Mega Web H Listings


Alternative Healing

An introduction to the Chinese practice of "Chen Chiu," or acupuncture. Includes historical information and a bibliography.
Information on a variety of traditional Chinese therapies as well as alternative therapies that resonate with the Chinese methods. Includes a referral listing of practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.

Australian Acupuncture Association Ltd
General information about The Australian Acupuncture Association Ltd (AAcA), the primary mechanism for the regulation and representation of Acupuncturists in Australia.

This site emphasizes John's 10 Step Program for Giving A Good Massage.

Brainwave Treatment Centers
Biofeedback Treatment Modality and EEG Biofeedback are featured, along with related articles, at this site.

Canadian Imperial Ginseng
Canadian Imperial Ginseng is a world leader in the commercial production of North American ginseng.

Provides access to up-to-date information about Chiropractic. Includes links to research and a brief history of the practice.

ChrioNet provides chiropractic benefits to their clients through a network of insurance carriers and managed health care systems. ChiroNet is a preferred-provider organization.

The ChiroPages
General information on chiropractic treatment and how you can benefit from it.

Chiropractic OnLine Today
Chiropractic Online Today covers the latest updates in the health care industry, and their page can link you to other up-to-date chiropractic information on the Web.

Counseling and Nature: The Greening of Psychotherapy
A system for spiritual recovery including educational self-esteem activities for students at risk is showcased at this site. This has specific emphasis on reducing drug use and irresponsible relationships.

Ecotherapy: The Ecology of Gaia, Sensation and Soul
Ecotherapy activities from the University of Global Education are described. These nature activities are said to satisfy and promote mental and environmental health.

Facing Yourself
Provides an insightful perspective on practical spirituality, dreams and lucid dreaming as creative tools for healing and personal fulfillment and growth, and a useful variety of related links.

FAQ - alt.backrubs
This site is great for information on Frequently Asked Questions on back rubs.

FAQ - alt.romance Back Rubs And Massages
Site for Frequently Asked Questions on Back Rubs and Massages.

FAQ - FAQs by Category: backrubs
Frequently Asked Questions on back rubs.

Herb Essence
This information is presented as a public service. The effects of herbs can range from weight loss, purification of the circulatory system, asthma treatment.

Herbal Hall
The resources of the largest electronic herbal library on the Net today. Free software, online books and articles by the most respected published herbalists.

Herbal Product Store
Classes of herb products that can be ordered are skin and hair care, cleansing, building, home essentials, natural health care, mental alertness, digestive, structural reinforcement, and body pump. There is also weight management information.

Intelligent Health
Intelligent Health Resources Inc. was founded by Rick Nappi, N.D., DIHom., Doctor of Naturopathy and Homeopathy. The goal of this organization is to provide the most reliable and responsible natural health care information available.

Jensen Health and Energy Center
The Jensen Health and Energy Information Center aims to help your body heal through balancing structural, chemical, and electromagnetic body patterns. Rather than treating the symptom caused by stress, the center works with you to handle the stress.

Lazare Industries
Lazare Industries offers oxygen/ozone treatments that they suggest for HIV.

Lehning Laboratories
Lehning Laboratories produces a wide range of homeopathic medicines.

Liberty Natural Products Catalog
Liberty Natural Products distributes a catalog of personal care, vitamins, tinctures, Diffusers, software, books, and culinary flavors. There are links to Holistic sites.

LifeJourney helps you use your own internal human potential for homeostasis by teaching techniques and skills, and providing invaluable information.

National Alternative Health Referral Network
A listing of practitioners of various alternative health methods, and suppliers of alternative health products.

Natural Remedies for a Healthier Life
Information about natural remedies using homeopathy, naturopathy, holistic medicine herbs, botanicals and nutrition. Includes links to sites with related information.

On-Line Resource Guide for Personal Growth
Contains a resource guide and catalog of training techniques, books and tapes in neuro-linguistic programming time-line therapy, hypnosis, and ancient Hawaiian huna.

Paper Ships: Books and Crystals
A guide to information on Native American and Indigenous Cultures, Personal Healing, Sacred Geometry, Sacred Spaces, Natural Crystals & Minerals.

Relaxation Techniques
Information about meditation and relaxation techniques, including Aikido, Tai Chi, and massage techniques.

Shiatsu: Therapeutic Art of Japan
Shiatsu is a Japanese healing art deeply rooted in the philosophy and practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Sleep Matters Homepage
Books and videos dealing with sleep deprivation, PMS, sex and much more from author JoAnn Cutler Friedrich, P.A.

Spoutwood Farm Educational Center and Bed & Breakfast
Classes in herbs, Earth Studies, Floral Design. Herbal bed breakfast.

Therapeutic Massage for Health and Fitness
Massage affects the body as a whole. Examines some of the physiological effects of massage. Provides links to articles about massage therapy.

Utah College of Massage Therapy
Page with information about the educational programs at Utah College of Massage Therapy, the Faculty, admissions and pre-enrollment information, the staff etc.

World Wide Wellness
Information about various wholistic healing techniques. Includes a calendar of events and expos.


Abilities Magazine
Abilities CANADA'S LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Abilities Magazine is designed to promote equality in housing, recreation, transportation, employment and technology for people with disabilities.

ABILITYnet: Database for Disabled Persons
Ability Net lists services, charities, businesses and contacts for Canada's disabled community. ABILITY net has been shut down due to the fact that INDIE, an Internet server dedicated to disability issues across Canada has been initiated by a large group of charities with support of the Canadian government. INDIE is not yet on-line.

Able Informer
This is the home page for The Able Informer, an international newsletter for disabled people offering advice on travel, employment, sports, technology and other information.

Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators
The Orton-Gillingham approach is language-based, multisensory, structured, sequential, cumulative, cognitive, and flexible. Infinitely adaptable, it is a philosophy rather than a system. The Academy is dedicated to educating educators on the proper use of this approach.

Access/Media is an Oakland, CA-based organization that works with a combination of public, private and government agencies and individuals in order to provide public services, programs and accommodations for persons with disabilities.

