Plugin For Netscape
Beta 3 Release

Thank You
Thanks for using WebFX, the fastest VRML viewer on the internet and the first to work as a plugin for Netscape Navigator. We realize you have a choice in VRML viewers and we will continue to do our absolute best to provide you with distinctive advantages in design, performance, and quality.

To help get you on your way, we've assembled some helpful information and cool worlds:
Getting Started
First of all, you may have noticed that the images in the upper left are actually live VRML objects. Try navigating within them by referring to the table below:


Alt + Drag


Control + Click
Walk through the scene

Move the scene

Jump to an attached web site

Automatically walk to where you clicked

Orbit about the scene

Popup the WebFX main menu

Important! Use the Right Mouse Button!
Many people forget that you can use the right mouse button to popup the WebFX main menu or to easily spin a scene around. Consequently, they miss much of what WebFX has to offer. Don't let this happen to you. Also, note that WebFX will let you fling an object with the right mouse button. This will cause the object to continue to spin on its own and can sometimes be very helpful when examining a standalone model. Lastly, be sure to check out our Fly and Point navigation modes. Displaying the HUD navigation help will give you complete directions on how to use the mouse and keyboard while in any of these modes.

Coming Soon

VRML Behaviors via Java
We've been spending all of our time lately with Java. Very soon, WebFX will sport full compatibility with Java by doing two things:

  1. WebFX will expose a 3D object oriented API which may be called by Java to build or change 3D worlds and then enhance them with sophisticated behaviors.
  2. WebFX will support downloading of Java applets embedded within VRML files.
Multi-User Support via Java
As part of our Java support, we will be releasing a multi-user Java applet which works with WebFX to provide chatting capabilities, complete with motion tracking, behaviors, and VRML avatars. We plan to place the source code for this applet in the public domain so that you can use it as a basis for implementing your own VRML/Java scripts with WebFX.

WebFX Explorer
Don't use Netscape Navigator? Shame on you. Nevertheless, if you're interested in VRML viewing independent of any web browser, you'll want to check out our upcoming WebFX Explorer release. It integrates seamlessly with the Windows 95 Explorer and will let you take advantage of all those great object oriented drag and drop features. We've also got a special surprise in the works for Netscape fans who want to do a little exploring of their own inside of Netscape...

Bug Fixes and Other Enhancements
Of course, we'll also be working around the clock to make WebFX even better. Here are some of the things we will be fixing or improving in our next release:

Internet technologies are growing at such an amazing pace, it sometimes seems you're always on the "bleeding edge". For example, right now you're using a beta copy of Netscape Navigator, beta Java support, and a beta copy of WebFX. In fact, the VRML files you are about to see are based on a standard that is still early and somewhat in flux.

Some of the problems you may run into are:

Nevertheless, we have endeavored to create as stable an environment as possible. Here are some of the steps we have taken to make your flight more enjoyable.

Paper Software, Inc.
4 Deming Street
Woodstock, NY 12498

914-679-2440 (voice)
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(c) 1995 Paper Software, Inc.
WebFX, PaperKit, and SideBar are
trademarks of Paper Software, Inc.