--------------------------------------------------------------------- Aladdin. Securing The Global Village (c) 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Diskette Boot Record Repair --------------------------------------------------------------------- This utility fixes diskettes that have been damaged by boot sector viruses. This is usually caused by a corrupt DOS BOOT sector. This utility writes back to place a correct DOS boot sector on the diskette. Note: This will work only on drive A: Usage: ------ Save it to a folder on your hard disk and run it from there. Simply put in drive a: a corrupt diskette and double-click on the utility's icon. It will work for several seconds and after that the disk will be usable again. Aladdin. Technical Support --------------------------------------------------- Aladdin. Securing The Global Village Tel: +972-4-8811411 Fax: +972-4-8426808 Email:esafe.support@aks.com WEB:www.esafe.com ----------------------------------------------------