Adult Dyslexia Organisation
The Adult Dyslexia Organisation, British charity No. 1022854, was founded in 1991 and is run by dyslexics on a full time basis. The aims of our organization are to enable and support men and women who have dyslexia.

Americans with Disabilities Act Document Center
This website contains the text of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), ADA regulations, technical assistance manuals prepared by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), and other documents sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR).

Archimedes Project
By influencing the early design stages of the technology of the future, the Archimedes Project seeks to improve disabled people's access to information.

Archive of \Q\Qblind-l'mailinglist'
The \Q\QComputer Use By And For The Blind" mailing list archives.

Audies Association
Contains a wide variety of Italian-language information and resources for deaf and hearing-impaired people.

Venice, Italy home page for: AUDIES ASSOCIATION--the National Association for the fight against deafness and an advocate for the rights of hard of hearing and late-deafened people.

Autism and Brain Development Research Laboratory
All the latest information on autism and brain development. The research lab is located at San Diego Children's Hospital.

Autism - David Kelsall
Information regarding Autism, and some links related to Autisim. Home page written by the parent of an autistic child.

Autism Resources
A list of resources about Autism available on the net.

Axis Disability Rights Website
The Axis Disability Rights Website is dedicated to the distribution of information concerning disability rights, and is operated by Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift of Axis Consultation Training Ltd.

Blind Childrens Center
Information on products, services and publications for parents and professionals working with blind and handicapped children.

Blind Resources on the Play Pen
An extensive list of Internet links of interest to the blind and visually-impaired. Includes information about adaptive technology.

Braille Translation Service
The Braille Translation Service translates text into English Grade II Braille, meeting the requirements of the ADA. The Braille Translation Service takes orders by e-mail and will mail back the finished Braille.

Camp John Marc
A permanent, year round camping facility in the Texas Hill Country, Camp John Marc is situated 85 miles southwest of Dallas on 140 acres in Bosque County. Its mission is improve quality of life for thousands of disabled Texas-area children.

Capper Foundation
Senator Arthur Capper founded The Capper Foundation in 1920 to provide services for children with physical disabilities. It has grown from a small renovated house to the "campus" style facility it currently occupies in Central Topeka. Since 1976, assistive technology has been an integral part of the services offered by The Capper Foundation. The center provides high quality services to maximize the ability of persons with physical disabilities, primarily children, to achieve independent life skills.

Center for Assessment and Demographic Studies
The Center for Assessment and Demographic Studies (CADS) works with deaf and hearing-impaired people in the US, and conducts studies to achieve goals that will provide greater equality for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.

Center On Deafness
Facilitates services to deaf and hearing-impaired people in Colorado. Has developed several programs to satisfy the needs of the deaf and hearing impaired population of the state. Has thirteen full-time staff members and twenty part-time staff, and is a certified independent living center with a consumer-controlled Board of Directors.

Central Institute for the Deaf
The Central Institute for the Deaf is an independent, private, non-profit institute located on the medical school campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri USA. The center has four main areas of concentration: Professional Education: Clinic; identifies and treats hearing impairment. Provides outpatient speech, language and hearing clinics. School for the Deaf; Jean Moog, M.S., Director; A school for deaf children Research; William W. Clark, Ph.D., Interim Director. Conducts research projects in language, speech and hearing.

Centre for Neuro Skills (CNS)
One of the oldest and most respected brain injury rehabilitation facilities in the country, the Centre for Neuro Skills (CNS) offers intensive, highly effective rehabilitation programs for individuals suffering from all types of brain injury. Provides information about CNS, brain injury, and brain injury rehabilitation. Includes "Inside View", a comprehensive newsletter focusing on Traumatic Brain Injury issues, a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about CNS and brain injury rehabilitation, and some brain trivia.

Charles Armstrong Elementary School
The mission of the Charles Armstrong School is to serve the student with specific learning differences/dyslexia. The site has general school information including guidelines for Evaluation and Admission, Tuition, Financial Aid and Programs.

Communication Aids for Language and Learning
The University of Edinburgh's CALL Centre's CALL team serves Scottish people with severe communication and physical difficulties, mobility problems and provides R&D for improved communications and mobility methods.

Communication Disorders
This is for stutterers, containing information about stuttering for people who stutter and those who care about them.

Community Rehabilitation - University of Calgary
The mission of the Community Rehabilitation Studies Programme is to increase the competence of professionals in their efforts to empower individuals with disabilities, their families and neighborhoods to enhance their quality of life and status as full Canadian citizens. The site contains an introduction to the Department and information on Faculty and Staff and Student Society.

Continuing Education
The Sooke School District Continuing Education program encourages dynamic and continuous learning, and offers programs and resources designed promote "Lifelong Learning." The school offers an award-winning video series, Deafness Learning with Karen Taylor, now available to the public.

Deaf Gopher
Michigan State University's electronic resource of deaf information. Information is comprised of six main sections: 1) Educational Deaf Resources 2) Electronic Deaf Resources - Information available electronically. Either through BBSs or over the internet. 3) MSU Deaf Information - Michigan State University specific information. Classes, syllabi, and more. 4) Michigan Deaf Resources - Resources for the deaf or hearing-impaired available in the State of Michigan. Includes lists of organizations and services. 5) General Deaf Information 6) Deaf Alert - MSU Student projects.

Deaf Resource Library
Links to a variety of deaf resources, including research, universities, mailing lists and many more.

Deaf Resource Page
Selection of the more useful deaf sites on the Web.

Deaf World Web
This site is the Internet's central point for comprehensive information about the deaf around the world.

Deafblind Online
Resources and discussions for persons with dual sensory impairments sponsored by the Great Lakes Area Regional Center for Deaf Blind Education.

Delaware Autistic Program
Here you'll find a complete range of educational services geared for students diagnosed as autistic.

Disabilities Access Online
This site provides information for persons with disablities, their families and their caretakers.

Disabilities Forum
Provides access to a wide variety of disability-related news, information and services. Includes news about the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Disabilities Helpline of Arizona
A 24-hour, statewide, helpline for people with disabilities in search of information on agencies, organizations and businesses serving the disability community.

Disability Net
This site is run by disabled people and is a general disability information service.

Disability/Polio Page
This site offers little more than pointers to a wide variety of polio resources.

