Biography of Queen Barenziah, Vol. IIIStem Gamboge, scribeèÒ) DL yùýBiography ofýQueen Barenziah,ýVol. IIIùýý Barenziah was welcomed kindly by the Emperor Tiber Septimand his family, who treated her like a daughter during herstay in the newly built Imperial City. After several happymonths there learning her duties as a regent under the Empire,Symmachus escorted her to Mournhold where she took up herduties as Queen of her people, under his wise guidance.Gradually they came to love one another and were marriedand crowned in a splendid ceremony at which the Emperorhimself officiated.ö After several hundred years of marriage a son, Helseth, wasborn to the royal couple, amid rejoicing and prayers to thegoddess who had at last blessed their marriage. Although itwas not known at the time, it was shortly before this blessedevent that the Staff of Chaos was stolen from its hidingplace deep in the Mournhold mines by a clever bard knownonly as Nightingale. Eight years after Helseth's birth, Barenziah bore a daughter,Morgiah, named for Symmachus' mother and the royal couple'sjoy was complete. Alas, shortly after that, relations withthe Empire mysteriously deteriorated, leading to much civilunrest in Mournhold. After fruitless inquiries and attemptsat reconciliation, in desperation Barenziah took her youngchildren and travelled to Imperial City herself to seek theEmperor's ear. Symmachus remained in Mournhold. During her audience with the Emperor, Barenziah, through hermagical arts, came to realize, to her horror and dismay,that the so-called Emperor was an imposter, none other thanthe Bard Nightingale who had stolen the Staff of Chaos.Exercising great self control she concealed this realizationfrom him. That evening news came that Symmachus had beenkilled in battle and that Mournhold had been taken by therebels. Barenziah knew not where to seek help, when a knockösounded at her door. It was Eadwyre, King of Wayrest, andan old friend of Uriel Septim and Symmachus. He comfortedher, pledged his friendship and confirmed her suspicions thatthe Emperor was indeed an impostor, and none other thanJagar Tharn, the Imperial Battlemage. Tharn hadsupposedly retired from public work and put his assistant,Ria Silmane, in his stead. As it seemed, Tharn had never leftthe Imperial City. Ria was indeed dead, but her ghost hadappeared in Eadwyre's dreams and revealed that the trueEmperor had been kidnapped by Tharn and imprisoned in analternate plane. Tharn had then used the Staff of Chaos tokill her when she attempted to warn the Council of hisnefarious plot. Together, Eadwyre and Barenziah plotted to gain theimposter's confidence and unmask him with the help of anotherfriend of Ria's, who was currently in prison, but to whosedreams she had access, and who possessed great, albeituntapped, potential. Barenziah charmed and befriended thefake Emperor. By reading his secret diary she learned that hehad broken the Staff into eight pieces and hidden them. Shemanaged to obtain a copy of the key to Ria's friend's celland bribed a guard to leave it within the cell, as if byaccident. Their Champion, whose name was unknown even toöBarenziah and Eadwyre, made his escape through a shift gateRia had openned in a dark rat infested corner of the prisonwhere the cowardly goblin guards feared to venture. Ittook Barenziah several months to learn the hiding places ofall eight staff pieces through snatches of overheardconversation and rare glimpses of the diary. Once she had thevital information, she and Eadwyre fled to Wayrest wherethey managed to stave off the sporadic efforts of Tharn'shenchmen to obtain revenge. Tharn, whatever else might besaid of him, was no one's fool save perhaps Barenziah's, andhe concentrated most of his efforts in tracking down anddestroying the great Champion. As all now know, the brave, tireless, and forever namelessChampion was successful in reuniting the Staff of Chaos.With it, he destroyed Tharn and rescued the true Emperor,Uriel Septim VII. Following the Restoration, a grand statememorial service was held for Symmachus in the ImperialCity, befitting the man who had served the Septim family solong and so well. Barenziah and good King Eadwyre had cometo care deeply for one another, and had married in the yearafter their flight from Imperial City. Her children remainedwith her and a regent was appointed to rule Mournhold in herabsence. She planned to return after Eadwyre's death. He wasöelderly when they wed so she knew that event, alas, could notbe far off as the elves reckon time. ö