Dear Registered User: First of all, thank you for supporting SciTech Software. In an effort to combat software piracy and protect your investment in our product, we have made a slight change in the way we distribute SciTech Display Doctor. This trial version cannot be converted into a permanent registered version of the program. The registered version of SciTech Display Doctor is now only available directly from SciTech Software and will not be available for download on the Internet. If you have previously purchased SciTech Display Doctor, the registered version is available to you at no charge via email or we can send it to you on a diskette for a nominal shipping and handling fee (please see below for more information). The size of the file that will be transmitted to you via email is approximately 1.4MB for the Windows based install and 600KB for the DOS based install. If you request the email option, please make sure that you will be able to receive the file at the email address you specify below because some older email programs may not be able to accept files of that size. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you. These measures were required so that we can continue to fund future development of our products for the benefit of you, our paying customer. If you have any questions or comments about this issue, please feel free to email us at SciTech Software, Inc. Update Request Form For fastest service email to: or send to: Display Doctor 5.3a Upgrade Fax: (916) 894-9069 SciTech Software 505 Wall Street Chico, CA 95928 Registered Name:______________________________________________ Company (if any):_____________________________________________ Serial Number:________________________________________________ Mailing Address:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________ Fax number: ________________ Preferred Email Address: _____________________________________ Windows Installation (includes DOS utilities!) [ ] DOS Installation [ ] Email [ ] Free (Please allow 1-3 business days) Disk [ ] US: US$5.00 Shipping and handling charge per disk Intl: US$7.50 Shipping and handling charge per disk Total Enclosed $_______ Disk ONLY method of payment: [ ] Check (USA only) [ ] Money Order [ ] Credit Card *$15.00 charge for all returned checks Credit Card Orders: MasterCard / Visa / Amex / Discover (Circle one) Card Number ______________________________ Expires ____/____ Cardholder's name (print) ____________________________________ If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact our customer service department at (916) 894-8400.