Dyslexia Archive - Specific Learning Difficulties
The Dyslexia Archive is an ever growing collection of up-to-date material covering all aspects of dyslexia. It is specifically designed to make it easy for the specialist and casual browser alike to find, read and retrieve the information they require.

Dyslexia, Positive Aspects of the Learning Disability
This site contains information dealing with the positive side of "learning disability," as well as to remedial therapies and teaching methods suited to the dyslexic learning style.

EASI: Access to Information for Persons With Disabilities
This page provides the latest information about computer and information technology access for persons with disabilities.

Easter Seals
Complete listing of program and service information, a profile of the society and its sponsors and links to related sites.

Evan Kemp Associates - Disability Resources
Disability Resources from Evan Kemp Associates. This site provides articles relating to disability issues and comprehensive listings of disability-related resources on the net.

FAQ's on deafness, plus a table of contents on an interesting variety of deaf topics.

Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University's home page. Gallaudet University is the world's only accredited four-year liberal arts university for deaf and hard of hearing students.

General Info
This site provides disability-related information and shows users links to related information.

Handicap Info
Information and resources for disabled people.

Gathering site for information on the Web relating to disabled and elderly persons.

Hearing Loss Resources
The SayWhatClub's Hearing Loss Resources Home Page. This site provides Internet Mailing lists and non-profit organizations that focus on hearing loss issues.

Provides information about hyperlexia--an autistic-like Pervasive Developmental Disorder characterized by a strong ability to decode and read.

Index - Apple Computer's Disability Solutions
Information about innovative Apple products and programs designed to help individuals with disability lead more independent lives. Download the latest version of Apple's product database.

Index - Deaf Anthropology Page
This page is a central site for Deaf related topics as part of her dissertation project in cultural anthropology. Created by Karen Nakamura at Yale University.

Interwork Institute
The Interwork Institute is a collection of rehabilitation and special education projects aimed toward disability issues associated with San Diego State University. All Interwork Institute efforts focus on promoting the integration of individuals with disabilities in to all aspects of school, work, family, and community life.

John F. Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development
The mission of the Kennedy Center is to conduct and support collaborative research, training, and information dissemination on behavioral, intellectual, and brain development. Its aims are to better understand children's development, to prevent and solve developmental problems, and to enable people with developmental disabilities to lead better lives.

Lions World Services for the Blind (LWSB)
The Lions Club is dedicated to helping the blind and visually impaired gain independent living skills, find employment opportunities and accessing the resources that enable them to adapt to their condition.

Model Secondary School for the Deaf
This page is the website of the Earth Systems Science class at the Model Secondary School for the Deaf, at Gallaudet University.

Multiple Sclerosis
Provides free support services throughout US for people with, or interested in MS. Sponsored by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.

National Sports Center for the Disabled
For 25 years, the National Sports Center for the Disabled has been providing outdoor recreation to disabled children and adults It is the largest and most successful program of its kind in the world.

Newfoundland School for the Deaf
The Newfoundland School for the Deaf is a Provincial School for the Deaf. Operated by the Division of Student Support Services of the Department of Education and Training, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, the present facility was opened for occupancy in 1987. This site contains some of the following material: Information About School; Welcome to NSD: A Quick Time movie in American Sign Language; Floor Plan (A clickable imagemap); School Logo; A Brief History.

Orton Dyslexia Society, Houston Branch
The Houston Branch of ODS has been serving this community since 1979 by increasing awareness of dyslexia, encouraging the appropriate teaching of individuals with dyslexia, and supporting educational and medical research.

Ottawa Freenet Disability Resources
Information about resources for people with disabilities.

Parents Helping Parents
A resource center for mentally, physically, learning or emotionally disabled children.

Project Pursuit
Supported by the NSF at the U of Illinois, Project Pursuit encourages students with disabilities to pursue academic and professional dreams and tries to understand and remove the barriers that cause people with disabilities to be under-employed in the science, engineering and mathematics fields.

Raised Dot Computing
Lots of links and information for the blind, including facts about blind use of computers.

Recovery Zone
Treatment represented at this site is based on behavior modification to treat autism. Procedure developed by Ivar Lovaas.

Rehabilitation Learning Center
The Rehabilitation Learning Center educates and trains individuals with acute or chronic spinal cord injuries. The Center is in the process of creating a computer-based rehabilitation environment.

Rehabiltation and Spinal Injuries
A listing of Web resources relating to spinal-injury rehabilitation.

Rick and Joni's Amputee/Devotee/Travel Area
A home page consisting of useful information for amputees.

Royal Blind Society of NSW, Australia
The Royal Blind Society assists people who are blind and vision impaired and helps them to maximise their opportunities by providing staff, information and technology resources that meet their needs.

Royal National Institute for the Blind
RNIB helps visually impaired and blind people enjoy the same rights, freedoms, responsibilities and quality of life as sighted people. This page provides a list of information, services and resources for visually impaired people, their loved ones and professionals.

Service Alternatives
Provides community and family-based services for children with autism and adults with developmental disabilities.

Technology Assessment Program
The Technology Assessment Program (TAP) produces information for industry, government, and consumers in the area of visual communications by the deaf and hard of hearing. Its focus includes all forms of visual telecommunications, emergency warning systems, captioning, and systems for visual communication in situations such as meetings and lectures. Consults with consumers, consumer organizations and tracks consumer trends. Conducts surveys and individual and group interviews.

Travel Survey
Home page of the Paralysis Society of America. The Access to the Skies program reviews and diseminates air-travel information facilitates communications between disabled travelers, the travel industry, airplane manufacturers, airlines and the federal government.

University of Delaware - Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories
The mission of the Kennedy Center is to conduct and support collaborative research, training, and information dissemination on behavioral, intellectual, and brain development. Its aims are to better understand children's development, to prevent and solve developmental problems, and to enable people with developmental disabilities to lead better lives. Site includes information on upcoming events of Interest and various program areas.

University of Toronto - Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre at the University of Toronto provides research and consultation in the areas of assistive technology and information infrastructures. The site contains information on research and development, centre services and community efforts.

