King Edward, Part VIIIAnonymousèÒ) P‘£- 9 ÿá9–õ#W'+).<15£8x<Î?ºC_GKN`QWTùýKing Edward, Part VIIIùýýChap 8: Wilderlandýö The journey through Valenwood was pleasant. The weatherheld fair for the most part, with sunny days and coolnights. Bright leaves of scarlet, crimson, gold and greendrifted down to form a carpet beneath their horses' feet.Valenwood was very different from the somber, steep forestsof High Rock. When they reached the northern border, Edward,looking back, saw that the trees were mostly bare, shorn oftheir glory. Before them lay a wide green land of rolling hills with only a few stands oftrees. It seemed to spread on forever. "This is Wilderland, Edward," Moraelyn said. "Be on yourguard. It seems a pleasant land, but no king's writ runs here. Each man's hand is against everyother's -- and there are worse than men. All the races ofTamriel meet here, and clash, save thine, perhaps." They journeyed for some days more with small incident one for a band of Khajiit raiders that crept up ontheir camp by night. These were easily repelled. Silk slewone and the rest ran off yowling. The gentle wood elf girl,öWillow, lobbed fireballs after them. There were no roads, just small paths that criss-crossed one anotherand seemingly led nowhere. After two weeks of steady riding they came to a bowl shapedplace in the hills where the land was tilled. The fields looked fair andwere stacked with harvest, but the folk were dispirited,ragged, and unfriendly. Questions about inns got only shrugs andpuzzled looks. Armed bands challenged them at times anddemanded to know their business. When Moraelyn said they werebound for Morrowind, they were told to pass through quicklyand mind they stole nothing. "Passage is all we wish," Moraelyn said quietly. "Someone should teach these folk manners," the usuallyplacid Mats growled. "Thou mayst stay and open a school of etiquette, if itpleases thee," Moraelyn said, "I fear my life's too short toteach the lessons these villains require. Still, I like notöthe look of the sky; it looks e'en more evil than the folk. I think we'll try our luck in the town." The town was surrounded by a palisade of wood and had astout gate. Guards looked them over and refused thementrance. "None but humans enter here, elf. Take thy rabble and begone." "I see. Ali, Mats, Edward, thou seemst to qualify for thehospitality here. The rest of us will shelter elsewhere." Aliera announced that she would see them all blown back to Firsthold by the storm before she'd step withinthese gates. So they circled the town, passing a moat with stone walls within and a keep of somesort within that. A track north took them past a small housewith a large barn nearby. Both looked in poor repair, butMoraelyn sent Aliera and Edward to knock at the door and askif they might sleep in the barn. The rest waited in the road. An elderly woman answered their knock; she looked pleased tosee them. "Stay? Aye, I'd be glad of the company. No needto sleep in the barn, though, lady. I've a room to spare. My name's Ora Engelsdottir." Aliera gesturedtoward the waiting Companions. The woman squinted towardthem. "Thy man's there and some friends? Aye, we'll allsqueeze together then. T'will be warmer so. I've a pot ofsoup on the fire; made it to last me a week but you'rewelcome to it. I can make more." "My husband's an elf." "Is he so? He looks to take good care of thee and thy son.Thou's fat as pigs. Bring them in. I wish my grand-daughterhad such a one to care for her." Ora refused payment, saying she was not yet at such a passthat her guests must pay for her hospitality. She said talesand song and an evening's merriment would be payment enough. Pots and dishes were set out to catch theworst of the leaks; she knew them all well. They gatheredaround the hearth and made very merry while the storm raged,banging the shutters and doors and threatening to blow theroof away altogether. "Tell me, my lady," Ora whispered apart to Aliera, "He'sötruly good to thee? He's so big and so black." "Truly good," Aliera said keeping her mouth serious whileher eyes laughed. "Aye, 'tis well, then. He put me a bit in mind of our baron, who's big and dark --oh, not so dark as thy elf. He took my grand-daughter, Caron-- and, he does not treat her well. He -- he hurts her, mylady. And she dare not run away. Where would she go?" Tearsgathered in Ora's eyes and followed worn familiar tracks down her cheeks. When their hostess had gone to sleep in her own room, Aliera repeated what she had been told. "Let's rescue the girl," Beech said, "we grow stale withinaction." "Aye!" said Silk and Willow at once. Mats growled an agreement. Mith and Ssa'ass lookedinterested.ö Moraelyn looked doubtful. "We cannot right every wrong inTamriel. This baron offers his folk shelter of a kind. Theycould leave if they liked it better outside." "Aye," Mith said, "he keeps the bandits off so he may rob thefolk at leisure." "An we pull him down? There'll be another to take his place. Or else the outside will come in and there'll be nothingleft at all." "Nothing would be better than this filthy something," Matssaid. "There's that." The storm seemed to have moved away. Alierawent to the door and stared up into the sky where cloudsraced past the eastern moon. A single large brilliant bluestar hung near the moon. "Zenithar hangs near Tamrieltonight. Moraelyn?" "I'd thought to mend her roofs tomorrow if it's fair," he said as she returned to the fireside. "We'lldo so much at least. As for the rest -- Aliera?"