Shelly Cashman Series Lab - Using the Mouse Name ____________________________________ Course and Division _______________________ Date ___________________ Page 1 of 2 As you step through the Interactive Lab, answer the following questions in the spaces provided. For multiple choice questions, enter the appropriate letter on the blank line. 1. A mouse unit is a(n) _____________. a. input device b. output device c. secondary storage device d. integral part of the system unit For questions 2 through 5, use the following choices. a. pointing b. right-clicking c. double-clicking d. dragging 2. Rapidly pressing and releasing a mouse button twice while maintaining the pointer's location on the screen is called _____________. 3. Moving the mouse across a mouse pad or the top of the desk to move the pointer on the screen is called ______________. 4. _____________ is primarily used to move an item from one location on the screen to another. 5. _____________ when the mouse pointer is positioned over an object displays a shortcut menu related to that object. 6. In the space provided below, draw the chief features of the mouse. Include in the drawing the general shape of a mouse, the location of the buttons, and its cable. Shelly Cashman Series Lab - Using the Mouse Page 2 of 2 For questions 7 through 10, enter the letter T for true or F for false on the line provided before the question number. ___________ 7. A check box is like a switch in that you can turn it on or off by clicking it. ___________ 8. Option buttons form a group of options from which you must choose two or more. ___________ 9. A drop-down list box contains a list of options from which you can select at most one. ___________ 10. Use a scroll bar to set a value or move around a document that is larger than the screen.