UPSIDE! Down Syndrome Society
Long list of links to other Down Syndrome resources on the Web.

Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind
The school, which is under the supervision of the Virginia Department of Education and the Virginia Board of Education, was established to provide comprehensive educational services to deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired children who require specialized instruction not available in local pub1ic schools. The sight contains only a brief background and contact information.

Vision Impairments: A Guide for the Perplexed
This site contains material about agencies, resources, consumer groups and on- and off-Web resources for blind and vision-impaired people.

Windows 3.1 Tips for Users with Low Vision
This site consists of Windows navigation tips for the visually impaired.

Environmental Health

1996 World Congress on In-Vitro Biology
This page includes a mission to foster scientific exchange, publication, and teaching in the area of in vitro biology of cells, tissues, and organs, focusing on biological problems of significance to science and society. Also provides sections devoted to the areas of toxicology, vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant biology.

ATSDR - Board of Scientific Counselors MINUTES (April 1994)
This site contains information on ATSDR, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. These pages provide links to updates on ATSDR, science bases for ATSDR, ATSDR public health assessments and more.

ATSDR Congressional Testimony
Provides information about health impacts of incineration, ATSDR public health actions and findings, superfund sites and ATSDR applied research.

Conference on Estrogens in the Environment
This page conveys a survey of the effects of environmental estrogens on the nervous system and sexual development should benefit investigators in behavioral toxicology.

Environmental Management and Health Web Conference
Provides information about internet conferences sponsored by the Environmental Management and Health journal. Access to advisors, a dictionary, and a list of current Internet conferences.

Environmental Technical Information Project
Referenced collection of environmental databases on the Internet. Database topics range anywhere from radiation issues to environmental legislation and treaties.

Georgia Tech - Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Division
Connect to these pages to discover more about Georgia Tech's Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory. Links are provided to research and development programs, GVU's World-Wide Web User Survey, research information, library database systems, and more.

Hazardous Substance Research Centers
This site provides information national organization that carries out an active program of basic and applied research, technology transfer, and training. Includes link index to Regional Centers, HSRC Publications, projects abstracts, and other Web Sites.

Hazardous Waste and Public Health '93: (Select Papers)
Agency for toxic substances and disease registry that helps to give a perspective to all the presentations. Provides the full text of the plenary presentations, the full text of numerous breakout presentations, a commentary by the editors for each topic.

HazDat - Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database
Provides database access to information on the release of hazardous substances from Superfund sites or from emergency events and on the effects hazardous substances have on the health of human populations.

Index - Environmental Professional's Guide to the Net
Guide for environmental professional's worldwide who are interested in locating technical sites on the Internet. Topics include GROUNDWATER INFORMATION, REMEDIATION, AND MODELING US CODES AND REGULATIONS. Also provides information about careers and contract opportunities.

Index - Science Corner at ATSDR
Connect to these pages to find a menu of environmental health information. Find and share global information resources with the public that provides links between human exposure, hazardous chemicals and adverse human health effects. Top twenty hazardous substances are also included.

International Congress on Hazardous Waste
These pages contain information about a congress that promotes the exchange of findings, ideas, and recommendations related to the human and ecological health effects of hazardous waste. Includes information about sponsors, registration and databases. Also provides conference registration form.

MIT - Center for Environmental Health Sciences
This site explains about a multi-disciplinary research center focused on discovery of the agents in our environment responsible for genetic changes in humans. Provides links to the center's three main programs: The Air Quality Program, The Water Quality Program, and The Toxicology and Epidemiology Program.

National Association of Physicians for the Environment (NAPE)
Provides news about the activities of the National Association of Physicians for the Environment (NAPE), and includes scientific information about the health and the environment. Information available for downloading.

Nelson Institute of Environmental Medicine
Provides information about one of the nation's oldest and foremost centers for research into the health effects of environmental pollution. Links to numerous research and teaching programs are included.

Pacific Basin Consortium on Hazardous Waste Research and Management
Presents special opportunities for technical collaboration concerning hazardous waste issues in Pacific Rim/ Pacific Basin areas. Provides general and membership information, consortium activities, and various publications resources.

Pacific Rim Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health
Describes a series of conferences focusing on the occupational and environmental health issues affecting the peoples of the Pacific Rim Countries. Provides full conference program.

Radiation and Health Physics
Connect to these pages to discover information and links related to Radiation. General, regulatory, professional, and informational research resources are made available.

Radiation Safety Office
Radiation Safety Office oversees the use of ionizing radiation on the campus to protect employees, students, the public, and the environment at the University of Vermont (UVM). This site provides office hours, a list of personnel and more information about radiation.

Rutgers - Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute
The Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI) houses a select group of scientists, physicians, educators, and policy researchers who focus on the serious health effects of environmental pollutants. Provides links to the first National Institutes of Health Center of Excellence, and OTHER MAJOR Centers.

ToxFAQs (tm) (Quick Guide to Hazardous Substances)
Detailed index about dangerous substances being developed by the ATSDR Division of Toxicology. Provides answers to commonly asked questions about hazardous waste sites and human health effects.

Toxic Hot Spots
Provides information concerning chemical dangers in specific communities. Also includes information about how community organizations are addressing the health and environmental problems.

Tri-Service Toxicology Consortium
Collaborated effort to provide the Department of Defense with solutions to current operational problems. Provides access to library, technology areas, and related articles.

Univ of Rochester Environmental Medicine Dept.
This site provides opportunities to visit the Center for Space Environmental Health (CSEH) and the Environmental Health Sciences Center. This site provides indexed access to the complete titles and abstracts from over thirty-seven years of the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and, over twenty-seven years of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Also connects to phone directories and libraries at the University of Rochester.

University of Mississippi - Environmental Toxicology Research Program
The Environmental Toxicology Research Program conducts research and educational activities that seek to identify and resolve problems related to environmental health issues. This site provides a list of personnel, facilities, and research activities.

University of Victoria (Canada) - Centre for Environmental Health
Investigates environmentally induced mutation, disease and genome research in humans using molecular biology. Provides links to staff roster, project homepages and information about various groups relating to research.

Western Region Hazardous Substance Research Center
Research on critical hazardous substance problems in the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, and Guam. Provides links to various research projects and center publications.