ö "She asked for my help, in a way ... and I -- I think I hearZenithar's voice in the wind and feel his hand in the rain onthis night." "Thy quest, then, wife." Aliera nodded, unsmiling. She curled up with Moraelyn inthe chimney corner and they whispered and laughed togetherfor awhile. Edward fell asleep. In the morning he was sent up onthe roof to help Beech and Willow place new shingles.Moraelyn wrote a letter which he gave to Mats, telling himto take it to the baron, to arrive at the castle arounddinnertime and to go afoot. "You're going to challenge him for the girl!" Edwardgrinned. "But will he fight? And wouldn't he take her backagain once we're gone?" "Mmm. Since he wouldn't let me in his town, thy motherthought to invite him to our house instead." Moraelynstamped the letter with his sealing ring and handed it toMats.ö "Oh. It's a long way to your house still, isn't it?" Edwardfelt a bit of disappointment that no rescue seemed imminent,but he supposed it really was not reasonable to expecteight people to take a keep, even if they were Moraelyn'sCompanions. Probably the songs exaggerated their deeds. Moraelyn grinned, ruffled Edward's hair and told him tocease his questions, get up on the roof, and mind his mother.Moraelyn and Mith set off together on foot. Aliera said theywere going hunting. They did not return even at suppertime. Aliera told Edward not to worry; they'd meet later. It was well after sundown when she bid their hostessfarewell. They took all the horses with them and left them in agrove near the north wall of the keep. Aliera asked Edward ifhe wanted to wait for them with the horses. Edward asked wherethey were going. "We have to enter the keep to get Ora's grandchild out. Noquestions, Edward. If you're coming, then stay with me and do exactly as I say. Levitate across the moat: Imust swim. Once across we'll scale the wall. Once inside,just follow me and be as silent as you can."ö Edward gaped at his mother and the other Companions. Howcould the six of them possibly storm a keep? Three women, twomen and a boy? There would be guards up on the wall and alot more inside. Mats would be inside too, though, heguessed. But where were Moraelyn and Mith? There were fearsome things in the moat. Edward began aprotest, then thought better of it. Ssa'ass slid into the moat first. There was some splashing and hissing, then thewater went quiet. Aliera entered the water. The others levitated. "Here's the ropes," Beech said, feeling along the wall. Therewere three ropes. Edward, Beech and Ssa'ass went up first;Aliera, Willow and Silk followed. Moraelyn and Mith werewaiting above. Two guards were snoring softly in a heap. "How--" Edward began, and found his mother's hand clappedover his mouth. A guard from another wall section calledout and Edward's heart stopped beating. Mith called something back to him and tramping footsteps moved away. The Companions went silently down the stairs and slippedöacross the yard like shadows. There was no guard on the doorto the keep itself. Inside the passages were eerily quiet. Theystopped at an imposing door and flattened themselvesagainst the wall beside it. They could hear voices within. Athin chilling wail sounded and died away. Moraelyn whistleda snatch of song into the silence that followed. The doorswung open and they raced inside, falling on the startledguards like furies. Edward was last inside, Tooth in his hand; he stabbed thenearest guard in the side, and Beech finished him with a blowto the head. Mats had been inside; it was he who had opened thedoor. His axe clove the head of one guard, then swung against the inner door. Aliera and Willow hadbarred the strong outer door. Moraelyn's opponent was avery young man. He'd taken one look at the big dark elf,dropped his sword and fallen to his knees, praying formercy. Moraelyn eyed him with disgust and said, "Greet Zenithar for me; tell him Moraelynof Ebonheart commends you to his mercy. I have none for suchas you." He slashed the young guard's throat. Blood sprayedöover Moraelyn's leathers. His victim fell over, gurglinghorribly. A burning acid rose in Edward's throat; he swallowed hard and looked away. The guards inside the anteroom had been dispatched, but outside the door shouts andfootfalls thundered and there was pounding on the door.Edward followed his mother into the inner chamber, which was empty savefor a naked girl tied spreadeagle on the enormous bed, hereyes starting from her head. The Companions cut her free while Aliera caught hershoulders. "Thy grandmother sent us, child. Where's thebaron?" The girl pointed at a bookcase, then clung to Aliera. She was no bigger than Edward and seemed notmuch older. Her breasts were just beginning. She was coveredwith welts and blood and purple-yellow bruises. Alieraflung her own cloak over the girl. Beech picked her up. Mith'sfingers were feeling over the