King Edward, Part XIAnonymousèÒ) <MË 5„bGK"&D)Ò,ø/ã3ÿ6R:I<b<{<ùýKing Edward, Part XIùýý The Companions stayed the night at a crude but comfortableinn at a tiny village that called itself Raven Spring,located in the foothills of the Wrothgarian Mountains. Theönext morning they resumed their journey eastward, movingthrough rolling hills towards the Skyrim and Hammerfellborders, and camping the next two nights under clear earlysummer skies. When they resumed traveling the third morning,Moraelyn told everyone to watch the slopes north of theroad for a notch opening to a high meadow that faced to thesouthwest. Shortly afterward everyone spotted it almostsimultaneously when the group completed a bend around arocky outcrop. Silk and Beech went ahead to scout a good route, and to lookfor a campsite for the evening ahead. By dusk they had coveredmost of the distance to the meadow, but still faced somestiff climbing the next morning. They agreed that it was time to camponce again, but happily a lunchtime picnic seemed verylikely the next day. By mid-day the next day, which was Loredas the 5th of MidYear, the Companions were sprawled across a grassy slopewithin the Dragon Village, having been joined by Akatosh andone other dragon. This second dragon was smaller thanAkatosh, and seemed to be a female, althoughöcharacteristically Akatosh had just introduced the dragonas Debudjen, with no further explanations beingforthcoming. The two dragons politely chatted with thehumanoids as they enjoyed their repast, though Debudjen flewoff afterwards, to arc gracefully above, and then swoopdown upon a steer in a grassy field some distance away. Akatosh had been watching Edward's reaction to this, andasked: "Why did you flinch, Edward? Debudjen had not eatenrecently, and really behaved no differently than you just have." Edward replied with a small smile, "I don't think that ourmeal was quite that violent in nature." Akatosh returned the smile, but then responded. "A goodreminder then, that we are only similar, rather than the same." Edward paused, squinting into the mid-afternoon sun, andthen turned to the golden dragon: "Akatosh - why did youchoose this spot for your village?"ö "Well, it was high enough up into the mountains to suit us,but flat enough for raising the cattle ... with trees for the deer ... and it is very defensible for all of us. There isplenty of room for the humans to build their ranches andfarms, and the elves are quite comfortable in the dense treesalong the cliff edges. The adits in the surrounding clifffaces provide us the access to our lairs, which we havelocated within the mining tunnel system. All in all, anideal site for such an experiment involving this many racesof beings. It even opens to the southwest, providingreasonable warmth for the smaller beings, with someprotection from the elements during the colder months." Edward responded, "It is difficult for me to get used to thenotion of a village without some central concentration ofbuildings - but perhaps these will be developed in thefuture; at least, a few buildings for meetings andsocializing. And, I suppose that there are also somebeautiful sunsets to be seen." The dragon smiled again, but replied "Quite so, but I am theonly one of the dragonkind to show any interest, and that wasönot a legitimate consideration when we chose this site." Thenwistfully: "I wish that I could assemble the words todescribe some of them. I have attempted this many, manytimes, but the results just are not ...very admirable."More briskly: "And by the way, we do intend to erect ameeting hall for the humanoids, and also some stores forbarter and other exchanges of goods." Moraelyn had wandered over and seated himself, and he asked,with a notable absence of the usual humanoid respect fordragons, "Whatever possessed you to attempt such a crazyexperiment, Akatosh?" The dragon paused thoughtfully, and then replied "As is mywont I had been analyzing, in this case one might say the history of dragon behavior. Clearly our lengthy contest ofresistance to these new Aurielian gods was futile, but ittook many of our generations for us to realize and acceptthis. Then, our next pattern was to isolate ourselves, evenfrom each other, and to resist intrusion from any and allbeings. The exception of course was to mate among ourselvesand procreate our race. However, aside from that oneöactivity, we fought any and all for our precious privacy,and really for no good reason except that we can be anespecially stubborn race." Edward said, "Then you maintained a pattern of behaviorlong after the reason for it was gone?" Akatosh looked a bit embarrassed. He said stiffly, "I believethat is what I I just said. We are not the only sentient raceto fall prey to that." Edward said, "The Archmagister has told me that muchbehavior is inborn." Moraelyn smiled at him, "And inborn behavior patterns are aparticular problem for long-lived species who changeslowly as conditions change. We elves suffer from it evenmore than you short-lived humans, which is why we like to keepthings as they are, though life is change and to resist itutterly is death. Dragons live far, far longer than evenelves, and, in consequence, breed even more slowly. Still,who can say what alterations being born into a socialsetting may produce, for good or ill, in dragon behavior."