ACED32.ZIP 545868 09-13-95 AceComm 3.2 is a powerful comm program with | internal X/Y/Zmodem and other standard | protocols, macros, full script language, | terminal emulation, and much more. It | supports a fully redefinable keyboard, | multiple phone directories, color scroll-back | buffer, EMS/XMS/disk swapping, FIDO file | requests, IEMSI protocol data handshaking, | and many other sophisticated features. Yet it | is easy to use, offering context-sensitive | help and "standard" command key combos. | (Michael G. Phelps) (Reg.Fee: $45) AUTONT30.ZIP 307013 01-11-95 Auto-Net 3.0 is an automated Internet | communication program. Features include | reliable automated file transfers, new file | searches, file retrieval, download, ftp and | more. NEW: Added ability to specify | port, provider, and speed inside Autonet.cfg; | direct connect option for people with direct | TcpIp access; upload capability and GETMAIL.1 | and SENDMAIL.1 agendas, showing how to use | UQWK for offline mail reading/responding. | (David Smith) (Reg.Fee: $35) BABYB21C.ZIP 111698 11-30-95 BananaCom Custom 2.1c is a communication | program for dialing into just one modem | service. This would be an ideal program for | sysops to sell or give to people interested | in trying their service. Features include | auto ZModem, ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation, | auto modem detect and auto installation. | (Paul Wheaton) (Reg.Fee: $69) BBSR11.ZIP 261282 12-02-94 OnLine! BBSer Professional 1.01b is a | communications program with 19 internal | protocols, including Xmodem, Ymodem, and | Zmodem, a function to emulate the command key | sets for most major communications packages, | file finder, cut and paste upload and | download buffers for filenames and | descriptions, baud rates up to 115,200 with | 16550 fifos and 28.8, V.Fast support, and | more. (Crater Rim Software) (Reg.Fee: $0) BCOM23B.ZIP 117605 02-13-96 BananaCom 2.3b is a simple communications | program for first-time modem users. This | works with DOS, Windows 3.x and Win95. (Paul | Wheaton) (Reg.Fee: $25) BIG103.ZIP 153918 01-04-80 Blue Instant Graphics! 1.03 is a BBS terminal | that allows greater control over graphics and | sound. You can have BIG color text and | graphics anywhere on the screen, allow better | game programs to be written for BBS doors and | provide other services where images better | than those provided by ANSI.SYS are needed. | Requires an RS232 driver such as BNU.SYS or | X00.SYS. (Larry Mears) (Reg.Fee: $25) BOY52U.ZIP 16395 09-26-94 Boyan Communications Update is a patch to | upgrade Boyan Communications program to | version 5.2. (Lee Breeden) (Reg.Fee: $0) BOYAN.ZIP 303183 07-11-94 Boyan is a top-rated, high-performance | communications program with an excellent, | friendly, user interface. It supports all | modems, scripts, and external protocols. It | supports interrupt-driven communications with | all serial ports and modems, at speeds from | 300 to 38,400 baud. Both hardware and | software flow control are supported for | high-speed modems and networking. Emulates | popular terminals, including VT-100, VT-52, | and ANSI-BBS. An extensive macro language | with well over 200 commands and variables to | automate all your communications is | available. Passwords can be implemented for | each entry of the dialing directory, and you | can cut and paste between directories and | sort by last connection date. A Host Mode | allows you to dial in to your computer from a | remote system, read and write messages, send | and receive files, and Shell to DOS. This | mode can handle passwords for up to 70 | different users, supports word-wrap during | message entry, and provides a handy Sysop | Menu. (Justin Boyan) (Reg.Fee: $40-$60) CA29_1.ZIP 183894 06-09-95 Com-And 2.94 is a full-powered communications | program that has accessory applications to be | used with it, including a visual conferencing | program, and telecom bridge and chess | programs, complete with playing boards. | NEW: removed DES encryption, improved use of | ZModem, improved VT100 emulation set/reset | scrolling region commands, and more. (R Scott | McGinnis) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $50) CA29_2.ZIP 177627 06-09-95 See CA29_1.ZIP CA29_3.ZIP 244789 06-09-95 See CA29_1.ZIP CA29_4.ZIP 95122 06-09-95 See CA29_1.ZIP CILINK.ZIP 322574 11-15-93 Cedar Island Link 3.0d is a mouse-based | communications