----------------------------- |Title: Nukelear DualScript |Version: 1.5 |Date: 1/26/98 |Contat: Nukelear@hotmail.com ------------------------------ Install: Unzip the files into your quake2/baseq2/ directory. Backup your autoexec.cfg if you have one. Run Quake2, enjoy! New in 1.5: Added CTF support for Vanilla CTF, one of the nicer CTF games (requires no d/l). Goto http://home.earthlink.net/~nukelear/q2/index.html for more information on playing Vanilla CTF games. Grappling hook and Function key CTF macros. Also added the wideview alias in Gunner mode, changes the view to something crazy like in aliens 3. Some people love this, I personnaly hate it. Notes: The first script to use DualScript, a system that allows you to actively change from a Sniper enhanced, to a Gunner enhanced script during the game! Features many useful aliases, Flashlight, RocketJump, QuickWeapon based on your mode, On/Off ducking, 3x quick zoom, gradual zooming and binded wave keys. A more advanced tutorial on the use of this script can be found at: http://home.earthlink.net/~nukelear/q2/index.html Review the ReadMe! file for key bindings.