Aerobics Page
This section provides aerobics FAQ, drawn from the news group, as well as a list of moves and patterns that is constantly growing.

Correctional Recreation & Weight Lifting
Information about weight lifting in prison. Mike Tyson must know something about this.

Dead Runners Society
A discussion group for people who like to talk about running. The group is informal and social.

The Different Bodybuilding Page
A sound body needs a sound mind. This site is health, fitness, and body building.

Doc's Sports Bodybuilding Page
This site has to do with Doc's sports body building page.

Faith Sloan
Great site dedicated to body building, discussion, articles, controversy, pictures, and great links!

FAQ - Misc.Fitness.Aerobics
This section is dedicated to Frequently Asked Question on Miscellaneous Fitness and Aerobics.

The Female Bodybuilder !
Great pictures on Females Body building.

Fitness Awareness, Inc.
Fitness Awareness, Inc. provides nutrition tools for achieving fitness and health goals.

Gift of Youth
Yet another site for body building and the gift of youth.

GymRat's Bodybuilding Page
This site is dedicated to health, fitness and body building.

Hiking and Walking
A source of hiking and walking resources and information.

Internet Athlete
World wide source for athletic event information on cycling, running, swimming, and triathlon/duathlon. Includes race results, features, team directory, and training sites.

Internet Resources For Runners
A vast library of information about running.

Kundalini Yoga
Information about Kundalini Yoga, which combines breathing, movement, stretching, the science of sequence, relaxation, meditation, and more to help you make great gains on the inner planes and heal your life.

OSU Wellness Center
The OSU Wellness Center based in Oklahoma State University was the nation's first center dedicated solely to wellness on a campus of a large public institution. The 24,000 square-foot center contains the latest in biomedical testing and workout equipment. The Center serves over 10,000 clients each year. Check this page for its services and research programs.

Pictures of Bodybuilders (men)
Contains pictures of top amateur and professional male bodybuilders.

Provides information from the sole supplier of the Rollerturbo training unit, the latest innovation in cycle and fitness training for either the competitive cyclist or general fitness fanatic.

Spirituality, Yoga, Hinduism page
Provides information about Hinduism, Yoga, and Spirituality. Includes quotes and poetry.

A world-wide source for sports information, merchandise, and results for running, triathalons, duathalons, and cycling. Includes a unique individual results page for each athlete.

Volksmarch and Walking Index
Information about the American Volkssport Association. Includes event calendars, club listings and more.

General Health

Access Health, Inc.
A personal health management company providing individuals with 24-hour support to make wiser healthcare choices.

Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine
A national organization founded to foster excellence in the education of students in the core clerkship in internal medicine at accredited medical schools in the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Canada.

DOE Human Genome Project
An international project in which the U.S. DOE Office of Health and Environmental Research participates. Links to other genome and biological research are available.

A source of information on the biological and health effects of exposure to electric and magnetic fields (EMFs). It also serves as a gateway to EMF-related servers on the Net.

Go Ask Alice! (at Columbia University)
Healthwise Office, Columbia University, New York, NY, US This site receives questions, anonymously, about many subjects, including relationships, nutrition and diet, drugs, sex, alcohol, and stress. Questions are answered publicly by the university's Healthwise Office.

Health Services Research Group
Health Services Research Group is a multi-disciplinary team that supports data based decision-making in health care. The group provides hospital statistical analysis of inpatient data, consulting, research and training. Other Medical/Health Services will link you to similar health and medical web pages. Statistical Services links are related more to the statistical side of our research. Scholarly Societies related to Health Sciences are a list of different health related societies on the web.

horses, zebras & unicorns
Emphasizing the use of information systems to improve the quality and decrease the cost of medical care.

Information Emporium
San Luis Rey, CA, US This server contains information about Information Emporium, which provides information and inexpensive products in the areas of health, higher education, and personal finance.

Discover LifeJourney, an empowering service to aid in the direction and management of your health and overall well-being. Let Cowden Gibson improve the quality of your life with newly acquired therapeutic methods.

National PKU News
Learn of the fascinating discovery of PKU by Dr. Asbjorn Folling. Receive news and Information regarding Phenylketonurics and their families.

PIE-Policy Information Exchange
Awarded "Best of the Web Impact Online" for 1995. Provides unbiased and objective health and mental health policy information to the general public.

Ticino Cantonal Health Office
Ticino Cantonal Health Office, in Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland, provides details on health, disease prevention, medical statistics, publications, other health-related Web Sites, and health consumer empowerment through Self-diagnostics.

Your Health Information Resource
Information about a variety of health and medical topics of interest to many men and women.

Mental Health

ADDed Line
Gain information for help with ADD.

Akashi Tsuchiyama Hospital - Psychiatrists and Psychologists On-line
Information on hospital in Akashi, Japan for mental disorders.

The largest organization in the country for mental retardation resources.

Attention Deficit Disorder Archive
Gain informational resources on dealing with ADD.

Behavior Analysis
Research on behavior analysis for resource purposes.

Best Buddies International
An organization to meeting others that are mentally retarded.

Canadian Mental Health Association
Resources and services for mental health disorders in Metro Toronto.

Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Information for making life better for people with psychiatric disorders.

The Center: Post-Traumatic & Dissociative Disorders Program
Resourceful information on dealing with childhood traumas or disorders.

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders
Family oriented to help learn to handle ADD.

Great set of links to useful and important online mental health resources.

Gain access to help in learning to deal with depression.

Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre
Resources for psychiatric prevention for adolescents.

FAQ - Depression
A list of frequently-asked questions and their answers.

FAQ - Therapy FAQ
All your questions about why to get a therapist, how to select one, where to look and how to assess your progress.

Florida Mental Health Institute
Mental health services available within the state of Florida.

Forensic Psychiatry Resource
Resources for Psychiatry in the legal world. Original research plus links to other sites.

GROHOL Mental Health Page
Just about the comprehensive index to psychology, mental health and support resources on the Web.

The Haven
Spiritual insight to finding inner peace.

help! A Consumer's Guide to Mental Health Information
An extensive, if somewhat disorganized, listing of mental health resources available on the Web.

