ELSEWAR.ZIP 52015 07-11-94 ElseWare 2.2 lets you run a computer from a | different location. The programs consists of | a small TSR that must be loaded on the remote | machine and another on the local machine. | Connection between the two machines is made | via your favorite communications programs and | then the TSR's take over. The refreshing | thing about this program is that although the | author makes a good case that his program is | better than any of the similar retail | products, he asks nothing for it. Instead, he | says "It has served me well and I hope it | will do the same for you." (Kevin Kiley) | (Reg.Fee: $0) HO56.ZIP 357606 11-22-95 Hands On Remote Control 5.61 allows you to | connect two computers via modem connection, | direct cable, or a common mini or mainframe | computer. You can arrange for input to be | accepted from either keyboard, and for both | displays to appear identical. It also | supports a password of up to 39 characters, | automatically sets baud rate to the highest | common speed, supports keystroke automation | tools, such as CED, file transfers using | external protocols, and more. NEW: added | options to force dialing, and to delay | dialing by a specified amount of time. (Vic | Williams) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $50) SIMKEY.ZIP 307777 11-14-94 SimKey lets you input serial data directly | into any DOS, Windows, or OS/2 application. | In addition to converting serial data into | keystrokes you may log data to a file or | write the data to a "receive" window for | viewing. (Greg McFarland) (Reg.Fee: $73) TSHARE3A.ZIP 342525 04-27-95 TeleShare/DOS 3.00 is a remote support and | access system. It allows you to run one PC | from another over the telephone with very | little RAM overhead. (Vic Williams) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $35-50) TSHRADDN.ZIP 232678 01-27-95 TeleShare/DOS - Add-in 3.00 is a remote | support and access system. It allows you to | run one PC from another over the telephone | with very little RAM overhead. This is an | add-in version suitable for use with Telix, | Procomm and similar programs. (Vic Williams) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) WZLINK20.ZIP 264474 04-28-94 WizLink 2.0 is a 6.5K TSR program that lets | one PC dial up and gain control of another PC | through a modem or a direct RS232 port. | Features include remote control, file | transfer, compressed screen transfer with | 9600 modem and 115K direct support, | remote/host dual functions, multiple file | transfer with wildcard syntax, and more. | Requires a hard disk. (WIZ-TEC Computing | Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $40)