King Edward, Part IAnonymous* V  n !O&*King Edward, Part IChapter One:Departure from Daggerfall Long, long ago, when the world was in its springtime,before the Redguards came and the glorious Septim Empire wasformed, but after the goblins had driven the dwarves out ofHammerfell, a son, Edward, was born to King Corcyr I ofDaggerfall and his Queen, Aliera of Wayrest. The young boy lay drowsing in the palace orchard, high on abreezy hill overlooking the deep blue bay of Daggerfall.The constant autumn fog of Daggerfall had blown away forthe nonce and the sky was a deep endless blue. Moments like thiswere rare for young Prince Edward; this afternoon was theresult of days of scheming, for he craved solitude as theother nobles he knew craved companionship. Now his tutorbelieved him engaged in extra arms practice, the master ofarms believed him to be chasing deer with the huntmaster, whothought he was studying Elvish. His father had no idea where hewas and didn't care, being occupied with his young wife andtheir sons and other pleasures of noble life ... At the plop of an apple barely missing his head, he opened hispale grey eyes; there was a sweet rotten smell in hisnostrils. He sighed and stared up into the blue. Why shouldthings fall down instead of up? If you stared at the skylong enough you could feel as if you were falling into it... his eyes glazed and the pupils grew huge as the dark-ringedirises dilated. He was weightless, drifting ... anotherapple fell, grazing his ear, and he thudded to earth, cryingout as first his rump struck and then his head. A silverylaugh sounded. Edward sat up abruptly and stared around,jaw hanging slack. Two mounted men stood ten feet away, still as if they werecarved from stone, regarding him intently. Princes are noteasily intimidated, not even the gentle souled kind, butEdward had never seen or imagined anything like this pair.One had golden skin and eyes, was clad in white cloth trimmedwith gold and rode a (Edward blinked. It is was still there)a unicorn! Beside the unicorn was a golden dragon, wingsneatly folded. And on his back was a man clad in dark chainmail, a long sword at his side. He was bareheaded; his eyesglowed red in his dark face ... and his pointed ears ..."You're elves! What--!" "He's a clever child." The dark elf's voice was sardonic. Hespoke perfect Bretic, Edward noticed, his mind stillworking, although something seemed to have gone wrong with therest of him. "So it would seem. He did that mostly of himself. Remarkablefor an untrained child. I merely helped him to---concentrate." The high elf also spoke Bretic, but hesitantlyand with a slight singing accent. Edward's tutor said thatelves were incapable of human speech. Edward's gaze shifted rapidly over the four beings in frontof him, unable to find a comfortable resting place. He hopedbriefly, fervently, that he was dreaming. His mind seethedwith questions and demands, then quite suddenly his tonguecame unstuck. "But I wasn't concentrating at all! Mymasters all say I'm incapable--." Edward clamped his jawdown hard, suddenly realizing that it might be unwise toargue with beings such as these. But the golden elf smiled broadly, showing perfect whiteteeth, "Exactly." He radiated such warm approval, thatEdward felt his skin tingle pleasantly. It was a feelingthat he'd only known with his long-gone mother. But the otherelf's face was expressionless; the red eyes bored into Edwardas if they would pierce his soul. "Moraelyn! You're Moraelyn! The witch-king!" He jumped tohis feet and faced the dark elf. "You stole my mother! Myfather will kill you." "I am. I did. Will he? Shall we call him and find out?" Thedark elf straightened and his eyes glowed deeper. A tiny puffof steam escaped the dragon's nostrils. A glowing auraappeared around his companion. Edward knew he wasn't goingto call the guard. Why should they be slaughtered? These twolooked capable of -- anything. Quite suddenly he was nolonger afraid. If they were here to hurt him, they'd have doneit by now. But a feeling of impotent rage remained. They'dtaken his mother. And now-- "Why are you here?" he demanded. "Edward, will you come with us?" The high elf spoke. Hearinghim was like hearing a harp, cool as a breeze, warm as afireside... The boy stood very still. He wanted very much to say yes, tohis own amazement. He wanted to ask if he would see his mother,but instead: "My father---" he croaked. "Will miss you no doubt." The irony was back in Moraelyn'svoice, a voice that make Edward think of icicles sparklingand dripping in winter sun. But there was a sort of hungerin his glowing eyes, a longing? His father wouldn't miss him and he knew it. Shame ran throughthe boy, but he looked up at the broad-shouldered elfdefiantly. "Are you my father?" Edward had meant thequestion to match the elf's sarcasm, but his hand crept to hisear as if of itself. He wasn't anything like his short-tempered, hearty, red-haired father ... and Roane often saidhe had an elfin look. There was a heavy silence and Edward sensed that Moraelynwas taking the question at face value but that truth hadnothing to do with what Moraelyn would say next. He wouldgive the expedient answer. Still--. "No." It came reluctantly. He might be lying, of course,but Edward felt a deep wave of relief. "Does my mother have -- other sons?" Suddenly Edward knew shedid not and that the question would hurt the dark elf. Andwas glad. "Your mother might be dead, for all you know. Or care, itseems." The dark elf's narrow nostrils twitched as ifEdward stank, and the lines around his mouth deepened. She was not dead. Edward would have known. The bitterinjustice of Moraelyn's contempt stung. "Did she send you tome?" "Do you take me for an errand boy!" he snapped, and spoke tohis companion: "Let us take him now and be gone; we maydiscuss it at leisure." The golden elf held up his hand, "Patience, my cousin." and,to Edward, "Well, youngling, will you come?" Dark tales were told of human children kidnapped by elves,who hungered for young humans ... "I don't know your name," Edward temporized. "Do you love your life here so much?" Edward looked at the palace in the distance, the bannersfloating lazily above ... the town below, the sparklingbay, the distant mountains. "I love Daggerfall." "Ah. And you shall return to hold it, Prince Edward. I,I'ric Harad Egun the ArchMagister, swear it to you."Moraelyn swung about, protesting sharply in Elvish. Thedragon spat a bit of flame, but the unicorn did not move;its golden eyes regarded Edward steadily. "Unicorns do notabide any sort of falsity." The words floated through hismind in his mother's voice. "I'ric Harad Egun the ArchMagister, I will come with you." "You must ride with Moraelyn. The Lord Akatosh hasconsented to this--necessity. The elf made a sweeping gesturetoward the dragon." He wasn't fit to touch a unicorn, of course. "Very well,then. I--I don't suppose I could bring my dog?" Where washe? Shag was always with him. Asleep in the grass! Shag, theever-alert? Edward knelt to touch him. A heated discussion inElvish ensued, during which the dragon scorched the grass.Moraelyn swung down and picked Shag up with distaste. "Verywell, then, but I warn you that Akatosh is at the limit of hispatience. Mount, then." "Lord Akatosh, I am most deeply obliged by your indulgence.If ever I may repay it--". "You will," Moraelyn interrupted; he seized Edward by thebelt and tossed him up onto the dragon. Edward settledhimself between the dragon's neck and wings and the sleepingShag was draped limply in front of him. "There isn't roomfor --" Edward began, and jerked in astonishment as thedragon shifted beneath him and grew larger. Much, much, muchlarger. Moraelyn vaulted up behind with a prodigious leapfor one in armor. The unicorn jumped the nine foot wall,clearing it neatly. The dragon's great wings stretched; hecrouched, then leapt into the air. His riders swayed wildly.The dark elf muttered something Edward couldn't understandin elvish and they steadied. The wings beat strongly and thedragon circled low over the Keep, gaining altitudeslowly. People were running about now, shouting andpointing. Edward saw his old nurse and waved and shouted,"Goodbye! Goodbye! I'll be back sometime..." Arrows flewthrough the air as bowmen shot, while the nurse screamed andclutched at the arms of those nearest. King Corcyr ran nakedonto the battlements, screaming and waving his fists. "Childof a demon, come back and I'll thrash you within an inch ofyour worthless life. Moraelyn, come down and fight, like theman you aren't." Moraelyn's loud laughter rang clear as temple bells,cascading over the Keep. He shouted, "Be glad I don't,little King of the Small Cock!" The dragon circled almostlazily and let out a huge gout of flame. Arrows clinkedharmlessly off his golden scales. "I'm off to see mymother!" Edward screamed down, noting the upturned facesof his stepmother and her red-haired sons. Roane had a fur-trimmed robe clutched round her, but her long hair floatedwildly. Four pairs of eyes fastened on him, not Moraelyn,glittering with fury and hatred. Edward stopped waving andclutched Shag tightly with both hands. Moraelyn's mailclad arm was securely about his waist. Edward slumpedagainst him, feeling quite safe for the first time in a verylong while. The bowmen had stopped shooting; most of themwere looking at the royal family. The king danced with rage.The great dragon's wings beat harder now and they headed duesouth out over the water. "Aren't we going to Ebonheart?" the boy twisted round andlooked up at Moraelyn. "Your mother awaits you atFirsthold in Sumurset, little Prince." "Why did you wait so long to fetch me?" "Querulous child, do you think dragons and unicorns do thebidding of elves or men? Your mother came to me fullwilling, but she could not bring you; you were too closelyguarded by your father's men. Would you have had us laywaste your land to take you by force? She thought you wouldbe safe and cared for ... and she was desperate. No, this wasthe dragon's plan." Of all the astonishing events of the afternoon, this was themost surprising: the notion that a dragon should take aninterest in him, when not even his own family did. But,willing, the elf said, full willing! "You are the focus of large events, youngling. Your taskis to prepare yourself to be a king--a king such as yourpeople have never known. Our task is to aid you. Sleep now." Waves of sleep assaulted Edward's mind, one after another."But--" he meant to ask Moraelyn about his mother, but thelast wave was too big; it crashed right over him and heslipped into dark fire-shot dreams.