Fools' Ebony, Part the SixthFrinchepsnaughty ) &Y  #&)', /0w3269;>^BDG'KMPS:WY\.`bddddFools' Ebony,Part theSixth Dramatis Personae Prologue The Adventurer, A Dark Elf Rascal Komon, A Priestof Akatosh Lheban, Another Priest of Akatosh Epilogue Stete, APriest of Julianos Raic, Another Priest of Julianos Shub, AMage Shub, A Different Mage of the Same Name Nephron, ASomewhat Sleazy Merchant 5 Armorers Ortho Crunn, Husband ofMillie A Lusty Contessa Millie, Innkeep and PhilosopherGurnsey, Bovine Wench Assorted Wenches and Cads of theTaverns Soldiers Dwarves Giants Daggerfall and Environs in the Doldrums of the 3rd Era Scene 1: In The Adventurer's suite at the Dead Daedra Inn. Enter Prologue, the Adventurer, and Ortho. Ortho climbsinto bed. Prologue: Thank you for allowing us the time to changethe meager set, while our bard sang that old favorite, "Hailand Farewell." Now then, imagine, if you will, theluxuriant and langorous suite of that Dark Elven rogue, theAdventurer, at the Dead Daedra Inn. The time is shortlyafter the last scene, which if you've forgotten, ended withour hero and his partner-in-crime, Nephron, making somearrangements to swindle from the mages, priests, andarmorers. All are interested in getting their hands on alode of Fools' Ebony, a miraculous burning mineral, and thepriests and mages each consider the Adventurer their ally.The Armorers know better and have assigned one of theirapprentices, Ortho, to watch the Adventurer's movements.Now, as Ortho slumbers, the Adventurer has his first momentof peace in days. I should mention that in the interest ofcommon decency, this scene has been abbreviated from theoriginal by order of the Guild of Playwrites, Actors, andDramatists. It now contains little material of relevance.A full copy may be obtained from the playwrite after theshow for a mere 50 g.p. copying fee. Now is the time forpoor Prologue to shuffle away. (Exit Prologue) (The Adventurer begins to get undressed)(Tap-tap at the door. Adventurer jumps, startled) (Snorefrom Ortho) Adventurer: Who's there? I'm coming! (Opens door - carefully) (Enter Contessa) Adventurer: Er, well ... er ... Come In! Please. (The Adventuer steps back, tripping over his trousersaround his ankles ...) Contessa So sorry to surprise you, but I thought that wemight find something in common ... Oh! You poor man, youhave a wound! Here, let me fix that bandage ... it looksvery fresh. (Fixing bandage, properly this time) Adventurer: Well, I ... just opened it up again.Evening exercises, calisthenics, so on... Contessa: How did you get this cut - if you do not mind measking? Adventurer: No, not at all. I was ... in a fight,earlier. These three crazy people jumped me. Contessa: Really? This cloth looks like part of a Mage'srobe. Adventurer: Well, yes, two of them were Mages. Contessa: Oh My! You must have been very good, to defeatthem. Adventurer: Oh, ah, well, I've been in one or twofights. Not to be rude, but who are you? Contessa: Oh, I am so sorry, I quite forgot the properintroductions. I am the Contessa Aveet Videspreed -- call meAve. From the Court at Daggerfall. Adventurer (aside) By Oblivion, what now? Contessa: Here, help me off with this robe, these inn roomsare always ... so hot. And let me check that bandage again,poor man. Ooh, you are wearing an ebony belt of stamina,and bracers of strength. Ooh, a bracelet of endurance. Thisis my lucky night. Adventurer (aside) Help. Contessa: Here, let me help you off with that old shirt -got to check you for any more cuts - they can go bad soeasily, you know. Adventurer (aside) Well, its not the Armorers thistime. Maybe my luck has turned. Contessa: Well, everything seems all right...very allright, in fact... Adventurer: Er...well, Ave - tell me about ... er ...yourself. Contessa: If you want - just for a bit - Adventurer: Here, have some wine ... Enter Prologue Prologue: Here our worthy playwrite's speech has beenheavily edited by the Guild of Playwrites, Actors, andDramatists. I will endeavor to fill in those removedpassages. I should first mention that the Contessa is notmeant to be a relative of any noble currently in CastleDaggerfall. The Contessa Aveet regales the Adventurer withtales of the peculiar and hearty members of her royalfamily. She has many brothers and sisters. They are all very-- close. Contessa: I think I must