The woolly monkey, or big-belly, is the largest Brazilian monkey, and is active during the day. Its tail has strong muscles that help it hang from trees. It is said that its tail is its fifth hand. These monkeys are dark brown or gray and their name comes from the fact that the belly is furry or woolly. They have no hair on their heads, but they have long hair on the inner sides of their arms and legs. They are not dangerous at all. In fact, they are friendly unless attacked. They jump spectacularly, with the help of their “super-tail.” When little woolly monkeys are unable to jump, the mother sometimes serves as a bridge for them to go from one branch to the other. Woolly monkeys sleep treetops, where they live in groups with howling monkeys and spider monkeys. Approximate size: 2 feet tall with a 2 foot-long tail. Favorite food: Fruit, vegetables, eggs, insects, leaves, and meat. Other names: Caparo, caparú, maricá, aragato.