800BBS.ZIP 6874 02-15-95 America's Validated Toll-Free BBS List is a | listing of toll-free bulletin boards | accessible from within the US. (Kevin Brook) | (Reg.Fee: $0) ASTROBBS.ZIP 15824 11-27-95 ROS Space/Astronomy BBS List 06/95 is a | listing of BBSs around the world which | support topics regarding satellites, | astronomy, weather, space science, etc. | (Edward Locke) (Reg.Fee: $0) BBSTEST.ZIP 99900 01-07-94 BBSTest helps you keep track of local BBS | phone numbers. It has several nice features | to help you keep an accurate list with a | minimum of time and trouble. You can use the | dialing directories of Qmodem or Procomm or a | list of numbers in an ascii file. BBSTEST can | log onto most systems and capture the session | to disk for later review. In addition, you | can use BBSTEST to try and contact busy or | no-answer numbers for several days without | losing your original verified list. BBSTEST | even creates a summary log of important | information about various BBS's according to | your criteria. (Jim Kloss) (Reg.Fee: $35) CHRNET12.ZIP 10221 01-11-95 Christian Networks Listing 12.0 is a listing | of Christian BBSs. (Whole Counsel Ministries, | Inc.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) GBBS0196.ZIP 22775 01-24-96 International Green BBS List 1/1/96 is a | quarterly list of bulletin board systems | worldwide which support environmental issues. | (Bob Chapman) (Reg.Fee: $0) GSBBS033.ZIP 291383 09-20-95 Garden State BBS List 33 is New Jersey's | largest and most accurate BBS listing of | BBSes throughout the 201, 609 and 908 area | codes. It has over 900 verified numbers. The | listing includes the BBS phone number, system | name Sysop, town, max baud rate and software. | It comes in three formats, ASCII, ANSI and | OS/2. (Scott Drake) (Reg.Fee: $0) HNBBS041.ZIP 5498 02-17-95 The HealthCare Network BBS Listing 2-10-95 is | a listing of bulletin board systems which are | connected to The Health Care Network via a | Fido-compatible mailer. (Rick Catania) | (Reg.Fee: $0) HVFCBB04.ZIP 32282 01-12-95 Hayes V.FC BBS List #4 is a listing of BBS | systems that are running the Hayes OPTIMA 288 | V.FC + Fax, providing speeds of up to 28,800 | bps. (Hayes Online) (Reg.Fee: $0) MAJRNODE.ZIP 12675 04-22-94 Major BBS MajorNet Node List 1.0 is a list of | public access numbers for MajorNet BBS | systems around the world. (Reg.Fee: $0) MCBBS494.ZIP 4732 05-04-94 Missing Children BBS List 0494 is a listing | of bulletin board services that have a | special interest in the topic of missing | children. (Robert Murphy) (Reg.Fee: $0) NOBBS035.ZIP 29220 04-06-95 New Orleans BBS List 3/95 is a comprehensive | list of PC compatible BBS's in the New | Orleans area. It also contains the QModem | dialing list. (Darin Celino) (Reg.Fee: $0) QBBSL002.ZIP 38565 01-04-95 The Official BBS Listing of QuickBBS Systems | World Wide #2 is a list of bulletin board | systems around the world that are using the | QuickBBS software. (Scott Drake) (Reg.Fee: $0) RABBS503.ZIP 12241 06-27-95 RemoteAccess BBS List 3/95 is a list of | hundreds of BBSs based on the RemoteAccess | BBS software. It also lists the features | offered, such as FidoNet, adult areas, file | capacity, and more. (Gary Barr) (Reg.Fee: $0) SBBSLIST.ZIP 67410 10-09-95 Synchronet BBS List 10/9/95 is a list of | Synchronet BBSs sorted by phone number. | Information is exported weekly, and entries | are auto-deleted after 90 days if not updated | or validated. (Rob Swindell) (Reg.Fee: $0) SUPRT503.ZIP 21474 06-27-95 Tech Support BBS List 3/95 is a listing of | over 500 technical support BBSs for | commercial and shareware hardware and | software. It also includes a list of faxback | services. (Gary Barr) (Reg.Fee: $0) SUPRT512.ZIP 12615 12-12-95 Technical Support BBS List 12/95 is a list of | bulletin board systems operated by hardware | manufacturers, commercial and shareware | software companies that provide technical | support information. (Gary Barr) (Reg.Fee: $0) TRIS0908.ZIP 37899 09-11-95 TriBBS List 9/8/95 is a list of over 2200 | registered TriBBS systems throughout the | world, along with phone numbers and baud | rate. (Mark D. Goodwin) (Reg.Fee: $0) USBUP103.ZIP 72423 02-23-95 USBBSUP is a USBBS national BBS list remote | update program. It allows updates via | Internet mail. The program also allows you to | add a new entry to the list, update an | existing entry on the list, and request | deletion of an existing entry on the list. | (Bob Breedlove) (Reg.Fee: $0)