Red-crested Cardinal

Paroaria coronata

Cardenal Crestirrojo


Audio (M. Oberle)

Adult - Photo: M. Oberle


The adult is dark gray above, white below, with a bright red, crested head. Length: 17 cm. Audio (M. Oberle). This species has been present on the golf course and hotel grounds at the Cerromar and Dorado Beach Hotels for almost 30 years and has bred there for at least 25 years. Three nests were documented in 1999. Unlike most other introduced cage birds that have established a breeding population, this species has remained stable, but has not spread. A flock of birds that possibly could be this species was also reported in Guayanilla in 2002. Native to South America from Bolivia to northern Argentina.


Juvenile - Photo: M. Oberle


Juvenile - Photo: M. Oberle


Juvenile - Photo: M. Oberle


Dunning, J. S. 1983. South American land birds: a photographic aid to identification. Harrowood, Newton Square, PA.

Raffaele, H.A. 1989. A guide to the birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Princeton.

Raffaele, H.A. 1989. Una guφa a las aves de Puerto Rico y las Islas Vφrgenes. Publishing Resources, Inc., Santurce, PR.

Raffaele, H.A. and C. B. Kepler. 1992. Earliest records of the recently introduced avifauna of Puerto Rico. Ornitologφa Caribe±a 3:20-29.

Ridgely, R.S. and Tudor, G. 1989. The birds of South America: the oscine passerines. Univ. Texas Press, Austin.

Red-crested Cardinal, Spanish text

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