bookcase; there was a click anda section slid aside. He went through cautiously. The othersöfollowed and the secret door closed after them. "I think it's just a bolt hole," Mith said, "but there'll betraps, no doubt." "Go warily, then, friend," Aliera said. "There's no hurry.I think the baron plans to show his departing guests the door,as a good host should." A narrow passage opened to the left. Mith sent a bolt oflight down it. The floor was littered with bones. Humanbones. Small skulls stared eyelessly. "I'm going to enjoykilling him," Moraelyn said. "No!" Aliera protested. "My quest, my kill!" Moraelyn swung to face her. "Aliera--" "I want it sung that he died by Aliera's hand! I claim my right to face him, king." "Leave him to me and we'll sing it your way! He's twice yoursize. D'you want to fight ME for the right?" The elf leanedöover her, a full head taller. "If I must." Aliera brushed past him, slinging her shield onher arm, and drawing her short sword as she ran. Moraelyngrabbed at her, missed, and ran after her. His size hamperedhim in the low, narrow passage. Sparks flew from his spell shield as he caroomed recklessly off the walls. "Come on, you two," Mith yelled from ahead. "I'm notpromising to save him for you." "Moraelyn," Edward gasped, running after him. "You're notgoing to let her!" "Let her! How d'ye propose I stop her? I'm open tosuggestions, short of actually fighting her myself." Heseemed half-angry, half-amused. "M-maybe he's gone by now." "Nay, he's locked in here with us; we found the exit earlierfrom the other side and Mith set a lock the baron will notundo."ö "Well, paralyze her. You can carry her." "She's activated her shield; it reflects spells, among otherthings. I'd only paralyze myself and I'd be inconvenient tocarry. She'll be all right. It's an excellent shield. Itcasts a very powerful protective spell. I'ric himselfdevised it." "Having a spot of trouble with your locks tonight, baron?"Mith's voice came clearly from ahead. They emerged into alarger space where the baron had been clawing vainly atswitches beside a massive door. "Shoddy work. You should getanother smith." "He won't be needing one," Aliera snarled. The Companionsspread around her in a semi-circle. The baron set his back tothe door and set himself in a fighting stance. He was a bigman, as big as Mats, and he was holding an axe as big as theone Mats wielded, and wearing a breastplate and helm. Headdressed Moraelyn. "Nine against one. I'd expect odds like that from you blackdevils," Moraelyn was at the back of the group, yet the baron hadsingled him out as the leader. People did, somehow. "You prefer the advantage of weight, do you not? But mywife wants you to herself. She cannot resist your charms itseems. Nor can I; I could not wait for you to respond to myinvitation, so I came to you instead." "I beat her and the rest of you kill me? Hah! It might be worthit at that," he added, staring at Aliera with cold dark eyes. Aliera smiled a terrible smile. Her dark hair swung freeabout her shoulders and she seemed to glow. "You will not beat this woman, baron, but if you do, then you go free.You are mine alone tonight. Swear it all, by Zenithar! Ifhe haps to kill me, my ghost will hound him to his grave andbeyond." She sounded rather pleased at the prospect. Edward began to shiver. "By Zenithar!" The baron laughed, "I don't believe you, but one lastfemale for my collection then. Are you so wearied of her, elf?" "Are you so afraid of her that you'd rather face meinstead?" Somewhere deep in his mind Edward realized that theelf was right. Despite the baron's bravado, he was afraid ofAliera. Edward hadn't sworn with the others. He clutched his staff tightly but his feet seemed rootedto the floor. The baron laughed again and swung a mighty blow at Alierain answer, but it deflected harmlessly off her shield. Hiseyes widened as he realized she was spell shielded. Alieradanced aside and cut his arm. She was nimble, but he managed to land many blows. If her shield went ... Edward did notfinish the thought. But he was leaving himself somewhat open in the hope of wearing her shield down and she was scoring hits againsthis limbs. She kept her blows low, trying to cost him the useof his legs and drain him of blood. All the while she tauntedhim about his manhood, saying she would geld him ere he died.A great blow knocked her back; her shield flashed and was gone.ö The baron raised his axe high to cleave her skull with a singleblow. Her arm drew back and she threw her slender short swordstraight into her enemy's eye. He dropped the axe and fellscreaming to his knees, hands clawing at his face. Alierastepped forward and thrust the sword home, piercing deepwithin the brain. The body fell over, twitching and jerking. "Well fought, wife!" "I had a master trainer, and a better armorer!" Alieralaughed, then she threw back her head and shouted wordlessly intriumph, raising her arms, fists clenched. "That you did!" Moraelyn grabbed Silk in a rough hug and kissed her noisily. "It's a neat trickyou taught her, Silk." "I'll thank you to cease flirting with my trainer,husband!" Aliera said, wiping her slender adamantium bladecarefully. "Me flirt? Not while