Index - Dennis Taylor's depression-related resources
Gain access to resources for helping with depression disorders.

International Re-evaluation Counseling Communities
Gain information on counseling to help with past traumas.

Internet Mental Health
An encyclopedia of mental health illnesses, medications, treatment and research findings.

KidsPeace: The National Center For Kids In Crisis
Center for kids in crisis.

Layperson's Guide to Psychotherapeutic Drugs
A brief guide to drugs used in the treatment of mental illness.

Life Management Center for MH/MR Services
Crisis hotline info and resources for mental health in El Paso, TX.

Meador-Woodruff Laboratory
Learn information about brain communications during mental disorders.

Medical and Mental Health Resources
Access to detailed services available for mental and medical health problems.

Mental Health Info Link
Resources for mental health.

Mental Health Pages and Pointers
Gain access to information re: mental disorders.

Mental Health Research Institute
Learn information on mental disorders from research institute in Australia.

An organization in England that deals with the people that are distressed.

MindWorks Press
Practical and fun "user-friendly" programs to help you understand and direct your mind to enhance your relationships, your work, and your health! Programs include: Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD); Superior Parenting Skills; Excelling In School; Communication with Children/Teens; Teaching Children Values; Helping People Change; Teaching Young People How To Think Positive and Feel Good; Building Great Relationships; and Mind Patterns of Success and Failure.

New Horizons
A support group for dealing with depression.

OCD - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Research abstracts, articles, medication information, bulletin board, links and more dealing with this mental health disorder.

Online Psychological Services
On online information service for psychological professionals and patients.

Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia
Stories, books, medication and other information for those suffering from these disorders.

Paranoia Home Page
A humorous look at paranoia.

Perceptual Control Theory
A forum for physiology, sociology, linguistics, for professional reasons.

A service for people to help enhance their lives through behavioral procedures.

Rebus Institute
Helpful information for adults in living and dealing with ADD.

School Psychology Resources Online
Providing in depth psychology information for school.

Social Psychology
Resourceful information on Mental health for research.

St. Norbert Foundation/Selkirk Healing Centre
A non-profit treatment facility for mental health.

Teaching Clinical Psychology
Teaching and resources for clinical psychology studies.

Trauma Info by David Baldwin
Support, links and resources for those suffering from the trauma of a disaster, accident, etc.

University of Groningen - Social Psychiatry
Resource information on psychiatric studies from the Univ. of Groningen.

University of Pennsylvania - Center for Mental Health Policy and Services Research
Research on policies regarding mental health.

University of South Florida - Mental Health Law Research
Research on Mental Health law and policies.

Waisman Center on Mental Retardation Human Development
One of 14 national centers dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about human development and developmental disabilities through research and practice.

Wounded Healer
Connections to therapy and support for survivors of child abuse.


Institute of Food Science & Technology
Resources for Food & Science Technology for the professional.

Purdue University - Department of Food Science
Food and Science Research on Carbohydrates at Purdue University.

University of Minnesota Department of Food Science & Nutrition
Resources available on Food and Science info for students and faculty.

Products and Services

1-800 Contacts
Order contact lenses by dialing an 800 number. Orders are shipped overnight, at discount prices.

Active Manuka Honey
Calm your ulcers with Manuka honey.

Acupunture Clinic
Learn about Acupuncture. Get to the point.

Advanced Nutrition Products
InterMatrix Corporation, Atlanta, GA, US This server offers a line of nutrition products, featuring the latest in advanced biochemical design, including supplements officially licensed by the U.S. Olympic Committee.

For anyone who wants to reverse the effects of aging!

Allergy Clean Environments
A guide to products for sufferers of asthma and allergies.

AllHealth Store
Shop for top quality vitamins, herbs and other products for better health.

Based on material from "The Anatomy Coloring Book" by Wynn Kapit and Lawrence M. Elson, Ph.D., the CD-rom advertised is designed to complement the process of study provided by the book.

Anchiano Computer Eyewear
Lenses rotate to reduce glare and give you greater control over the changing light conditions of your environment, especially helpful when using a portable or laptop computer. Unlike anti-glare computer screens, Anchiano eyewear will not greatly reduce the overall intensity of your computer's monitor.

Angel Enterprises
The Purilens device is a complete cleaning and disinfecting contact lens care system that operates together with the finest quality preservative-free Purilens Solution.

Bio-Feedback Devices in Natural Healing
All about Electro-Acupuncture and its effects on the body.

Biopac Systems
Physiological tools and modules that can be tailored to your laboratory needs.

Breathe-Eze Electrostatic Air Filters
Information on electrostatic air filters and other products to enhance the indoor quality of your home or business.
An emerald green single-cell fresh water micro-algae the most potent nutritional whole food on earth.

Club Vitamin
Mail order service providing a variety of health products and supplements at very low prices.

CMC ReSearch
Medical information on CD-ROM including American Family Physician, the Illustrated Merck Manual, the New England Journal of Medicine and other Books and journals.

Contact Lens Depot
Contact Lens Depot is the most affordable and convenient source for replacement of contact lenses and sunglasses. A lifetime membership with first purchase includes many benefits.

Den-Tel-Net offers links to useful dental health information. For dental health professionals.

Dial a Contact Lens, Inc.
Worldwide replacement service for all types of contact lenses at great savings.

Dicon Visual Field Instruments and Software
Instruments designed specifically for eye care practitioners, providing flexibility, ease of use, low cost, and consistency of procedure.

Dr. Joseph Figazolo - Doctor of Optometry
Orthokeratology is a viable non-surgical alternative to experimental invasive surgery. By the careful application of specially designed contact lenses, Dr. Figazolo is able to reduce large amounts of nearsightedness and astigmatism without surgery.

Eagleson Company Ltd
Medical practitioner's software for Patient Registration, Financial and Accounting, Inventory and Drug labeling.

Eckhart Corporation
Vitamin and health food manufacturing and products available, including bulk packaging for resale.

Excel's Internet Optical
A subsidiary of Fort Optical Ltd. in Canada, provides information to customers about specialty eyewear.

Excimer Laser Surgery
Informational service offering advice to people considering excimer laser surgery. An informative videotape is also available for purchase.

