0 ENU 1 All Files 2 3 Acrobat MoviePlayer 4 Movie 5 MOP00000 6 Choose a Border Color: 7 none 8 embedded 9 Yes 10 No 11 Cancel 12 \ncannot be found. Would you like to browse for a replacement file? 13 Cannot Initialize Quicktime. Check your QuickTime installation. 14 Cannot Initialize Video for Windows. Check your Video for Windows installation. 15 This is not a Movie File. 16 Maximum Size 17 Checking Movie File 18 Movie Tool (M)|m 19 There are no movies to select on this page. 20 Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play. 21 Select &Movie... 22 Movie: 24 Sound 25 Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play. 26 Select Soun&d... 29 Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported. 30 Acrobat Movie Plug-In Version 4.05 31 (c) Copyright 1997-1999, Adobe Systems Incorporated.\nAll rights reserved. 32 Author: Marc Kaufman \n \nQuality Assurance: Jonathan Sjordal, Steve McShurley \n \nManagement: Bob Wulff \n \nMarketing: Rob Babcock \n \nInspiration: Ethan Arutunian 33 34 35 36 QuickTime Movies (*.mov)@*.mov@All Movies (*.mov;*.avi)@*.mov;*.avi@All Files (*.*)@*.*@@ 37 Sound Files (*.wav;*.aif)@*.wav;*.aif@All Files (*.*)@*.*@@ 38 This Acrobat Movie plug-in is licensed under the Electronic End User License Agreement which you accepted when you installed Acrobat Reader or Viewer, except that you may make unlimited copies of the Movie 39 plug-in and give copies to other persons or entities as long as (i) such persons/entities are licensed to use Acrobat products and (ii) the copies you make and distribute contain the same copyright and other 40 proprietary notices that appear on or in this plug-in software. 41 \n\nAdobe, Acrobat and the Acrobat logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. 42 Black 43 White 44 Red 45 Green 46 Blue 47 Cyan 48 Magenta 49 Yellow 50 Custom... 51 Don't Show Poster 52 Put Poster in Document 53 Retrieve Poster from Movie 54 256 Colors 55 Millions of Colors 56 Invisible 57 Thin 58 Medium 59 Thick 60 Solid 61 Dashed 62 Play Once then Stop 63 Play Once, stay Open 64 Repeat Play 65 Back and Forth 66 Save Path Relative to Document 67 Save Absolute Path 68 Put Movie in Document 69 Play 70 Stop 71 Pause 72 Resume 73 Play Movie 74 Properties 75 Acrobat &Movie... 76 &Legal 77 &Credits 78 Delete