ö Aliera had by this time joined the conversation, andobserved: "The Daedra must have been long pleased withdragon behavior." Akatosh responded, "Perhaps so, but I approached our ...queen with this suggestion moreso because it seemed clear tome that as a race we had fallen into a stasis, and we neededto break this shell in order to invigorate ourselves. Shedidn't quite agree with me, but, perhaps because of myreputation, she told me to go ahead and make this attempt." By this point, all of the Companions were sitting withinhearing range, and Mats asked: "Did you have to get yourqueen's permission? And have there been many difficultiesamong the various races?" "Permission is not quite accurate in this case, Mats; beingthe beings that we are, it was moreso that I was obliged totell her of this so that she would have the information. Forexample, other dragons regularly come to me withpotential military intelligence, following this samephilosophy of preparedness."ö Mats grinned and said, "You mean 'just in case', right? Butwhat about these elves and humans?" "Ah, our humanoid Lord and Lady do set a most remarkableexample of tolerance and respect for differing shapes andcustoms. I owe a debt of gratitude to Moraelyn for the loanof his smiths and miners, who have been most generous insharing their knowledge and skills with the Bretons that my young friend Edward and I have, ah, persuaded to attempt settlement here. It is my experience thatBretons, well, many Bretons, will do virtually anythingso long as it is profitable and they gain skill andknowledge from it. The Nordic lust for individual honor and glory makes the mithril armor and weapons produced here extremelyprofitable -- t'was sheer genius that inspired Aliera toinsist that we sell only to the nobility -- while the delvingopens new tunnels and provides access to -- that which we dragons require." Akatosh smiled alittle slyly. He was very reticent on the subject of exactly what dragons required. "Beechöand Willow have made it known among their people that woodelves are welcome here, so those who have long missed theirancient High Rock homes have returned to these hills." "Fortunate for me that I'm now a Duke, and thus qualified to wear and carrymithril. If only I could afford more than a piece or two!But for the cost I might retire --" Mats said. "If you retired you would not require the mithril,"Moraelyn pointed out. "And what of my son and daughter? Thinkst thou I will begfrom thee for them?" Mats said indignantly. "My knees andwind may not be what once they were, I grant you. I'fact I'msomewhat tempted to remain up here, now I am here, yet I canstill swing my axe with any!" Mith grinned delightedly, "Nords can't count. It's why theyseek honor and glory, not profit. Honor and glory are notamenable to enumeration much past what one can tally on thefingers. Mats, if thou art but thirty-nine, thou wert the largest ten year old humanoid I ever met or hope to meet!" "But what then are these benefits to those who neither delvenor smith?" Mats persisted, ignoring his old friend. "Iwould think that many would be terrified to live so close tosuch ... formidable beings" Mats spoke the last of this witha sly grin. "Well, on the other hand, the presence of the 'formidablebeings' means that they are certainly well-protected. Andthis area is surprisingly fertile, so the crops seem to begrowing well ... and although they provide the meat for us,we allocate one fifth of each herd to them for their ownconsumption. We've also been finding out what I have long suspected - the three sets of races, whencombined, fight much more effectively than the sum of eachwhen considered in isolation - that is, each race covers orcancels weaknesses of the others. At least it is certainlytrue that the local goblin population has been drastically reduced in a very shortperiod of time." "Aye," Edward responded, "so Moraelyn proved inöMorrowind." "With a bit of help from his friends," Moraelynacknowledged. "I reap the praise, but i'truth I'm littlemore than the standard they wave -- and at times I feel morelike the target they set up!" A wave of laughter greeted this remark. Edward persisted, "Withyou and the others up here, Akatosh, I feel my borders arewell guarded, should Skyrim ever feel the urge to move its borderswest again." Aliera asked: "Was it easy to convince the other dragons to move to here?" "Actually, the most difficult part of that was moving ourhoards to our new lairs" Akatosh responded with a lazysmile, "although once it