InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER: LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersion KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo Dsetup DirectXSetupA genid Kernel32 GetWindowsDirectoryA Kernel GetWindowsDirectory User32 WinHelpA WinHelp Cpuinf32 wincpuid Cpuinf32 wincpuidsupport Cpuinf32 wincpuidext Cpuinf32 wincpuidfeatures Cpuinf32 cpunormspeed COMPANY_NAMER UNINST_KEYR PRODUCT_VERSIONR PRODUCT_KEYR Uninst.isu UNINST_KEYR ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR PRODUCT_KEYR UNINST_DISPLAY_NAMER Normal Install COMPANY_NAMER Sierra System ComponentsA Sierra System ComponentsA b SOFTWARE\Sierra OnLinea UtilityDirA COMPANY_NAME16R Sierra System ComponentsA b SIERRA.INIa Sierraa UtilityDirb Sierra.infa Sierra.inf! Sierra System ComponentsA Sierra System Components EuropeanA Sierra System HelpA WININETA OLEAUTA OLEAUTA SIGS ComponentsA ExecutableA language.infa Sierra System ComponentsA Sierra System Components EuropeanA Sierra System HelpA OLEAUTA SIGS ComponentsA WININETA ExecutableA TITLE_CAPTIONBARR ERROR_MOVEDATAR ERROR_CAP_MOVEDATA2R ERROR_MOVEDATA2R regsvr32.exe /s% ATX32.OCX3 LaunchApp regsvr32 failed.A Ltocx80n.ocx3 LaunchApp regsvr32 failed.A Sierra.inf% Setupa InstallShielda SIERRA.INIa Redirecta UnInstallb SIERRA.INI PRODUCT_NAMER pathsb DIRECTORY_NAMER SIERRA.INIa Sierraa SierraDirR SIERRA.INIa Sierraa SierraDirb SIERRA.INIa SierraDirsb DIRECTORY_NAMER SIERRA.INIa SierraDirsb SIERRA.INIa Sierraa SierraDirb LANGUAGE.INF PRODUCT_NAMER Identa Titleb PRODUCT_NAME16R Identa ShortTitleb DIRECTORY_NAMER Identa DirNameb PRODUCT_KEYR DemoLista DemoListb DemoListb DEMO_INSTALLR DEMO_TEXTR DEMOS% _DSETUP.EXE SOFTWARE\Sierra OnLine\Setupa Sierra.inf& Identa ShortTitleR SOFTWARE\Sierra OnLine\Setupb SOFTWARE\Sierra OnLine\Setupb DirectoryA SOFTWARE\Sierra OnLine\Setupb PRODUCT_NAMER Full NameA Cannot find CD home directoryA Sierra3DLandscape.Documenta .3dla COMPANY_NAMER \Softwareb UNINST_KEYR COMPANY_NAMER \Softwareb UNINST_KEYR PRODUCT_VERSIONR InstalledVersionA COMPANY_NAMER \Softwareb UNINST_KEYR PRODUCT_VERSIONR Sierra3dl.exeQ PathA Files\LD50.extQ LaunchFileA HintDirA COMPANY_NAMER \Softwareb COMPANY_NAMER \Softwareb UNINST_KEYR COMPANY_NAMER \Softwareb UNINST_KEYR UNINST_KEYR Files\Bin\Q DataDirA Bin\Q LocalDataDirA Files\BinCD\Q CDDataDirA DesignsQ SaveFileDirA Designs COMPANY_NAMER .Default\Softwareb COMPANY_NAMER .Default\Softwareb UNINST_KEYR COMPANY_NAMER .Default\Softwareb UNINST_KEYR UNINST_KEYR Files\Bin\Q DataDirA Bin\Q LocalDataDirA Files\BinCD\Q CDDataDirA DesignsQ SaveFileDirA PROGRAM_GROUPR isuninst.exeZ Uninst.isu[ PRODUCT_NAMER UnInstall b PROGRAM_GROUPR PRODUCT_NAMER ERROR_SHORTCUTR readme.txtZ PRODUCT_NAMER Readme PROGRAM_GROUPR PRODUCT_NAMER ERROR_SHORTCUTR rundll32.exe, rundll32.exe sierra.inf$ ereg.dll,_StandAloneEreg@16 