program which allows you to | click on characters in the terminal window | and have them sent back to the BBS as though | you've typed them in yourself. It also | includes an XTREE-like utility which unzips | compressed files and views GIF images. | Supports data rates from 300 baud to 110KB. | Supports ANSI music and more. (Mike Caughran) COMMO66.ZIP 201728 12-27-95 Commo 6.6 is a general purpose com program. | It is small and fast, yet contains all the | features most people need. Commo's Macro | Processor allows you to run any program or | batch file from Commo at the touch of a key. | Other features include a Doorway Mode; | auto-switching keyboard support for VT102 | users; internal scrollback; translate tables; | serial port display control; and more. COMMO9 | for the HP 95LX is also included. Internal | ZModem, macro compiling, greater speed and | more. NEW: ASCII files received with | Zmodem can be converted to CR/LF format by | the remote system. (Fred P. Brucker) | (Reg.Fee: $40-53) CU_220.ZIP 742035 10-07-94 Communique 2.20 is a computer terminal | package. Features include support for IEMSI, | Avatar, TTY/ANSI/VT52/VT102/AVATAR terminals, | ANSI-music standard, XModem/XModem 1k/Xmodem | 1kG/YModem/YModem G/ZModem protocols, Zmodem | auto-download, and more. NEW: internal | host mode, GIF viewer, improved scroll back | buffer, SoundBlaster support, automatically | detects your modems highest baudrate when | running setup, and more.unning setup, and | more. (Adam Blake) (Reg.Fee: $38) CYBER150.ZIP 851001 01-05-96 CyberCom 1.50 is a communication program with | its own file manager for performing standard | file navigation tasks. Features include | support for multiple device configurations, | background file transfers, industry standard | protocols and support for up to 15 external | protocols, support for all popular terminal | modes, file tagging, scroll back buffer, and | more. (Jason Percival) (Reg.Fee: $45) DEP309.ZIP 391271 02-01-94 Deputy 3.09 is a communications package which | includes Zmodem, Xmodem, Ymodem, ASCII & | Kermit protocols, messaging and file transfer | facilities, speeds of up to 115200 baud, | Novell NACS/NASI Interface, external protocol | support, and more. (SEG Communications) | (Reg.Fee: $49 pound) GDSTERM.ZIP 229595 04-12-94 GDSTerm and TTYHost 1.5d is a full-featured | terminal program and a host module. They | provide for complete communications via modem | between two computers. Support is provided | for external downloads and uploads using | HSLink, ZModem, XModem, YModem, YModemG, and | up to five other batch file protocols of your | choice. Requries DSZ and HSLink for | protocols. (Gayle D. Davis) (Reg.Fee: $?) GTPWR1.ZIP 306690 07-11-94 GT Powercomm 17.06 is a very powerful | communications program, at least as good as | any available. It's answer mode is so | fully-featured that some people use it as a | BBS system. Other features include a status | line that shows when a script is executing; a | two-color chat mode; a dialing directory that | can be sorted by comment fields; CD-ROM | support; support for COM1 through COM8 and | IRQs 0 through 15; EGA/VGA 43/50 line mode | support; multi- language support; | programmable questionnaires; and much more. | There is support for up to 15 different | protocols, keyboard substitutions, support | for the F11 and F12 keys, and VT-52 | emulation. Sysop Tools 2.0b is also included | in this set. (P & M Software Co.) (Reg.Fee: | $70) GTPWR2.ZIP 183179 07-11-94 See GTPWR1.ZIP GTPWR3.ZIP 212411 07-11-94 See GTPWR1.ZIP HS121.ZIP 138655 08-23-94 HS/Link 1.21 is a high speed bi-directional | file transfer protocol. NEW: will detect | when the communications link has failed and | abort the transfer. (Samuel H. Smith) | (Reg.Fee: $20-28) IC201A.ZIP 339118 06-09-94 Intellicomm 2.01 is a communications program | which is designed to make unattended BBS | sessions easier and more efficient without | scripts. In one session, you can call a | series of BBS numbers, get a listing of new | files from each, perform pre-scheduled | uploads and downloads, scan new downloads for | viruses, and import lists to an indexed | database, all while you are away from the | computer. Some other features include a | scrollback buffer, keystroke and command | buffer, internal transfer protocols including | Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, and support for up to | eight external