Soldier's Field Guide
  Getting Started - Section E
WWII Titans contains two plugin files for use with the solo campaign of Myth II. This section will explain in depth what these two plugins do, and how to use them. It is assumed that you have already installed these two plugins (see Section A for installation instructions).

1: What the WWII Units Plugin Does

When activated, the WWII Units Plugin replaces most of the Myth II units with World War II units. While it was originally designed for cooperative (single player maps) net play, this plugin can also be used to modify multiplayer maps. Instead of replacing everything with normal Titans soldiers, many Myth II units are replaced with specialized soldiers with different abilities (described below) and in some instances tanks. Some items are also replaced with special items from the Titans map.

2: Activating the Plugin

Host a multiplayer game of Myth II, and open the "Plugins" dialog. Select the WWII Units plugin, and click the "Activate" button. The plugin will then replace most Myth II units on any map you host on.

Important: if you want to host a game with normal Myth II units, you will have to deactivate the plugin beforehand, using the "Deactivate" button in the Plugins dialog.

To host a cooperative game, click the "Use Single Player Levels" checkbox above the map listing after activating the plugin.

3: Using Mythical Solos

Mythical Solos only works in cooperative multiplayer mode; the levels cannot be played using the "New Game" option in the Myth II main menu. You can still play them on your own, but you have to host a multiplayer game to do so. The Mythical Solos levels will not automatically appear in the list of available cooperative maps when hosting. To get them on the list, you need to do one of the following:

  • Place the "game" preference file included with the Titans archive in your Myth II preferences folder. This will make all of the regular Myth II solo levels available (except the two secret levels) for single-player and non-WWII cooperative games, and all of the Mythical Solos levels available (including the two secret levels) for use with the plugin. The old "game" preference file must be removed before installing this one, or overwritten.

    - OR -

  • Join and play in a game hosted on the map you want to host. Once the game has started (the game screen appears), the level will be added to your list of single player maps for future games you host. This keeps your existing list of singleplayer maps intact (simply adding in the WWII maps) but is far less convenient.

The WWII Mythical Solos maps will all have "WWII:" at the beginning of their name. They do not replace the maps they are based upon, so you can still play the unmodified maps in single-player and non-WWII coop.

4: Description of the Special Units

The units used in the Mythical Solos levels are slightly different from those on the Titans map. Below is a description of the various soldiers, and how they differ from the soldiers from the Titans map.

  • Soldier: This unit looks the same and in most aspects behaves the same as the normal Titans soldier, with the exception that they have an unlimited supply of grenades and do not have the training to use medkits (this goes for all other soldiers as well, except for medics and shotgun medics).

  • Medic: Medics carry a standard rifle, but instead of carrying two grenades, they carry large quantities (10 charges) of medical supplies. This guy is a wounded soldier's best friend.

  • RPG Soldier: Instead of the rifle, the RPG soldier fires RPGs as his main attack. He has an unlimited supply of RPGs, but when his blue power bar is depleted, he must recharge, partially or entirely, to be able to fire. The RPGs are aimed using the attack ground function (control-click), about 40% of the distance from the RPG soldier and his target. The RPG soldier also carries a large (unlimited) complement of anti-personnel land mines. Due to the volatile explosives he is carrying, the RPG soldier explodes when he dies.

  • HMG Soldier: This unit behaves identically to the regular soldier listed above, with the exception that his rifle is replaced with the faster firing but less accurate heavy machine gun, with unlimited ammo. HMG soldiers also have an unlimited supply of grenades, which are thrown using the special ability (T-key) function. Enemy (dark) machine-gunners are considerably more effective than your own.

  • Shotgun Soldier: This soldier carries a shotgun, which fires a cone of buckshot that spreads over distance, making it much more effective at short range. The shotgun fires more slowly than the rifle, but can do a higher amount of damage with each shot. The shotgun soldier still carries a full (unlimited) supply of grenades.

  • Shotgun Medic: This shotgun wielding soldier has traded in his grenades for a pair of medkits.

  • Shotgun Medic Hero: This hardened veteran can reload his shotgun much faster than other shotgun medics, and carries much more medical supplies (10 charges).

  • Flamethrower Soldier: Armed with a deadly flamethrower and unlimited fuel, this soldier can inflict severe damage at short range. He also carries an unlimited supply of smoke grenades (special ability), which don't do any real damage, but can be used as a distraction or cover for advancing troops.

  • Scout: Silent and quick, these soldiers cannot be seen on the overhead map. If attacked by scouts, your soldiers will not return fire unless specifically told to do so. Scouts have no ammunition for their rifles, instead relying on their bayonets to deliver a quick death.

  • Suicide Soldier: These deranged soldiers have strapped on vests of TNT, with the hopes that they will take a lot of enemy soldiers with them. Attacking an enemy will cause the suicide soldier to close to short range and detonate the vest, while using the special ability key will make them detonate immediately. If the suicide soldier is killed, the vest will still explode.

  • Grenadier: Typically only employed by the enemy, this soldier does not carry any ammunition for his rifle, instead relying on an inexhaustible supply of fragmentation grenades to kill his enemies.

  • HMG Grenadier: This heavy machine-gunner favors grenades in close, and will use them instead of his machine-gun as his primary attack.