Faina Optical
Information about Faina Optical, an eyeglass and contact lens service.

An application designed for keeping track of very large amounts of botanical information in the fields of herbalism, ethnobotan, pharmacology, forestry, agriculture and general botany.

HFES (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society) Virtual Environments Special Interest Group
Virtual Environments Special Interest Group membership, activities, and VE related papers in Human Factors and Ergonomics Society publications.

Homepure Water Treatment Systems
Information about a supplier of home water treatment systems.

Horizon Quest Network Marketing New Business Opportunity
Horizon Quest Network Marketing Contact information.

I.W.N. Corporation
Organic herbal products marketing.

Intelisoft Multimedia, Inc.
Learn form a Nobel Prize Laureate all about the prevention of heart disease.

Intercare Diagnostics, Inc.
Intercare Diagnostics is an company providing interactive software in the areas of biofeedback and relaxation training. Also included here is information on seminars and literature about the company.

International World Network (IWN)
Discover their commitment to develop exclusive organic herbal products to enhance and improve the health and life styles of people globally.

Jim Townsend's Magnets
Use magnets to stop pain and cure illness.

Journal of Alternative Therapies
Alternative healing for individuals who prefer the natural way.

Julie Waters-Barcomb's Massage
Julie Waters-Barcomb, Libby, MT, US This server, dedicated to Julie Waters-Barcomb's Massage, offers information about the therapist, her stress reduction massage therapy and other services for those visiting or living in the Libby, Montana area.

Kettle Mountain Ginseng
All you need to know about Ginseng and its uses.

KI Unlimited
Information about Phytochemicals, which provide unprecedented potential for impacting the fields of health, weight control and sports nutrition.

Life Cycles
Combine mind and body techniques to become a complete individual.

Information about a permanent surgical weight loss technique for the chronically overweight.

Look and Feel Great. Vitamins and Nutrition
Global Nutritional Products server offers specialty nutritional supplements. A variety of supplements for greater energy and health.

MagneTherapy Products
See the healing power of the lodestone, known to heal for over 6000 years.

Managing Diabetes for Windows
Windows-based software which includes dietary guidelines and information resources for Diabetics.

The Maples Fruit Farm
Offers natural, home grown food items including coffees, teas, maple syrup, fruit mixes and nuts. The farm also makes gift baskets and has a Coffee-of-the-month club.

Physicians software which writes prescriptions, and includes drug and patient databases.

Metabolizer Health Products
Allen Industries, Atlanta, GA, US This site contains information about Metabolizer Health Products, which provides alternative medicines and natural health supplements.

Based on scientific evidence which associates specific states of consciousness with dominate brain wave patterns. This machine coaxes your brain into an Alpha/Theta pattern which is associated with deep meditation, learning and mental imagery.

Natural Health & Nutrition Shop
Gary Edwards, M.D., Honolulu, HI, US. This page contains information about Natural Health & Nutrition Shop, which offers a doctors facts about nutritional supplements for natural health.

Nature's Market
Vitamins, minerals, kelp, and honey. Use natural products to become healthier and regain your vitality!

Nature's Medicine
Enhance your health by using plants and other natural products. Do as the Asians and Native Americans have done for centuries!

Nature's Silver Solution
Colloidal Silver is the best all-around germ known.

No Jet-Lag
We've got the cure for jet-lag while traveling during your busy schedule.

Nutrition Consultants Interactive
A comprehensive nutritional counseling service that has helped thousands achieve health and fitness through a scientific regimen of nutritional analysis, diet and exercise modification and supplementation.

Nutrition for Peak Performance for Windows
NutriGenie is a leading nutrition software publisher whose mission is to create quality software for better health.

Nutrition for Women for Windows
Nutritional and health related information for women of all ages and predicaments.

Orthodontic Practice Management System
DOS or Windows-based Orthodontic office software, including accounting, word processing, patient scheduling and insurance processing.

Oxygen for Life
Oxygenate your body to fight disease build your body's immune system.

PCS Distributing
Get all the nutrients to pave your way to better health.

Perfect Health Development
Steam therapy is a unique, comfortable, convenient way to offer one of the world's oldest and most profound healing treatments.

Pixel Perfect
Keep track of your personal medical records at home. This software includes a medical encyclopedia, a symptom analyzer, and more.

Aromatherapy for everybody.

Ponder Health Information Service
The foundation product is the super-antioxidant for the 21st century.

The Professional Face Muscle Enhancement Exercise Beauty Manual
A manual, which illustrates and teaches a specific step-by-step facial exercise process. The program is intended to help users achieve a near-perfect, beautiful, youthful and defined face.

Pun Yin Metaphysics
Pun Yin Metaphysics is dedicated to an online discussion and consultation on feng-shui (pronounced foong shway) principles.

PYCNOGENOL contains a special blend of bioflavonoids called proanthocyanidins. Pycnogenol helps bodies resist blood vessel and skin damage, mental deterioration, inflammation and other damage caused by harmful free radicals.

Quantum Vitamins
Our mission is to provide natural products that enhance overall health and well-being through innovative research and a caring presence. Quantum currently offers over 45 uniquely formulated products designed to provide help for a variety of health concerns.

Quit Smoking
Lose the desire to smoke with this home software of clinical programs, usually within 3 days.

Rare Homeopathic Remedies
The soft electrons are stored in computer binary code and transferred to the remedy container then to you.

Renaissance Spa Treatments
Renaissance Spa Treatment products developed for health and beauty and to be used at home.

Resort To Fitness
Features a complete listing of health resorts and spas with assistance in bookings and reservations.

Simply Natural Products
Hundreds of scientific papers describing the activities of Aloe vera and its remarkable benefits.

Software and Engineering
Software and database for keeping track of and planning all sorts of exercises and sporting activities.

Sonoma Lavender, Ltd
An independently-run supplier of lavender and other herbal products. Utilizing locally-grown lavender, SLL produces products of the highest quality, using only the finest of ingredients and materials.

Sports Nutrition, Inc.
A complete source for vitamins, supplements, and specialty products.

Starfire International
Start your own business to earn money with homeopathic remedies.

