All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Fujitsu Ltd. 1994-1997 ************************************************************************* ** ** ** Software Release Guide ** ** ** ** Fujitsu Data Converter V3.0 L10 ** ** ** ** ** ************************************************************************* This document contains information regarding use, usage notes and reference information for Data Converter. Registered trademarks: Microsoft, Windows are the registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows NT is a trademark of U.S.A. Microsoft Corporation. In this software release guide, product names are abbreviated as follows: Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Version 3.1 > Windows 3.1 Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95 Operating System > Windows 95 Microsoft (R) Windows NT (TM) Workstation Operating System > Windows NT Microsoft (R) Windows NT (TM) Server Network Operating System > Windows NT This software release guide is structured as follows: 1. Product overview 2. Main features 3. Software requirement 4. Usage notes limitations 5. Use of sample data 1. Product overview Data Converter is a tool for converting data files from one format to another. You define the input and output file formats and Data Converter performs the task of moving the data between various file formats - for example - COBOL data file and CSV (comma separated values) format file. And it can convert between different character code systems - ASCII and ECBDIC. Data Converter can convert the following file format to another. - Sequential, - Indexed, - Relative, - Text file (line sequential), - Binary, - Comma-Separated Values (CSV). Data Converter is a 32 bit application running on the following systems. - Windows 95 - Windows NT 3.51 2. Main features - Code Conversion Data Converter supports the ASCII and EBCDIC code systems. Other codes can be added by using the User Defined Conversion Table. - Data Conversion Data Converter supports all COBOL data types such as packed decimal and binary data. It supports converting individual fields between different data types. Items are converted according to the descriptions setup in the Layout Definition Function. - File Organization Conversion Data Converter supports the conversion between COBOL85 Files, binary files, text files, and CSV format files. - Layout Definition The Layout Definition utility makes it easy to define the input and output file structures by analyzing COBOL COPY libraries and displaying the field by field conversions that will be performed. - Conversion Wizard - Batch Mode Working Data Converter provides a batch mode interface so that conversions are performed without requiring user intervention for input parameters. - Integration with Data Editor Data Converter is integrated with Data Editor so that data can be passed quickly and conveniently from Data Editor to Data Converter. 3. Software requirement When handling COBOL data file, Fujitsu COBOL85 or Fujitsu COBOL85 runtime system 3.0 is required. 4. Usage notes and limitations - Data Converter can handle the Fujitsu COBOL data file by analyzing a COBOL library file containing the record description of the data to be converted. The data description must follow the syntax of Fujitsu COBOL data description entry. Following is the sample data description in the COBOL library. 01 RECORD-A. 03 ITEM-A PIC X(10). 03 ITEM-B. 05 SUB-ITEM-1 PIC 9(2). 05 SUB-ITEM-2 PIC 9(3). - COBOL library for data description must have no syntax error. - The data description entry must begin with 01 level item. - If the description in library contains descriptions other than data description entry (such as: FD statement or BLOCK CONTAINS clause), Data Converter cannot analyze the library. - The data item name must not have pseudo-text. - Following data entry language elements description are not supported. If these elements exist, an analysis error will occur. OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause USAGE COMP-X clause Refer to the help for the other limitation details and usage notes for Data Converter. 5. Use of sample data The sample data is provided to assist you in understanding the software. Follow the sequence given below: (1) Click Data Converter Icon in the Start menu. (2) Select New setup from File menu, and the conversion wizard is opened. (3) Specify the following in Data Converter Conversion Wizard. Things not specified will maintain the default values. Setup 1 of 5 File Conversion Mode: "Data file conversion" Current Folder: Folder with the sample data (DATA1.DAT) (Example: C:\DATATOOL\SAMPLE) Setup 2 of 5 Layout definition file: File specifications of DATA1.LAY sample DATA1.LAY is the Layout definition file which is created by analyzing the COBOL library of the DATA1.CBL. Setup 3 of 5 (Input file information setup) Code system: ASCII File name: DATA1.DAT (sample) Setup 4 of 5 (Output file information setup) Code system: ASCII File name: An output file name Default : *.OUT (* is the same as input file) Setup 5 of 5 Click Finish button (4) Confirm by previewing the conversion result in CSV format. (5) Start the conversion process by clicking Convert button. (6) Confirm the converted output file using Notepad.