thy blood's up ... and thy shield'söstill charged. I'm just thanking her. I'll kiss I'ric too whennext I see him." "Is he truly dead?" Caron had clung to Beech throughout thefight with her eyes closed. Now she regarded Aliera with --Awe, Edward thought was the right word. Edward feltsomething of the same, although it was akin to horror. "Dead enough," Aliera said, regarding the still faintlytwitching form, with satisfaction. The girl drew closer,then knelt beside him. She picked up a stone and smashed itinto the face again and again, sobbing. When she had done,Ssa'ass cast some healing spells on her. Mith unlocked thedoor. They'd come out quite near to where they had left thehorses. They took the girl back to her mother's house and left her there, instructing her to tellanyone that ventured to molest her, that Zenithar's servantswould return if she were harmed. The bewildered old womanclasped her granddaughter to her. As she bade them farewell,she whispered to Aliera to look after that man of hers. ö "Oh, I do," Aliera said. "I do." * * * * * * * * When they stopped for rest Aliera came over to Edward totalk to him, but he protested that he was very tired and justwanted to sleep. Moraelyn tugged her away, saying that ifher son did not need her then she could see to her man, whodid. They moved out of the circle of firelight. Edward laywakeful, listening to their small, stifled sounds. That wasnot unusual. It had troubled him at first. "I can't sleep;you're too noisy," he'd protested one night. "What are youdoing, anyway?" That had drawn giggles from the Companions. "Can'tyou at least pretend you're sleeping?" Moraelyn had askedplaintively. "Now I know why dark elves seldom have morethan one child. What I do not understand is how humansmanage to get so many." Moraelyn and Aliera had come back to lie by him that night, but after that he had pretended to sleep, like the others. And the noises were too familiar now to keep images of thenight's adventures from flashing through his mind, as vividas if they were happening again in truth. He could feel hisdaedra feeding and could not stop it. It just wasn't fair,he thought, but now he was beginning to see what Moraelynmeant by feeding his daedra and yet walking with the gods. With Zenithar. Moraelyn came back, carrying Aliera. He set her gently down,then stretched himself out between Edward and her. "It must be difficult, being a woman," he said softly. "Itwas hard, watching her. Just watching." Edward nodded. "I've asked it often enough, of her," Moraelyn continued. "She told me how hard it is, but I never knew until tonight. I knew she'd win. Zenithar was with her, and all the baron hadwas his daedra. And still it was very hard to watch. She makesthat cast nine tries out of ten, and there were more uses onöthe shield if she missed ... he'd have dropped of exhaustion before he wore it out entirely." "I keep thinking about it, too ... and the guard you ... he asked for mercy?" "I know. And yet, he listened to that ... night after night.And still he remained the baron's man." "Most men are not as strong as you are. Maybe he couldn't help himself?"Why was he pleading for a man already dead? His mind keptreplaying the night's events as if they might yet come outdifferently, for better or for worse. "Even to witness evil such as that corrupts the soul. Towatch and do nothing ... Mats would have stayed my hand hadthere been anything there worth keeping. And it's worse for theyoung; I am sorry you had to pass through this night." "Is my soul corrupted now?"ö "You feel the acid's bite, as do we all, but you'll heal." "Can you Heal me now?" "Aye." Moraelyn gathered the boy in his arms, then rolledover so that Edward lay between his parents. Aliera put herarms around him without really waking. Her strong woman smell mingled with Moraelyn's musky dark spice odor in Edward's nostrils. "She was so angry," Edward whispered. He'd wondered if hewould ever really feel the same toward her again ... and yether arms were still as comforting as before. Maybe Moraelyntoo had needed that reassurance and had been wise enough toask for it. "She's a woman. That sort of injury to another touches her near," he said. How near? The boy looked the question he dared not put. "Thy father's not a monster. But she was wed to a man who didnot care for her, and she could not leave him. It's commonöenough among thy race, which makes it none the easier to bear,I think." "She has a daedra, too, then?" Edward asked sadly. "You must speak with her about that." "It wasn't really a fair fight, her shielded and not him." "Fair fighting's for the arena, boy. Would you fight a wolfor hell hound without weapons, spells and armor, thoughthey have none? I would not." "What will become of Caron and Ora? And the other folk, nowthat the baron's dead?" "Do I look like the prophet Marukh? How should I know? We canstop here in the spring and see what's been planted in thefield we burned tonight. I've no mind to stay and plow it. I've my own fields to tend -- listen tome, I sound like a Nord farmer. Mines to dig is more like it."He yawned.ö "The others didn't think about afterwards. You did." "I'm a king; it's what we do." ö