Some turtles live in salt water, and are called marine turtles, other live in fresh water. The marine varieties have flipper-type legs, whereas the fresh-water species have nails on their paws. The Amazon Turtle is a gray and yellow fresh-water turtle with dark spots on the thin shell that covers its belly. Natives call these animals the beef of the Amazon because of their tasty meat, that can be roasted or stewed. A dish called paxicá is made from the liver and fatty meat of this turtle. Its eggs are white and similar to those of hens, but the shell is thinner. One female may lay 100 to 150 eggs. In the 18th century people used to make butter from the eggs of the Amazon turtle. 275 eggs were needed to make 2 pounds of butter. It is believed that approximately 4,000 pounds of butter were exported in this period. Approximate size: 3 feet. Other names: Quelônio, jurara-assú, araú, aiiussá, aiassá.