protocols, text editor, file | manager, screen blanker, archive viewer, and | more. (Liberation Enterprises) (Reg.Fee: $40) IC201B.ZIP 365927 06-09-94 See IC201A.ZIP IC201C.ZIP 340069 06-09-94 See IC201A.ZIP ICEX.ZIP 196832 11-20-93 ICEX is a communications package for use | with GTE Telenet's PcPursuit service. It can | be used in conjunction with your favorite | communications package or as a standalone. | The program is basically a very fancy | PcPursuit dialer that acts as an extension to | your communications package. When invoked, it | assumes command and will allow the user to | connect to a desired city and desired BBS | with only a few keystrokes. It will dial | target cities in a queue fashion until the | city responds with a connection. ICEX will | then present the user with the appropriate | BBS dialing directory for the city connected | to and allow you to select the BBS's to try. | Again, ICEX will dial in a queue fashion | until a connection is established. Once a | connection is established, ICEX can | automatically log into the BBS before passing | control back to the calling program | (Procomm+, Qmodem, etc.) where file transfer, | data capture, and other functions can take | place. (Wayne Wolf) (Reg.Fee: $25) JBL_212.ZIP 70453 08-12-95 JB-Learn 2.12 creates macros for login | activities and other functions for the | communications program Commo v6.5+. Features | include self-learning module for faster macro | authoring, automatic detection of front-end | mailers, ability to add SSLOOK logic to | macros, file transfer learning, and more. | (Jeff Bishop) (Reg.Fee: $?) KERM_SRC.ZIP 333010 12-15-93 Kermit Source Code 3.13 is the MASM source | code for Kermit 3.13. (Reg.Fee: $0) MSK314.ZIP 804734 12-11-95 MS-DOS Kermit 3.14 is a powerful and popular | programs used primarily for communication | between PCs and mainframes. Use the -d switch | when unarchiving to preserve the proper | subdirectory structure. NEW: added ANSI | terminal and Wyse-50 terminal emulation, | Kanji character-set translation during | terminal emulation, revised printer support | to support Novell CAPTURE, support for | Meridian Technology SuperLAT network | connections, and more. (Columbia University | Academic I) (Reg.Fee: $0) MYCMM231.ZIP 173190 11-10-95 MyComm 2.31 is a good, basic | telecommunications program. What it lacks in | exotic features, it makes up for in ease of | use. (Ken Dorshimer) (Reg.Fee: $27) ODYSSEY1.ZIP 288749 02-11-94 Odyssey 2.00 is a powerful general-purpose | communications program. It supports COM1 | through COM8, modem speeds up to 115200 baud, | built-in MNP levels, a Pascal-like script | language with learn mode, background file | transfer, and keyboard remapping. Terminal | emulations include ANSI, Data General 200, | TTY, DEC VT100, and VT320. A hard disk is | required. (David A. Leonard) (Reg.Fee: $95) ODYSSEY2.ZIP 102156 02-11-94 See ODYSSEY1.ZIP PCBB.ZIP 147680 01-11-96 PC Blackboard 4.2 is an interactive | communication program which allows users to | create drawings and add text from the | keyboard on a blank screen. (Serial | Solutions, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $56) PIB_SRC.ZIP 565758 12-18-93 PibTerm Source is the complete Turbo Pascal | source code for PibTerm. (Philip R. Burns) | (Reg.Fee: $0) PIBTERM.ZIP 437166 12-18-93 PibTerm is a freeware communications and | terminal emulation program. It offers mouse | support, COM3/4 support, script capabilities | and support for CompuServe QuickB protocol. | (Philip R. Burns) (Reg.Fee: $0) PILOTV2.ZIP 326966 01-02-94 PILOT is a communications program. You can | call other PC's or mainframes, receive | incoming calls, and upload and download | files. It supports major file transfer | protocols such as XModem, XModem-1K, YModem, | YModem-g, YModem-g Batch, Kermit and ZModem. | It runs in the TSR mode requiring only 35K. | Other features include ANSI terminal | emulation; support for the major extended | modems such as Hayes, US Robotics HST, | Telebit, MultiTech, and GVC SM-96; support | for baud rates from 150 to 115K; support for | up to 9 serial ports (1 at a time); | multi-tasking features; automatic redial; a | macro editor; and much more. (LEAD | Technologies, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $49) QTERM.ZIP 9676 07-11-94 Quick Terminal A.1 is a 9k pop-up | communications program which can be used to | communicate with any serial