Instructions for the ide example STYLESHT.IDE. // // Instructions for StyleSht.ide // Copyright Borland International, 1993 // Note: [This example builds on another example in the 'SrcPool' directory that walks throught how build a multi-target project using abstract SourcePools and reference-copies. A general understanding of that example is assumed here. Although SourcePools and reference copying are used in this example, they are by no means necessary for using StyleSheets.] This example shows how applying StyleSheets can dramatically ease the process of creating multiple targets based on the same source code with completely different results: one target is designed for debugging and pre-production, while the other target, using the exact same pool of source code creates a 'delivery' edition with no debugging symbols and fully optimized for a different platform. Anywhere along the way you can inspect the impact of setting options and assigning StyleSheets by using the Options Inspector. You can reach the Inspector by: 1) Bring up the SpeedMenu for node in the Project View by hitting the right-button while the cursor is over that node. 2) Select 'View options hierarchy' To see the full effect of this example select: Options|Environment|Project View|Style Sheet This will allow you see the Style Sheets assigned throughout the tree while in the Project View. As you can now see, the styles16 [.exe] will be created with full debugging on, whereas the styles32 [.exe] will be created with debugging off and optimized for speed. Please note that even though the "My Styles Source" SourcePool is reference copied, applying these StyleSheets (or any local overrides) at the reference nodes, has no effect on the other copies and allows maximum flexibility for creating the right targets. This is accomplished with the following steps: 1) Bring up the SpeedMenu for the SourcePool under stylesht16 by hitting the right-button while the cursor is over that node. 2) Select 'Edit node attributes' 3) Select from the drop-list called StyleSheets one of pre-existing StyleSheets to apply to the node. 4) Optionally you can create your own StyleSheet (either based on a pre-existing one, or from scratch) by pushing the 'Styles...' button in this dialog or from Option|Style Sheets from the main menu.