. Correct! HINT: MCMLXVII. Sorry! The correct answer is 1967. 1922 1889 1865 1911 1967 1983 1952 Question 69 Line 797 Position 7 - Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry The area now known as the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry was once _____. Correct! HINT: A sticky situation. Sorry! The correct answer is Jurassic bog. A Triassic bog A Jurassic desert A Triassic jungle A Cretaceous jungle A Cretaceous bog A Cretaceous desert A Jurassic bog Question 70 Line 809 Position 6 - Allosaurus Skull How was swallowing large mouthfuls made easier for Allosaurus? Correct! HINT: It had nothing to do with good lubrication. Sorry! The correct answer is Flexible Skull and Jaws. Greasy Saliva Large Throat No Back Teeth Slimy Throat Deep Palate Flexible Skull and Jaws Good Chewing Discipline Question 71 Line 821 Position 3 -Allosaurus Diorama Choose one of the most distinctive features of Allosaurus. Correct! HINT: DonÕt look for extra appendages. Sorry! The correct answer is Bony Eye Ridges. Large nose horn Hollow bones Bony eye ridges 6-toed Feet 5-fingered hands Evidence of two brains Subnarial gap Question 72 Line 833 Position 3 - Apatosaurus Skeleton O. C. Marsh reconstructed the first sauropod using these bones. Correct! HINT: This dinosaur is now known as Apatosaurus. Sorry! The correct answer is ÒBrontosaurus.Ó Camarasaurus Diplodocus ÒBrontosaurusÓ Tyrannosaurus Plateosaurus Brachiosaurus Barosaurus Question 73 Line 845 Position 3 - Apatosaurus Skull One of two dinosaurs used in the first sauropod reconstruction. Correct! HINT: One of the two dinosaurs is now known as Apatosaurus. Sorry! The correct answer is Camarasaurus. Camarasaurus Brachiosaurus Diplodocus Coelophysis Saltasaurus Barosaurus Allosaurus Question 74 Line 857 Position 1 - Apatosaurus Diorama This dinosaur has caused more controversy over its name than any other. Correct! HINT: O. C. Marsh should have done more homework. Sorry! The correct answer is Apatosaurus. Apatosaurus Brachiosaurus Megalosaurus Dilophosaurus Velociraptor Protoceratops Triceratops Question 75 Line 869 Position 8 - Apatosaurus Skull The first properly published name given to a dinosaur has priority. HINT: Try guessing. Sorry! True. True False Question 76 Line 875 Position 3 - Apatosaurus Skeleton Until 1979 virtually all Apatosaurus reconstructions used this skull. Correct! HINT: The difference is obvious to even a casual dinosaur enthusiast. Sorry! The correct answer is Camarasaurus. Tyrannosaurus No skull was ever attached Camarasaurus Tenontosaurus Maiasaura Torosaurus Compsognathus Question 77 Line 887 Position 2 - Apatosaurus Skull The skull shape of Apatosaurus is often compared to this animalÕs skull. Correct! HINT: It didnÕt resemble a house pet. Sorry! The correct answer is Horse. Dog Horse Cat Rat Pigeon Tiger Human Question 78 Line 899 Position 5 - Apatosaurus Foot The foot proportions of Apatosaurus are similar to those of this animal. Correct! HINT: This animal is found in India and Africa. Sorry! The correct answer is Elephant. Alligator Cheetah Ostrich Eagle Elephant Cow Buffalo Question 79 Line 911 Position 2 - Ceratosaurus Skeleton The only complete Ceratosaurus skeleton is located in this museum. Correct! HINT: Located in a capital city. Sorry! The correct answer is Smithsonian Institution. Peabody Museum Smithsonian Institution Royal Ontario Museum American Museum Museum of the Rockies Royal Scottish Museum Bernissart Museum Question 80 Line 923 Position 1 - Ceratosaurus Diorama Lack of abundant fossils lead scientists to believe Ceratosaurus _____. Correct! HINT: Many contrast the pack-hunting Allosaurus to Ceratosaurus. Sorry! The correct answer - Òwas a solitary predator.Ó was a solitary predator was lucky not to be found decomposed quickly avoided Jurassic bogs avoided swollen rivers ate their own was eaten by others Question 81 Line 935 Position 5 - Ceratosaurus Skeleton Who discovered the first and most famous Ceratosaurus skeleton? Correct! HINT: The discovery occurred in 1883 at the Garden Park Quarry, Colorado. Sorry! The correct answer is M. P. Felch. O. C. Marsh E. D. Cope Gideon Mantell J. H. Ostrom M. P. Felch R. R. Irish William Buckland Question 82 Line 947 Position 5 - Ceratosaurus Skull Scientists have calculated that Ceratosaurus lived approximately _____. Correct! HINT: Ceratosaurus was a Jurassic dinosaur. Sorry! The correct answer is 140 million years ago. 34 million years ago 64 million years ago 224 million years ago 80 million years ago 140 million years ago Ceratosaurus is still living 600 million years ago Question 83 Line 959 Position 7 - Ceratosaurus Skull Ceratosaurus lived at the same time and place as which other dinosaur? Correct! HINT: This dinosaur name translates as ÒDifferent Reptile.Ó Sorry! The correct answer is Allosaurus. Dilophosaurus Coelophysis Tenontosaurus Differontosaurus Segnosaurus Saltasaurus Allosaurus Question 84 Line 971 Position 3 - Allosaurus Claw Which dinosaur sports this claw? Correct! HINT: Jurassic Theropod. Sorry! The correct answer is Allosaurus. Edmontosaurus Camptosaurus Allosaurus Compsognathus Ceratosaurus Tyrannosaurus Gallimimus Question #85 Line 983 Position 8 - Allosaurus Skull The triangular-shaped ridges above the eyes of Allosaurus are hollow. Correct! HINT: Salt glands may have been associated with these ridges. Sorry! True. True False Question #86 Line 990 Position 8- Allosaurus Skeleton 3-D Allosaurus has a characteristic pubis which ends in a large Òfoot.Ó Correct! HINT: Good Luck! Sorry! True. True False Question #87 Line 997 Position 1 - Brachiosaurus Skeleton The teeth of Brachiosaurus can best be described as _____. Correct! HINT: Item of Hardware. Sorry! The correct answer is Chisel-shaped. Chisel-shaped Spear-shaped Blunt Razor sharp Serrated Leaf-shaped Pointed Question #88 Line 1009 Position 9 Brachiosaurus Skull Extreme wear on the teeth of Brachiosaurus indicated it often ate flesh. Correct! HINT: Brachiosaurus teeth are somewhat spoon-shaped. Sorry! False. True False Question #89 Line 1016 Position 4 - Brachiosaurus Skull 3-D Large holes above BrachiosaurusÕ eyes may have been used for _____. Correct! HINT: Improved sensory elements are common theories. Sorry! The correct answer is d. All of the above. a. Heat Transfer b. Sound generation c. Enhancing senses d. All of the above a & b only b & c only none of the above Question #90 Line 1028 Position 9 - Brachiosaurus Skull The hindlimbs or Brachiosaurus are much longer than the forelimbs. Correct! HINT: The stance of Brachiosaurus is unique among all dinosaurs. Sorry! False. True False Question #91 Line 1035 Position 9- Camarasaurus Vertebrae Locked vertebrae is a common phrase describing this picture. Correct! HINT: These vertebrae provided support in supporting the extended tail. Sorry! False. Fused Vertebrae is the common phrase. True False Question #92 Line 1042 Position 2- Brachiosaurus Skeleton Brachiosaurus browsing on tall trees would have most needed a strong? Correct! HINT: Circulatory System. Sorry! The correct answer is Heart. Liver Heart Front legs Lungs Tail Hind legs Back Question #93 Line 1054 Position 2 - 3-D Campto Skeleton Camptosaurus shows typical _____ features. Correct! HINT: Camptosaurus has a relatively small thumb claw. Sorry! The correct answer is Iguanodontoid. Hadrosaurid Iguanodontoid Pachycephalosaurid Diplodocid Brachiosaurid Anchisaurid Plateosaurid Question #94 Line 1066 Position 9 - Camptosaurus Hands Camptosaurus walked on all fours while foraging. Correct! HINT: Camptosaurus has small hooves on its fingers. Sorry! The correct answer is True. True False Question #95 Line 1073 Position 2 - Iguanodon Hands Which dinosaur sported these hands? Correct! HINT: This dinosaurÕs wrist bones were fused together. Sorry! The correct answer is Iguanodon. Iguanodon Edmontosaurus Dilophosaurus Coelophysis Corythosaurus Dilophosaurus Ceratosaurus Question #96 Line 1085 Position 9 - Camptosaurus Hands. Camptosaurus had a thumb claw slightly larger than that of Iguanodon. Correct! HINT: Camptosaurus often walked on all fours requiring strong forelimbs. Sorry! The thumb claw of Camptosaurus was small. True False Question #97 Line 1092 Position 9- Camptosaurus Skeleton 3-D In contrast to the three-toed Iguanodon, Camptosaurus has five toes. Correct! HINT: Camptosaurus has fewer than 6 toes. Sorry! False. Camptosaurus has four toes. True False Question #98 Line 1099 Position 3 - Ceratosaurus Skull The lightly built skull of Ceratosaurus was constructed of _____? Correct! HINT: Hollow, they were not. Sorry! The correct answer is Bony struts and sheets. Bony struts Bony sheets Bony struts and sheets Bony plates Bony plates and sheets Hollow struts Hollow sheets Question #99 Line 1111 Position 4 - Ceratosaurus Diorama This dinosaur has a characteristic blade-like horn on its snout. Correct! HINT: This dinosaur lived in the Late Jurassic. Sorry! The correct answer is Ceratosaurus. Allosaurus Tyrannosaurus Dilophosaurus Ceratosaurus Hornoceras Maiasaura Albertosaurus