------------------------------------------- C Programming Starter Kit 2.0 Electronic Registration Form ------------------------------------------- Save time & stamps! Email your registration for this product. You'll automatically receive information via email if there are any updates to the software. Send Internet email to: ckit2-reg@mcp.com Are you a member of CompuServe, America Online, Prodigy, or other online service? You can send Internet email through your service's Internet gateway. Please do not ask any questions in your email registration; they may not be answered. Send your support questions to: support@mcp.com Include only the following information in your email message: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Address: City: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country (if not U.S.): Email address: Age: Under 18 18-24 25-35 36-50 50+ Sex: Male Female Total Household Income: Under $20,000 $21,000-35,000 $36,000-50,000 $51,000-75,000 $76,000+ Where did you buy this product? Computer Specialty Store Electronics Store Discount Store Mail Order Book Store Online What will this product be used for? Personal use Gift Business use School What Operating System(s) are you running? (check all that apply) Windows 95 Windows 3.1x Windows NT 3.51 Windows NT 4.0 Have you programmed before? Yes, which language(s)? How many of these types of software products have you purchased in the past 6 months? Operating Systems Programming Tools Games Reference Business Applications Internet Graphics Productivity Why did you buy this product? Comments: