Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: April 30, 1989
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make - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs  


make [-f filename] [-CdeiknrstFV] [target ...] [macro=value ...]  


Make reads an input file containing a listing of dependencies between files, and associated rules to maintain the dependencies. The format is generally a target file name, followed by a list of files that it is dependent upon, followed by a set of commands to be used to recreate the target from the dependents. Each dependent is in its own right a target, and so the maintenance of each dependent is performed recursively, before attempting to maintain the current target. If, after processing its all of its dependencies, a target file is found either to be missing, or to be older than any of its dependency files, make uses the supplied commands or an implicit rule to rebuild it.

If no makefile is specified with a -f option, make reads a file named `makefile', if it exists.

If no target is specified on the command line, make uses the first target defined in makefile.

If a target has no makefile entry, or if its entry has no rule, make attempts to derive a rule by each of the following methods:

implicit rules, read in from a user-supplied makefile.
standard implict rules typically read in from the file `'.
the rule from the .DEFAULT: entry target, if there is such an entry in the makefile.

If there is no makefile entry for a target, and no rule can be derived for building it, and if no file by that name is present, make issues an error message and stops.  


-f makefile
Use the description file `makefile'. A - as the makefile argument denotes the standard input. The contents of `makefile', when present, override the standard set of implicit rules and predefined macros. When more than one -f makefile argument pair appears, make uses the concatenation of those files, in order of appearance.
Display the reasons why make chooses to rebuild a target; make displays any and all dependencies that are newer.
Do not override any assignments with present environment variables.
Force all target updates. Build target even when no update is needed according to file time/date.
Ignore error codes returned by commands. Equivalent to the special-function target .IGNORE:.
Abandon building the current target as soon as an error code is returned during building. Continue with other targets.
No execution mode. Print commands, but do not execute them. Even lines beginning with an @ are printed. However, if a command line contains a reference to the $(MAKE) macro, that line is always executed.
Do not read in the default file (
Silent mode. Do not print command lines before executing them. Equivalent to the special-function target .SILENT:.
Undo the effect of the -k option. With this switch, the -k option is undone, which means that any error code returned by a child process during building, will halt 'make' and display the error code.
Touch the target files (bringing them up to date) rather than performing their rules.
List the current version number of 'make'.
Macro definition. This definition remains fixed for the make invocation. It overrides any regular definition for the specified macro within the makefile itself.



Reading Makefiles

When make first starts, it reads the environment setting of MAKE_FLAGS and scans all present options. Then it reads the command line for a list of options, after which it reads in a default makefile that typically contains predefined macro definitions and target entries for implicit rules. If present, make uses the file `' in the current directory. Otherwise it looks for this file along the search path.

Next, make reads any makefiles you specify with -f, or (if present, in order) `Makefile', and then `makefile', if no -f makefile's are specified. Finally, make reads in all macro definitions from the command line. These override macro definitions in the makefile.

The makefile(s) may contain a mixture of comment lines, macro definitions, include lines, and target lines. Lines may be continued across input lines by escaping the NEWLINE with a backslash (\).

A comment line is any line whose first non-space character is a '#'. The comment ends at the next unescaped NEWLINE.

An include line is used to include the text of another makefile. The first seven letters of the line is the word "include" followed by a space. The string that follows is taken as a filename to include at this line.  


A macro definition line has the form of `WORD=text...'. The word to the left of the equal sign (without surrounding white space) is the macro name. Text to the right is the value of the macro. Leading white space between the = and the first word of the value is ignored. A word break following the = is implied. Trailing white space (up to but not including a comment character) is included in the value.

Macros are referenced with a $. The following character, or the parenthesized ( ) or bracketed { } string, is interpreted as a macro reference. make expands the reference (including the $) by replacing it with the macro's value. If a macro contains another macro, the interior one is expanded first. Note that this may lead to infinite expansion, if a macro references itself.

The MAKE macro is special. It has the value "make" by default, and temporarily overrides the -n option for any line in which it is referred to. This allows nested invocations of make written as:

$(MAKE) ...

to run recursively, with the -n flag in effect for all commands but make.

make supplies predefined macros in the `' file. If -r is in effect, make does not supply these macro definitions.

There are several dynamically maintained macros that are useful as abbreviations within rules. They are shown here as references; it is best not to define them explicitly.

The basename of the current target, derived as if selected for use with an implicit rule.
The name of a dependency file, derived as if selected for use with an implicit rule.
The name of the current target.

Because make assigns $< and $* as it would for implicit rules (according to the suffixes list and the directory contents), they may be unreliable when used within explicit target entries.

A line of the form `WORD += text...' is used to append the given text to the end of a macro. The += must be surrounded by white space.  

Makefile Target Entries

A target entry in the makefile has the following format:
target ... : [dependency] ...

The first line contains the name of a target, or a list of target names separated by white space. This may be followed by a dependency, or a dependency list that make checks in order. Subsequent lines in the target entry begin with a space or TAB, and contain shell commands. These commands comprise a rule for building the target.

If a target it named in more than one colon-terminated target entry, the dependencies and rules are added to form the target's complete dependency list and rule list.

To rebuild a target, make expands macros, strips off initial TABs, and either executes the command directly (if it contains no shell metacharacters), or passes each command line to a shell for execution.

The first line that does not begin with a space, TAB or # begins another target or macro definition.

Macros are expanded during input, for target lines. All other lines have macro expansion delayed until absolutely required.  

Special-Function Targets

When incorporated in a makefile, the following target names perform special-functions:
The rule for this target is used to process a target when there is no other entry for it, and no rule for building it. make ignores any dependencies for this target.
make processes this target and its dependencies after all other targets are built.
make ignores non-zero error codes returned from commands.
This target and its dependencies are built before any other targets are processed.
This target is used for DOS only and specifies all programs that can cope with a response file as soon as the command line grows past 128 characters (the limit for DOS command lines). The command line for the child process to spawn is then reformatted and will look something like : '@MAKxxxxx' with in this response file the original version of the command line, with all blanks used as line seperators.
make does not echo commands before executing them.
The suffixes list for selecting implicit rules.


When processing rules, the first non-space character may imply special handling. Lines beginning with the following special cahracters are handled as follows:
make ingores any nonzero error code. Normally, make terminates when a command returns a nonzero status, unless the -i option or the .IGNORE target is used.
make does not print the command line before executing it. Normally, each line is displayed before being executed, unless the -s option or the .SILENT target is used.
a shell is used to execute this command. Normally the shell is used (via system()) only if metacharacters are found, and for certain implicitly known commands.

When any combination of -, @ or + appear as the first characters after the spaces or TABs, all apply. None are passed to the shell.  

Implicit Rules

A target file name is made of a basename and a suffix. The suffix may be null. When a target has no explicit target entry, make looks for an implicit target made of an element from the suffixes list concatenated with the suffix of the target. If such an implicit target exists, a dependecy file name consisting of the basename and the suffix from the suffix list is recursively made. If successful, the implicit rule is invoked to build the target.

An implicit rule is a target of the form:

.Ds.Ts :


where .Ts is the suffix of the target, .Ds is the suffix of the dependency file, and `rule' is the implicit rule for building such a target from such a dependency file.  

The Suffixes List

The suffixes list is given as the list of dependencies for the .SUFFIXES: special-function target. The default list is contained in the SUFFIXES macro . You can define additional .SUFFIXES: targets; a SUFFIXES target with no dependencies clears the list of suffixes. Order is significant within the list; make selects a rule that corresponds to the target's suffix and the first dependency-file suffix found in the list. To place suffixes at the head of the list, clear the list and replace it with the new suffixes, followed by the default list:



This makefile says that pgm.exe depends on two files a.o and b.o, and that they in turn depend on their corresponding source files (a.c and b.c) along with a common file incl.h:

pgm.exe: a.o b.o
$(CC) a.o b.o -o $@
a.o: incl.h a.c
$(CC) -c a.c
b.o: incl.h b.c
$(CC) -c b.c

The following makefile uses implicit rules to express the same dependencies:

pgm.exe: a.o b.o
$(CC) a.o b.o -o pgm.exe
a.o b.o: incl.h


Current version(s) of make description file.
Default file for user-defined targets, macros, and implicit rules.


make returns a exit status of 1 when it halts as a result of an error. Otherwise it returns and exit status of 0.
Badly formed macro
A macro definition has been encountered which has incorrect syntax. Most likely, the name is missing.
cannot open file
The makefile indicated in an include directive was not found or was not accessible.
Don't know how to make target
There is no makefile entry for target, none of make's implicit rules apply, and there is no .DEFAULT: rule.
Improper Macro.
An error has occurred during macro expansion. The most likely error is a missing closing bracket.
rules must be after target
makefile syntax error, where a line beginning with a space or TAB has been encountered before a target line.
too many options
make has run out of allocated space while processing command line options or a target list.


make does not allow a target line to end with a semi-colon (;) and a command. All commands must be on subsequent lines.

make allows spaces as well as TABs to introduce shell comand lines.

target lines cannot use the double colon (::) syntax.

make attempts to derive values for the dynamic macros $* and $<, while processing explicit targets. It uses the same methods as for implicit rules. In some cases, this can lead to unexpected values.

Once a dependency is made, make assumes that the dependency file is present for the remainder of the run. If a rule subsequently removes that file, and future targets depend on its existence, unexpected errors may result.

Sometimes make gets confused when searching for implicit rules, and uses severla rules instead of a single rule. For example, the two rules .c.o and .l.c may be used, rather than the more direct .l.o rule.

Environment variables are neither read nor written.

Print out the complete set of macro definitions and target descriptions.
Report dependencies recursively to show the entire dependency hierarchy, without rebuilding any targets.
Question mode. make returns a zero or nonzero status code depending on whether or not the target file is up to date.

The following special-function targets are NOT supported:




Reading Makefiles
Makefile Target Entries
Special-Function Targets
Implicit Rules
The Suffixes List

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