Sterling Health(tm) Pycnogenols
Pharmaceutical Grade anti-oxidants made from pure grape seed extracts.

Stop Smoking Now
Information about medication that will help you quit smoking by suppressing nicotine withdrawal.

StressFree Net
Solutions to stress.

Super Blue Green Algae
Cell Tech, a nutrition company, provides information about products including health-enhancing food based on Super Blue Green algae. The company offers marketing opportunities.

Super Blue Green Health Pages
Cell Tech offers Super Blue Green products that are billed as 100 percent organic, wild, super-food and nutritional support for the immune system. This site ranks in the top 5%.

Thinner Winners Weight Control
A complete, all-in-one resource for long-term weight control.

Free demo software including a program to help you quit smoking.

Tossed Salad Productions
Over 500 top quality vitamins, minerals, and food supplements, direct from the manufacturer.

Total Fitness
A guide to weight loss products by AdvoCare International and is based in Dallas, Texas.

Total Health Network
Dedicated to bringing you information about the natural products including:Melatonin, Prostate Health, Acne Care, and Men's Energy Formulas.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology CD-ROM
Find traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology.

TrainingBase 2.0 - The Athletes Database for Windows
Athletic software for keeping track of workouts and training, and databases keep track of what to do and what you did.

A skin care system that lets you create problem-solving formulas for your unique skin needs.

U.S. Soyfoods Directory
U.S. Soyfoods directory designed to identify the numerous soy foods available in the US.

Ultra Violet Sensometer
A small device that senses UV light intensity, used to guide sunbathers when they should protect themselves with sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.

United Prosperity Herbal Products
Buy herbal products for increased energy and health.

Vitality Unlimited
LIFE PLUS is a world class nutritional supplement company that manufactures its own products and distributes them via mail.

Vitamin City
Top quality health and nutrition products including over 300 items.

Vitamin Factory
Top quality and name brand supplements for over 50 years. Order online and save.

Vitamin Plus
Vitamin Plus carries nutritional supplements and health care products at great prices. Their extensive line of superior quality nutritional supplements are manufactured by companies worldwide.

Vitamin Research Products
Research information regarding vitamins, nutrition, health management, and alternative medicinal options.

Wayne Perry - Cosmichoir
Using sound to cure disease and keep you living longer.

Weight Commander Diet Program
Downloadable software for help with weight loss.

Why Diets Don't Work
Line of 5 holistic vitamin-based products.

World Nutrition
A provider of Herbalife nutrition products consisting of vitamins, minerals, and herbs.

Public Health and Safety

American Red Cross
Disaster news, service information, office locations and information on getting involved from the largest humanitarian organization in the United States-helping millions of people in times of emergency.

Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
Comprehensive statistics and information on bike helmets, plus links to other bicycle and helmet sites.

Disaster Resources
A wealth of information on disaster preparedness, recent disasters, and links to various disaster agencies.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Disaster information, bulletins and data on this international relief organization.

Internet Disaster Information Network
Up to date information on current disasters around the world, plus an archive on past disasters and list of links to other disaster Web sites.

Networked Resources for Fire Protection
Links to emergency related Web sites, including vendors of supplies and hints and tips.

Safety Products International
Contains a full online catalog of safety products, including home alarm systems, motion detectors, car alarms, car emergency kits, child-tracking systems and more.

Sports Medicine

University of North Dakota - Division of Sports Medicine
For all of you who have an interest in persuing sports medicine sign on here for information about the field at UND.

Weight Issues

Home Economic Industries
Home Economics Industries is an herbal-based weight control and nutritional products. The online store offers a French skin care program and accepts major credit cards.

Myers Information Services
Learn to control your weight.

The Science of Obesity and Weight Control
Medical information written for physicians and laymen alike.

Women's Health

Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre
All information regarding the reproduction system and its components.

Avon's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade
Avon's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade is dedicated to educating women about breast cancer. Their focus is on providing low-income, minority and older women with access to early detection services.

Breast Cancer Information
Provides information for breast cancer patients and their families. It is maintained as a partnership of organizations which provide information about cancer to the public.

Breastfeeding Page
Learn more about the experience of breast feeding and how it affects your life.

Community Breast Health Project
A resource to improve the lives of people touched by breast cancer by acting as a clearinghouse for information and support, providing volunteer opportunities for breast cancer survivors and friends dedicated to helping others with the disease.

Doulas of North America
An international association of doulas who are trained to provide high quality labor support to birthing women.

Providing an informative place for families to gather from around the world.

Health Science - Natural Progesterone, Estrogen & Women's Health
A reference of women's health matters.

Home Test Kits
Home testing kits from pregnancy to glucose to blood pressure.

Lifestart Learning Systems Corp.
A series of family wellness programs, focusing on prenatal through postnatal care.

Menopause Matters
Seeking to empower women to make conscious decisions about health. State of the art information on the treatment of problems arising at menopause.

Dedicated to providing realistic and practical childbirth education in an enthusiastic and supportive environment.

Pregnancy Services
Easing the anxiety of an unplanned pregnancy.

Information for educating women about the dangers of synthetic tampons use.

SANDS(Vic) Stillbirth/Neonatal Death
SANDS is a self-help organization comprised in the main, of parents who have experienced the death of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS.

Woman's Perspective
A newsletter with uplifting information regarding women's health matters.

Women's Health Hot Line health1-4.html
A bimonthly newsletter providing the media with information on women's health.

Women's Health Weekly
Weekly updated information on women's health matters.

Women's Medical Health Page
A medical health page with updated women's issues.


Army Industrial Hygiene Program
Links to NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, AIHA Home Page, Workers' Home Contamination Study, Corolla Christie's Updated List of Internet sites for Safety and Health and Army IH Job Announcements.

The Daphne Jackson Memorial Fellowships Trust
This server provides a description of the U.K. fellowship program, which enables women or men to return to science or engineering after a career break for family reasons. The home page includes information about applying.

HealthNet Projects Home Page
The HealthNet Projects Home Page provides a single access point for different HealthNet projects including HealthNet in a Box, pre configured Internet software optimized to point to health care resources, and the HealthNet WWW Demonstration Project.