Enemy soldiers (replacing Myth II dark units) are fairly similar to your own, but have slightly differing equipment. The enemy machine-guns tend to be slightly more effective in combat, and enemy soldiers have been known to employ suicide tactics (TNT style). Be on the lookout for snorkel-equipped enemy soldiers, who may be lurking in deep water.

Very large units (typically Trow and Myrkridian giants) are replaced with tanks, which behave identically to those on the Titans map, although dark tanks appear slightly different. Shotguns, heavy machine-guns, and rifles fired by the special soldiers listed above cannot target tanks, to prevent the wasting of ammunition.

5: Description of the Mythical Solos Levels

Make sure you read the hints on each level! All levels have new hints now, and they may give extra hints not noted here.

  • 1. Willow Creek: This first level is fairly tough, but not impossible. Camping on the hill where you start is a good idea. A fun map.

  • 2. Salvation: The second level plays perfectly, just like the first does. Difficult once you get towards the higher difficulties. Killing the guards before they can get to tell the rest is a good idea.

  • 3. Down a Broken Path: You get control of Rurik now, since it nearly impossible to get the level without him getting killed. The hills are a good place to run to in the beginning, making sure Rurik doesn't get shot at at all.

  • 3a. A Long Awaited Drinking Party (secret level): This level is so much fun! You might think that it level is too easy since you have these Shotgunners instead of the Poachers... but tell that to the deer.

  • 4. Into The Breach: It is far easier (and possibly the only way) to destroy the switch holding the gate up by using RPG's from below, than it is to let 'Jari' do it. Laying mines on the road ahead of enemy groups is probably a good idea as well.

  • 5. The Baron: The RPGs were removed to make the level tougher, but it is still quite easy even on Legendary. Using grenades to kill the Baron is the easiest way to kill him since he has so much health.

  • 6. Gonen's Bridge: Watch for the TNT vest soldiers -- they will make your life difficult. Using RPGs well is the key to winning this map.

  • 7. Beyond the Cloudspine: The level has been changed somewhat. The world knot has already been repaired, but it needs to warm up, so you must hold off the final charge. A tough map, but using RPGers effectively will make it easier.

  • 8. The Great Library: Destined to be a classic, this map will challenge you, but is not impossibly hard. Hiding in the sides and using grenades is a good tactic, but watch out for TNT vests!

  • 9. Gate of Storms: This level is easy, even on Legendary. There were some tweaks to toughen it, so it might get tough if you get careless. Using Alric's 'Popcorn' spell (Dispersion Dream, special ability) is a good idea.

  • 10. Invasion at White Falls: Totally redone by Soulsbane, this level gives you a totally different set of units, including Tanks. Your objective is to make it inside the fort before the enemy tank patrol arrives. You will get a warning when this is about to happen. A fun map, and challenging.

  • 11. Through the Ermine: The wolves can walk anywhere on the map. The 'cheer and win bug' (see the winning MDQ film) is still there, and is quite funny :)

  • 12. The Stair of Grief: The original map was way too easy, so we made it tougher! We have included new scripts, and even some tanks on the tougher difficulties. Using the hills to your advantage is mandatory, unless you want to die quickly.

  • 13. The Deceiver: The Warlocks have become flamethrowers soldiers, which makes avoiding their attacks easier. Beating the main force to Myrdred is the real challenge here. The soldier who receives the Scepter does not have grenades, as he has to be able to throw the Scepter to revive the Deceiver.

  • 14. With Tanks like These: Hide in the holes and throw grenades at the tanks.

  • 15. Tanks of Muirthemne: The soldiers don't parachute in now. Very tough.

  • 16. The Ibis Crown: The ghosts aren't converted, but are still quite dangerous.

  • 17. Redemption: The opening script was slightly altered. Having your two tanks fire their cannons together at enemy tanks is a good idea.

  • 18. Relic: The Deceiver's wither spell does not cause damage anymore, but will hold enemies motionless. The Ally spell (special ability) still works, but only on some types of enemies.

  • 19. The Summoner: The RPG Soldiers can pick up the crystals now. The Deceiver's wither spell doesn't work here either. Watch out for scouts (replacing spiders) as they cannot be seen on the overhead map. The Summoner can't summon, so it's pretty easy to kill him.

  • 20. A Murder of Crows: No problems, both exits work. Attacking Soulblighter before you rescue the Deceiver is a very bad idea.

  • 21. Limbs, Heads, and Smoking Craters (secret level): Losing the RPG soldiers will lose the map. Using them well will lead you to victory.

  • 22. The Wall: This map is destined to be a classic as well; it was a favorite in testing. The level script hasn't been changed, so watch out at the end!

  • 23. Shiver: This level was changed to make it easier, including giving you a Tank, but it is still tough. Losing the tank will probably mean defeat. As before, the Deceiver's wither spell does not work. Make sure the Deceiver is healed before the final encounter with Shiver, as it will break the script if he dies too early.

  • 24. Twice Born: Make sure a shotgun medic lives to heal Alric at the end, because he must be at least yellow-green to win the fight against Soulblighter. Alric's sword's lightning is not effective against enemies.

  • 25. The Forge: The level is sort of OOS-prone, especially at the beginning with the initial fight. At the end, make sure you do not kill the guards protecting Soulblighter until Alric is near. Using the hills to hide behind ridges and throwing grenades is a good idea.

Section E written by EyeSore and ActiveX.
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