************************************************************************* * README FIRST * * * ************************************************************************* This README describes the contents of the Fujitsu COBOL CD, and provides valuable information about Fujitsu COBOL products. _________________________________________________________________________ 1. CD Contents +--------------------------------+--------------------+----------------- | Description | Path | README (1) +--------------------------------+--------------------+----------------- | COBOL85 Compiler | \FSC\PCOBOL32 | COBOL85.TXT | PowerCOBOL | \FSC\PCOBOL32 | README.TXT | PowerCOBOL | \FSC\PCOBOL32 | MCI.TXT | PowerBSORT | \FSC\PBSORT32 | README32.TXT | PowerFORM | \FSC\POWERFORM | README.TXT | PowerGEM Plus | \FSC\POWERGEM32 | README.TXT | Data Tools | \FSC\DATATOOL | README.TXT | - Data Editor | \FSC\DATATOOL | READEDIT.TXT | - Data Converter | \FSC\DATATOOL | READCONV.TXT +--------------------------------+--------------------+----------------- (1) All README files are stored in the directory associated with the COBOL product _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Registration You MUST be a registered user of Fujitsu COBOL to obtain technical support. Support is free for first 60 days. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Support Information Technical support can be obtained by: Sending E-mail to "support@adtools.com" and include: Name Company Phone Number Fax Number Product Platform Detailed Description of Problem (How, when, etc the problem occurs) Response time is normally between 24 to 72 hours Fujitsu Software can be contacted by: Calling us at (408) 428-0500 or Faxing us at (408) 428-0600 - Mark your communications (ATTENTION FUJITSU COBOL SUPPORT) _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Uninstall Software To remove the software use the "Add/Remove Programs" on the Windows Control Panel. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Web Site Please visit our web site for the latest information about our products. Our web address is: http://www.adtools.com _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Fujitsu COBOL Pricing Information Detailed Pricing information can be obtained from our website at: http://www.adtools.com/lpg/prices.htm For sales information please contact us: Calling us at (408) 428-0300 or (800) 545-6774 or Faxing us at (408) 428-0600 - Mark your faxes (ATTENTION FUJITSU COBOL SALES) _________________________________________________________________________ 7. Fujitsu CD Contents: COBOL32 (32-bit) Fujitsu COBOL Compiler Fujitsu PowerBSORT OCX Fujitsu PowerBSORT Fujitsu PowerFORM Fujitsu PowerGEM Plus Fujitsu Data Editor Fujitsu Data Converter COBOL-CGI for Web Development Crystal Reports Professional 4.5 Common Ground Pro-Viewer COBOL16 (16-bit) (2) Fujitsu COBOL Compiler Fujitsu PowerCOBOL Fujitsu PowerBSORT Fujitsu PowerGEM Plus Crystal Reports Professional 4.5 Common Ground Pro-Viewer SUN (Solaris) Fujitsu COBOL Compiler Fujitsu PowerBSORT Fujitsu FORM Runtime Fujitsu Power GEM Plus (Server Support) HPUX Fujitsu COBOL Compiler Fujitsu PowerBSORT Fujitsu FORM Runtime Fujitsu Power GEM Plus (Server Support) SOFTCOPY CommonGround Pro-Viewer All Manuals in CommonGround .DP Format All Manuals in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format (2) 16bit COBOL can be used on Windows 3.1 and for creating 16-bit applications that will run on Windows 95 and NT. The 16-bit products can be installed by running the install program located in the COBOL16\SETUP.EXE. _________________________________________________________________________ 8. License Options: Purchase price and pricing options can be viewed at our web site: http://www.adtools.com/lpg/prices.htm Fujitsu COBOL Professional for Windows 3.1(16bit), Windows 95 and NT (32bit) Fujitsu COBOL Compiler and Runtime System Fujitsu PowerCOBOL Fujitsu PowerBSORT VBX and OCX Fujitsu COBOL Enterprise for Windows 3.1 (16bit), Windows 95 and NT (32bit) Fujitsu COBOL Compiler and Runtime System Fujitsu PowerCOBOL Fujitsu PowerBSORT Fujitsu PowerFORM (32bit) Fujitsu PowerGEM Plus (Code Control & Development System) Fujitsu Data Editor (32bit) Fujitsu Data Converter (32bit) PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS FUJITSU COBOL - Standards Compliant (Full ANSI Standard COBOL X3.23 1985, ISO-1989-1985) "COBOL 85" plus the 89 Addendum" - Compatibility support with OS/VS COBOL, VS COBOL II and Micro Focus - Embedded SQL Preprocessor with ODBC support - Embedded COBOL Report Writer, - Full function COBOL execution time debugger - Programming Staff (Edit and Compile Environment) - Micro Focus Conversion Utility (MFTO85) - File Utility - Easy integration with Microsoft Visual