BR_STORM.ZIP 72564 12-30-93 BrainStorm 1.0 is a Topic Orientated Message | System designed for use on Local Area | Networks. It is designed to facilitate group | discussions on a network by allowing users to | respond to any number of defined topics in an | organized manner. Most E-MAIL Packages which | come with a network allow user "A" to send a | message to user "B", and perhaps send a | carbon copy to user "C", "D" and "E". While | this type of message management is ideal for | individual communication, it falls short when | the goal is to gather feedback from a group | while keeping everyone abreast of the project | status. Brainstorm provides a means to | achieve the latter goal. For networks | compatible with Novell 2.0a+, Banyan Vines | 2.x+ and any network which supports DOS 3.x | file and record locking or the Share command. | (Reg.Fee: $149) CONNECT.ZIP 705704 08-03-94 ConnectivEmail 1.07 is an email and groupware | system for Netware networks. It features a | group address book, calendars, to-do list, | peer-to-peer utilities, and more. (Jim Tyson) | (Reg.Fee: $199) EEMAIL1.ZIP 191612 07-11-94 Einstein Electronic Mail is an electronic | mail system for Novell Networks. It features | an InBox, OutBox, and Wastebasket for mail | messages. Other features include mail | folders, telephone messaging, public and | private rolodexes, a multi-user calendar, | To-Do lists, cut and paste facilities, and | much more. It can be run as a TSR, using only | 18K of low DOS memory. Requires Netware 2.1+. | (Jim Tyson) (Reg.Fee: $199-$449) EEMAIL2.ZIP 263469 07-11-94 See EEMAIL1.ZIP EM2000.ZIP 49231 07-11-94 Electronic Mail 2000 is a simple email | system. Features include easy setup of mail | boxes, optional password protection for each | box, file locking, message searching and | printing options. Deleted messages can be | moved to a History file before completely | deleting. EM2000 can also be used by a | single, non-network user to keep messages for | others. (AlarmSoft) (Reg.Fee: $30-$50) EMAIL.ZIP 4893 01-27-94 Email 1.0 is a network Email utility. | Requires Wordperfect 4.2 or higher, and | Novell Netware. (J. Barger) (Reg.Fee: $10) G_FORUM.ZIP 129736 01-01-94 g-Forum is a network messaging system. It | may be installed on a single computer system | for personal use or on a local area network | file server for public message exchange among | network users. Features include a message | editor; last message tracking for each user; | on-line help; menu driven interface; full | administrator capabilities; and much more. | (Gary Beam Software) (Reg.Fee: $190) JMAIL20.ZIP 226671 05-16-95 JunkMail 2.0 is a Novell Network E-Mail | system that includes batch send lists, urgent | delivery, return receipts, WordPerfect | document import, and file attachments. It | uses Novell bindery information, including | the print queues, user lists, and the Novell | broadcast function. Requires a Color monitor | and a Novell Network. (Dynamic Application | Programmin) (Reg.Fee: $30) LAN_MAIL.ZIP 302830 12-16-93 LAN Mail 1 is an electronic mail system for | Local Area Networks where a shared disk is | available. Send messages, files, and forms to | a single user or to a distribution list of | users. Create forms to send over the mail. | Send any number of files to any number of | users on the network with a single send. (Ed | Ross Software) (Reg.Fee: $25) MAIL2.ZIP 17602 07-11-94 Mail2 1.92 allows you to send files to | cc:Mail from the DOS command-line. | (Cobblestone Software) (Reg.Fee: $39) NSEND11.ZIP 88951 02-11-94 NSend/NGet 1.1 is an e-mail system for | NetWare. NSend will send messages. NGet | displays them with the date and time they | were sent, in a last-sent first-shown order. | (Matt E. Hart) (Reg.Fee: $25) NUVEAU26.ZIP 115342 12-16-94 Nouveau 2.6 is a 7k+ pop-up E-Mail system | designed to pass messages among the | workstations on a small business's local area | network. Up to 1000 unread messages can be | maintained by the program before a user will | need to purge old items from the files. Up to | 200 workstations can be supported, and the | program features word-wrap. Also included on | this disk are the following programs: SignOut | 1.3 ($50-$500) is a LAN-based equivalent of | the sign-out board that many offices maintain | for workers to fill in whenever they leave | the office. The program will track up to 99 | employees and display to anyone on the | office's LAN a list of who's signed out, | where they they gone, and when they will be | back. It will also allow the person departing | the office to leave detailed instructions on | how to be reached, why and where the person | has gone, etc. It will work with any | DOS-based Local Area Network and uses 7k. It | can also be accessed by up to 200 | workstations. (Richard A. Kelly) (Reg.Fee: | $25) PEMLITE1.ZIP 213083 07-31-95 Personal-E Mailbox 3.0L is an electronic mail | program which can be used on a voice line. | The program detects voice calls and rings | them through without the caller hearing modem | noise. Modem callers can quickly leave and | pick up email. The program will run as a TSR, | so a dedicated PC is not required. (AmerCom, | Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $29) PMAIL322.ZIP 831810 10-30-95 Pegasus Mail 3.22 is a full-featured Email | program for Novell NetWare. (David Harris) | (Reg.Fee: $0-750) POINT188.ZIP 182031 10-14-94 PPoint 1.88 is a professional network e-mail | management program. It is FidoNet compatible, | and features automatic set-up and | maintenance. NEW: fixed PP-QWK inbound | multiple host problems, added switches to | browse directory files and perform | encryption.rm encryption. (Harvey Parisien) | (Reg.Fee: $15) POPC221C.ZIP 63622 05-04-95 PopClient 2.21c is a Post Office Protocol | compliant mail retrieval client which | supports POP2 and POP3. It will download mail | in batch from the remote mailserver specified | by host to a mail folder on the local disk. | The retrieved mail will then be manipulated | using a local mail reader. To facilitate the | program in scripts, pipelines, etc, it | returns an appropriate exit code upon | termination. (Carl Jr. Harris) (Reg.Fee: $0) SEEMAIL1.ZIP 855765 12-17-93 See Mail 1.4 is a comprehensive email | management system that optionally merges with | MCI mail. Features include support for | groups, passwords, extensive message filing | and archiving options, key word searching | across folders, and a 29k TSR which will | optionally transfer your MCI Mail in the | background while you are running other | programs. In addition to MCI Mail, it can | handle CompuServe and GE mail. Other features | include system integration for WordPerfect, | dBase, Lotus 123 and other DOS business | applications; support for voice mail; a | personal calendar; and mail previewing with | reply/forward mode and folder creation. | Requires DOS 3+, 450K RAM, and either DOS | Network, or Modem & MCI. (David RR Webber) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $60) SEEMAIL2.ZIP 406071 12-17-93 See SEEMAIL1.ZIP SIGNOUT.ZIP 92766 09-08-94 SignOut is a LAN-based equivalent of the | sign-out board that many offices maintain for | workers to fill in whenever they leave the | office. The program will track up to 99 | employees and display to anyone on the | office's LAN a list of who's signed out, | where they they gone, and when they will be | back. It will also allow the person departing | the office to leave detailed instructions on | how to be reached, why and where the person | has gone, etc. It will work with any | DOS-based Local Area Network and uses 7k. It | can also be accessed by up to 200 | workstations. << NOTE >> this program is | on the same disk with Nouveau. (Richard A. | Kelly) (Reg.Fee: $60-800) SLIP_DOS.ZIP 422074 09-28-94 Minuet (beta) 1.0 is an integrated package of | TCP/IP network tools for network users who | wish to use email and other internet | services. You can compose multiple messages | off-line in text, UU, or binary file | enclosure format, access UseNet newsgroups, | send or receive files, display available | files in a tree format, and more. (J. R. | McConnell) (Reg.Fee: $5) SPORT1.ZIP 239315 07-11-94 Sport 1.55 is primarily designed to manage | communications and automatic, as well as | manual, transfer of information among members | of a group at one or more locations. Features | include unattended distribution of | files/messages to one or more members, a | terminal mode, the ability to route incoming | mail to another location, remote control of | systems, conferencing, and more. (Satore | Center Software) (Reg.Fee: $85) SPORT2.ZIP 299333 07-11-94 See SPORT1.ZIP