device (eg: modem | or plotter) without exiting from the current | applications program. Rated at up to 9,600 | baud. (Ken Patridge) (Reg.Fee: $0) SLICK65.ZIP 252727 04-27-94 Slick Terminal 6.5 is an easy to use terminal | program. It has VGA-GIF file graphics built | in, script capability, encryption security, | ANSI BBS music detection with internal ANSI | emulator, auto atomic clock timeset function, | plus much more. (Wolfgang Ratsch) (Reg.Fee: | $20) SMTV11.ZIP 115944 04-27-94 Script Modem Terminal 1.1 is a multifunction | script driven communications terminal using | TTY,ANSI emulation. It is designed for a wide | variety of applications. It can use any | serial port paired to any IRQ line. It works | with any baud rate supported by your modem | and any standard line settings. (Gary M. | Raymond) (Reg.Fee: $20) T322_1.ZIP 173571 02-08-94 Telix 3.22 is a powerful and fast | communications program. It has scripting and | most of the other features the other top | programs provide. It offers session logging, | DOS access and scroll-back of previous | screens, among other features. Protocols | supported include Xmodem, Kermit, Telink, | Ascii, Ymodem, Ymodem Batch, Modem7 and | SEAlink. Telix has a split-screen chat mode | and a Host mode. It allows multiple dialing | directories, has a 64k backsroll screen | buffer, a usage log, baud rates to 115,200, a | DoorWay mode, a graphical file transfer | display, and DESQview support. (DeltaComm | Development) (Reg.Fee: $44-59) T322_3.ZIP 203591 02-08-94 See T322_1.ZIP T322_4.ZIP 181420 02-08-94 See T322_1.ZIP TAGTALK.ZIP 152885 03-28-94 TagTalk 0.05b is a communications program. | Features include dialing directory, | uploading/downloading files, auto answer, | TTY/ANSI/VT100/VT52 emulation, EGA/VGA 25/50 | line modes, and more. (Matt McIntosh) | (Reg.Fee: $25) TM420UP.ZIP 444693 07-06-95 Telemate 4.20 Upgrade is a set of files for | upgrading Telemate versions 3.0+ and 4.0+ to | Telemate 4.20. (White River Software) | (Reg.Fee: $53) TMC.ZIP 18152 07-11-94 The Minimal Communicator is a small comm | program written entirely in assembler. It was | designed to be small enough to fit on a | laptop RAM-disk. TMC is rather bare-bones and | may not be suitable for beginners, but then | it takes only 10k of disk space and should | run in 128k of RAM. It is primarily of use in | communicating, rather than downloading, since | no transfer protocols are included. Limited | script capabilities are present for automated | log-on's. (Alan Lindsey) (Reg.Fee: $35) TT_104.ZIP 13491 08-16-95 TinyTerm 1.04 allows your desktop computer to | serve as a terminal using ANSI BBS or AVATAR | emulation. ANSI BBS allows you to receive | ANSI color codes from BBS and interpret them | properly. AVATAR (Avanced Video Attribute | Terminal) receives advanced color codes and | converts them to ANSI color codes. The AVATAR | emulation allows for a faster transmission of | screen controlling data. The program runs on | COM1 at 300, 1200 and 2400 baud. It is meant | mostly to show how FOSSIL communications and | AVATAR emulation can be programmed. (George | A. Stanislav) (Reg.Fee: $0) ZCOMMDOC.ZIP 231386 06-13-95 ZComm User Manual 18.18 is the entire user | manual for the ZComm communications program, | version 18.18. (Chuck Forsberg) (Reg.Fee: $40) ZCOMMEXE.ZIP 194395 06-08-95 ZComm 18.18 is a shareware version of a | commercial program that is considered by some | to be the most advanced communications | program available for the PC, and many of the | same features are available in this shareware | version. Among the protocols supported are | Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Kermit Sliding | Windows, Xmodem CRC-16, Ymodem-G, WXmodem, | Advanced Kermit, and CompuServe's B Protocol. | ZComm exchanges files with the widest range | of computer systems and networks with a | complete set of error correcting file | transfer protocols. With Zcomm, if you lose | connect in the middle of a file transfer, you | can call back and resume the transfer right | where you were cut off without wasted time or | phone charges. Advanced features include text | file translation, selective transfer of | updated files, remote file maintenance, and a | command that allows the YAM display to map | ASCII characters to local alternates. NEW: | support for Texas Insturments TL16C550C ACE | with Auto-Flow control. (Chuck Forsberg) | (Reg.Fee: $40)