Thank you for your interest in the WW II T-Shirt, designed by Santa's Head. This high
quality T-Shirt can be purchased for $17.50 each which includes Domestic shipping (US
and Canada only). For International orders, please add $5.00 for additional shipping (all
amounts in US dollars). Some of you may not know, but Santa's 'day' job is designing
T-Shirts and other things at a sporting goods company.

Please print out this order form, include your payment (check, money order, international
money order in US funds ONLY) and write legibly your address in the space below. Please
list the address as it would appear on an envelope. If you do not send a legible address,
shipment cannot take place and your check will be returned to you, if possible. Make
checks payable to 'Craig Goodman'. You may of course pay more than $17.50 for each
T-Shirt as a 'thank you' to Santa for his efforts. Most of the T-Shirts printed will be
XL. A limited supply of size XXL and L will be printed, and you can request these sizes.
However, you may be shipped an XL if there are no more XXL or L.

Please fill out the ordering information

Quantity of XXL T-Shirts ordered: ____
Quantity of XL  T-Shirts ordered: ____
Quantity of L   T-Shirts ordered: ____

Total Shirts ordered:   ______
Cost per T-Shirt:       $17.50
Intl Shipping:          ______ (add $5.00 if international shipping)

Total Cost:             ______

Amount Included:   ___________

Shipping Address in the space below...


(write neatly, this will be used on the package for shipping to you!)


Send payment to: 

Attn: Craig Goodman     
1218 Moro    
Manhattan, KS 66502

Offer valid until December 24th, 1999. Shop early, avoid the rush!