b PRODUCT_NAMER Register b setup.ico PROGRAM_GROUPR PRODUCT_NAMER ERROR_SHORTCUTR Sierra3dl.exeZ PRODUCT_NAMER PROGRAM_GROUPR PRODUCT_NAMER ERROR_SHORTCUTR SIGSPat.exeZ Sierra AutoUpdate PROGRAM_GROUPR ERROR_SHORTCUTR PROGRAM_GROUPR Sierra Web Sitea http://www.sierra.coma ASK_README_TITLER ASK_README_TEXTR README.TXT[ notepad.exeb LIST_CREATE_ERRORR sierra.inia Sierraa SierraDirR SIERRA_DIRECTORYR DIRECTORY_NAMER DIRECTORY_NAMER SIERRA_DIRECTORYR DIRECTORY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER TITLE_MAINR TITLE_CAPTIONBARR blue.bmp_ Sierra.inf! UNABLE_TO_FIND_INFR Sierra.inf' Identa StrippedDemo2- SIERRA.INI% Configa ScreenWidthb SIERRA.INI% Configa ScreenHeightb SIERRA.INI% Configa Colorsb ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 3.1 SIERRA.INI% Configa WinVerb SIERRA.INI% Configa Languageb& SIERRA.INI% Configa PhysicalMemb SIERRA.INI% Configa PhysicalMemb DIRECTX\% DIRECTX\DDRAW.DLL DDRAW.DLL INSTALL_DIRECTX_TRUER INSTALL_DIRECTX_FALSER INSTALL_DIRECTX_FALSER DSETUP.DLL DSETUP.DLL Identa UpdateAfterR RUN_UPDATER SIGSPAT.EXE EREG.DLL% EREG3201.DLL, EREG16.EXE% EREG1601.DLL INFO_EREG_NOINTERACTR EREG.INI( INFO_EREG_NOINTERACTR EREG16.EXE LIST_CREATE_ERRORR DEMOS DemoList DEMOSb DEMO_MSGR PRODUCT_NAMER Setup will install b in the following folder.$ To install to this folder, click Next.$ To install to a different folder, click Browse and select another folder.$ You can choose not to install PRODUCT_NAMER by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.$ PRODUCT_NAMER requires 27 MB of free disk space to install properly. SIERRA_DIRECTORYR DIRECTORY_NAMER INFO_CANT_ROOTR SIERRA_DIRECTORYR DIRECTORY_NAMER SIERRA_DIRECTORYR DIRECTORY_NAMER INFO_CANT_SUBDIRR INFO_CANT_WINR INFO_CANT_WINR SIGS ComponentsA INFO_SPACE_TITLER INFO_SPACE_TEXTR Sierra System ComponentsA Sierra System HelpA The selected drive does not have enough available space. This program requires 27 MB of free disk space. Please click the cancel button and make more space or use the browse button to select another drive. A /notest( Bypassing System TestsA Bypassing System TestsA Performing System TestsA Performing System TestsA TEST_HELP_HEADERR System Testa ScreenWidth2 System Testa ScreenHeight2 System Testa ColorsR TEST_DISPLAY_FMTR TEST_DISPLAY_FMTR Display: STR_TESTEDR STR_REQUIREDR System Testa MemKB2 TEST_MEMORY_FMTR TEST_MEMORY_FMTR Memory: STR_TESTEDR STR_REQUIREDR System Testa WinVer2 Windows NT! Windows 95! Windows 3.1! 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Bookmarksb LIST_CREATE_ERRORR SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\UsersA UserList SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Users\b DirRoot2 UserName2 INST_SELECT_USERR UserListb UserListb Bookmarksb bookmark.htma bookmark.htm
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