was known that we had no use for themetals, gems and jewelry that we accumulate, everything went much more smoothly." But then more seriously:"Essentially I had to approach each dragon personally,öand ... convince them that this idea had merit. Again, once Ihad persuaded a couple of our especially independentspecimens, things went much more smoothly. However, there areonly nine of us living in this area ... and there is reallyonly room for two or three more of us. We shall have to see what develops hereafter." Aliera now observed: "I think that now the gods and goddesses might look very favorably indeed on dragonbehavior." "That may be so, Aliera, but again that was not really whythis was done. Besides, they still may remember and resentour long opposition to them." Beech asked deferentially "But what is the name of this village?" Akatosh sighed, and then responded "I fear that we shallnever reach a decision, since each race has decided opinionsin that regard. Perhaps once the initial building phase iscompleted, we will able to be more contemplative aboutsuch matters."ö Beech replied "That just doesn't seem right - everywhereshould have a name, shouldn't it?" Willow chuckled and then said "Perhaps to us this is so, but who knows how dragonsthink; and I'm sure that the humans and elves will squabble over the style of the name, besides thespecifics of it." Moraelyn interrupted with great drama, "Surely you don't mean to imply that an elf can be overlystubborn!?" and the discussion dissolved into a period oflaughter and teasing amongst the group. Presently, Akatosh said, "I favor the name 'Section 22.'" Beech stared at him, "Akatosh, I see what thou dost mean aboutthy difficulties with the poetic. If you will allow my frankopinion? That is the single worst village name I have everheard." Akatosh sighed gustily, then pardoned himself hastily toöBeech -- humanoids found dragon sighs quite unpleasant and sometimes actuallyhazardous. "Then thou seest what I mean by differences. Tome, it is very meaningful, and most appropriate. Is'Section 16' any better as a name? Not? Then is it the word'Section' that offends you? In what way is it inferior to'Keep' or 'Reich' or 'Glen' or 'Hold'?" Edward said, "But Akatosh, a name should make some sense. Atleast humans think so. You should have 21 other sectionsfirst, if you're going to name this place '22'." "Really?" Akatosh said, "Why is that? Are not all numbersequally valid? They serve well to distinguish one placefrom another. There could be many 'Greenvales' forinstance. I myself know of four such villages. The number'Twenty-two' does appeal to me....aesthetically, as wellas possessing some 'sense' -- at least to me," he smiledsecretively. Moraelyn said, "I think Lord Akatosh is enjoying what somecall an 'in-joke'. Were I so rash as to instruct a dragon in manners--"ö "Who," Silk said, "would e'er accuse Moraelyn of beingrash?" A bit later, Edward asked Akatosh: "Do you think that we couldplay a game or two of Battle? I brought the board andplaying pieces with me." Moraelyn interrupted "I'm afraid that Akatosh and I must discuss some matters this evening - and you'd only loseagain anyway" he added with a fond smile. Edward replied "But I can beat everyone else ... Akatosh,will I ever win a game with you?" "No, Edward, you won't", and Akatosh was slightly bemusedby Edward's startled expression, and then the hearty laugh that quickly followed it. "That wasn't very diplomatic of you, Akatosh. But why won'tI ever win?" "Because I have been playing for much longer than you have Edward, and so long as I continue to play, you will notöbe able to catch up to me. Besides, this game is what I amstarting to think of as a 'bounded problem', and that sort ismost easily dealt with." "What do you mean by 'a bounded problem', Akatosh?" askedMats. "That is a problem that has a countable number of possibleactions and results, Mats. There are only 81 squares on theboard, and each side has exactly 27 playing pieces, eachpiece moves in a specific way, and so on." "But the game is like a real battle, isn't it?" askedSsa'ass. "No, it is very good practice for learning, and forthinking about how to execute a battle - but my Elven Archersnever become tired or demoralized, and my Master Mage always does what I want.Such things seldom happen in a real battle." Moraelyn nodded in agreement, and asked with mock slyness"Then what is an example of an unbounded problem?"ö "Certainly a real battle ... but also, to me a poem is anunbounded problem" "But any poem can be analyzed, Akatosh" Aliera saidchidingly. "Of course - but only after it is written. I am unable todefine, or bound, the act of writing it, though ... that is,the act of creating it. If I start to write a poem ... thereare so many possibilities" and then wryly "I never getbeyond the first line, because I start imagining all thethings that I could put into the beginning and...." ööö ö