BBONES2.ZIP 44802 10-28-93 Bear Bone$ 2.0 is an external protocol which | allows the user to transfer text and binary | files to and from IBM hosts that support | IND$FILE. (Computer Vectors, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: | $45) DSZ.ZIP 91908 06-08-95 DSZ 6/7/95 are external protocols which allow | most communications programs to use the | ZModem, YModem, or XModem protocol to | transfer files. Also included is MobyTurbo to | close the speed gap with YMODEM-g without | compromising ZMODEM reliability. 115200 BPS | is supported with suitable hardware. NEW: | support for the Texas Instruments TL16C550C | ACE with Auto-Flow control. (Chuck Forsberg) | (Reg.Fee: $20) EZPV11.ZIP 54206 01-20-94 EZ Protocol Driver 1.1b is a simple protocol | engine which provides Xmodem, Xmodem1k, | Ymodem/B, SeaLink and Zmodem protocols. It | also supports full batch uploading and | downloading for Ymodem/B SeaLink and Zmodem. | (Wolfgang Ratsch) (Reg.Fee: $10) GIFLINK.ZIP 251563 06-28-93 GIFLINK 1.12 is a download protocol which | allows you to view GIF files on BBSs while | they are being transmitted. VGA required. | (White River Software) (Reg.Fee: $30-$35) GSZ.ZIP 112418 06-12-95 GSZ implements the ZMODEM file transfer | protocol.. (Chuck Forsberg) (Reg.Fee: $30) HOTKEYZ.ZIP 39984 07-11-94 HotKeyZ 6.0 is a DSZ protocol interface | utility. Its use of point-and-shoot windows | are more efficient than other external file | transfer interfaces such as script files and | batch files. If you are not familiar with DSZ | (Zmodem), see ZINTRO. (Mark Albrecht) | (Reg.Fee: $10) HYDRACM1.ZIP 106845 07-11-94 HydraCom 1.0 is a stand-alone driver which | implements the Hydra bi-directional file | transfer protocol. It can also be used as an | external protocol. Other features include | split screen chat during Hydra session, Opus | and DSZ style interfacing, support for | FidoNet technology mailers, safe protocol, | support for 7-bit or even less transparent | connections, numerous transfer options for | sysop and users, terminal function, support | for FOSSIL and VideoFOSSIL, and internal | communication routines supporting 16550 UART. | Source code included. (Arjen G. Lentz) | (Reg.Fee: $0) HYDRACM2.ZIP 47933 07-11-94 See HYDRACM1.ZIP HYDRACM3.ZIP 77835 07-11-94 See HYDRACM1.ZIP IZM110.ZIP 133464 06-27-95 IceZmodem 1.1 is a ZModem-compatible file | transfer protocol with several enhancements | to help make the process less boring. You can | chat with the remote user during the file | transfer, shell to DOS, edit text files, play | MOD music files (with a sound card), display | system information about the remote computer, | and play built-in arcade games. Other | features include a screen saver, extended | maximum block size of 6144 bytes, compared to | the standard ZModem size of 1024 bytes, | status displays, and more. (Alan Caruana) | (Reg.Fee: $25) PDZM10.ZIP 73941 02-17-95 PD Zmodem 1.0 is a new Zmodem program for | DOS. Features include full public domain | status including commercial use, support of | any IBM compatible serial interface using any | IRQ up to #15, FOSSIL support, high | throughput, all standard Zmodem functions, | ZedZap support, optional transfer of whole | directory trees, chat function, and choice of | English or German user interface. (Peter | Mandrella) (Reg.Fee: $0) QT_AB.ZIP 35664 07-11-94 QuickTran compresses files as they are sent | across phone lines. Ordinarily, with standard | file transfer protocols like Xmodem, the | computer spends a great deal of time merely | waiting to send or receive data. QT puts this | time to use compressing and decompressing | data as it comes in or goes out. Both parties | to the transfer must have QT. (Adrian Burton) | (Reg.Fee: $20) SMODEM1B.ZIP 64317 01-17-95 Smodem/DOS 1.00b is a bi-directional file | transfer protocol. It includes full screen | chat, and supports Windows, DESQview, special | com ports, high IRQs, Telnet, and Rlogin. | (AriSoft Oy) (Reg.Fee: $0) SZV200.ZIP 155090 06-09-94 SZModem 2.00 is a zmodem-compatible protocol | with a few added features. It is fully | compatible with normal zmodem, but adds | special capabilities both when talking to | normal zmodems and while talking to other | copies of SZModem. (Scott M. Baker) | (Reg.Fee: $20) TXZM.ZIP 42167 08-01-94 TXZM 2.3 is a Zmodem protocol driver which | can be used with any communications program | that allows configuration of external | protocols. (Mike Dumdei) (Reg.Fee: $0) ZINTRO.ZIP 6235 07-11-94 Zintro is a short introduction to Zmodem | file transfer protocol. (Mark J. Findlay) | (Reg.Fee: $0)