Basic FUJITSU PowerCOBOL - A tool to create Windows based GUI and/or client applications. - PowerCOBOL is event driven like Visual Basic but the event scripting logic is written using COBOL. - PowerCOBOL is an easy way for COBOL programmers to create GUI applications. - PowerCOBOL supports many popular controls like: sound, images, tables, list boxes, ODBC Database access, and DDE. FUJITSU PowerBSORT OCX - Easy integration of high performance sort, merge, and copy functions with tools like Visual Basic, VC++, and Microsoft Access. - Support for Sequential, relative and indexed files. FUJITSU PowerBSORT - Easy to use user interface to perform ad hoc Sorts, Merges, and Copies on sequential, relative and indexed files. - Provides high performance sort, merge and copy functions. Provides a high speed alternative to COBOL sort verb. - Call-able interface enables C language routines to perform sort utility functions. FUJITSU PowerGEM Plus - Comprised of two very powerful features an Integrated Development Environment (PowerFRAMEVIEW) and a Code Control System PowerGEM Plus. - Provides a tool integration platform enabling the tools such as editors, compilers, tools, and utilities to be launched seamlessly. - Delivers integrated tools support for multiple programming languages (C, C++, COBOL, Fortran, Java, etc.). - Microsoft Make Facility is included along with a build and make file management tool. - Version control providing the capability to maintain multiple program versions, and the ability to restore a program to a previous version. - Access control allowing project management features to enable check out and checked in while a maintaining a revision history. PowerFORM (32-bit) - A flexible tool which enables the creation and maintenance of complex print forms. - Enables replacement of traditional COBOL text reports with graphical COBOL reports; making it possible to replace preprinted forms. - Easy to use GUI form designer allows for layout and the creation of forms with color, graphics, shading, and more. - COBOL program uses Write statements to elements (labels) to use the forms created with PowerFORM. - Forms created with PowerFORM can be used on Windows 95, NT, HP-UX and Solaris. (HP-UX and Solaris versions require Fujitsu COBOL and FORM RTS in order to use FORM on these platforms). Data Editor (32-bit) - Provides the facility to create, update and browse data files; viewing them as they appear in a COBOL program. - Data Editor will displays data using the same structure as they appear in COBOL programs. - Supports sequential, indexed, and relative files. Data Converter (32-bit) - Tool for converting data files from one format to another; input and output files are defined and data is converted as it is copied to the defined output file. - Converts different file organizations: sequential, indexed, relative, text file (line sequential), binary, comma-separated values (CSV) - Converts different character code systems: ASCII and ECBDIC. Crystal Reports (A product of Seagate Software Corporation) - A powerful adhoc report program for creating custom reports, lists and labels using exist databases. - Allows technical and non-technical users to create customized reports quickly and easily from a variety of databases, under Microsoft Windows - Prepares reports by read data in the database files selected and making that data availab for use in your report. CommonGround (A product of Hummingbird Communications Ltd.) - A tool for converting and displaying a document as Digital Paper. - CommonGround offers every thing expected from an original document such as colors, fonts and graphics -- all in electronic form. Cobol-GGI (A product of England Technical Services, Inc.) - A tool for interfacing COBOL programs with the Web, and using a web browser to display program information. - Cobol-CGI retrieves information from the client, such as data entered on a form or stored as environment variables, and returns a web page response. _________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks and Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries. HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett Packard Corporation in the USA and other countries. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc. in the USA and other countries. Crystal Reports is a registered trademark of Seagate Software Corporation, in the USA and other countries. CommonGround is a trademark of Hummingbird Communications Limited, in USA and other countries. Cobol-CGI is a tradmark of England Technical Services, Inc. in USA and other countries. Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the USA and other countries. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) Fujitsu Limited 1992, 1997.