have been a bastard. I was theonly one with red hair, and an affinity for magicka. Everyoneelse tried to hide this skill of mine. I remember one spankingvery well ... Prologue: The Contessa relates futher differencesbetween her siblings. Contessa: While my sisters were learning to curtsey inten different modes, and my brothers were learningflower-arranging, I used to sneak off into the woods or town.I soon learnt how to get what I wanted, from just aboutanyone. Just for example, there was this merchant who hadthree sons ... Prologue: The Contessa goes into detail about hertraining. Contessa: I became quite good at the school of illusion.You never noticed me, downstairs, did you?. I also learnedhow to use some weapons. Let me tell you how I learnedhand-to-hand ... Prologue: The Contessa relates an amusing anecdote, andthen continues. Contessa: And on bad days, I used to dig in my father'slibrary. He had a marvelous collection of old texts. I wasfascinated by Old Dwarvish, managed to learn it quite well,I think. Of course, no one has seen or spoken to one in yearsand years. So its probably perfectly useless knowledge.But I've always had an interest in collecting newknowledge. At the Mages Guild, they taught me an old HighElven tradition. You spread this potion all over your body... Prologue: The Contessa relates her current state ofboredom. Contessa: The life up at the Palace bores me so. Mysisters ... Prologue: The Contessa's sisters are entertaining somevisitors. Contessa: And my brothers are now studying AdvancedFloral Theory, so I come down here, do a little ... er I keep all my relations supplied with theirfavourite vices -- so I can blackmail the whole rotten lot. Adventurer: But is'nt it dangerous, down here? Did I nothear that some young Contessa got killed, recently? Contessa: That little twit was my cousin, and as far asI'm concerned, she got what she deserved. She thought she couldjust borrow a maids dress, muss up her hair, and pass for scommoner. She was spotted the first minute she left thePalace gates. Now, I use illusion, craft, guile -- and Icarry weaponry. By the way, that was a neat scheme you andNeph cooked up. Adventurer: Well, lets change the subject, can we? ...Just what do you carry? I can't see anything ... like aweapon, I mean ... Contessa: Here, let me show you ... Adventurer: Oh my, those are nice ... knives... Contessa: And there're more ... Adventurer: Oh yes... Contessa: But we don't need these silly nasty weaponsnow, do we? Adventurer: My, my -- now those are what I call weapons... Oh yes ... heavy duty, high class ones too, my ... Contessa: I think its time that we put that ebony to thetest ... to say nothing of your Mages Staff ... Prologue: At this point, extensive material has beenremoved. However, please remember that any scholar whotruly wishes to peruse this material can obtain a copy foronly 50 g.p. - hand-drawn illustrations are of course extra.The Contessa, after a bit of fun, volunteers to be a partof the Adventurer's party to find the fools' ebony lode. Iknow, I know. It didn't make much sense in the original drafteither, if you want to know the truth. (Exit Prologue) Adventurer: Sure you want to go out there in the wilds? Contessa: Oh, yes. I am so bored here. Well, not righthere and now, but generally. And I can really be ofassistance. I'm pretty good with woods survival, knifework, hand-to-hand ... and it gets cold out there at night,even for big ebony-wearing men like you ... Adventurer: All right, then. Do you know where and why weare going? Contessa: Oh, of course. It's all over Daggerfall.Everyone is watching and waiting to see what happens. There iseven a lottery or two running ... Adventurer: On what ..? Contessa: Oh, your life. Adventurer: Oh dear Oh dear! Oh my! Contessa: Look, don't worry -- I know all about thedouble-dealings with mages, priests, merchants, those crudearmorers. And I intend that we come out on top. I lovebeing on top. With the goods and the profits. I'll have yetanother vice to sell to my stupid relatives in their boringpalaces. Adventurer: But won't it be us two against hordes? Contessa: Oh no. Most everyone is waiting here in town tosee what and who comes back. And I will have a surprisearranged for our 'escorts' - Ortho included. Out in thewilderness, they can be dealt with easily. (Ortho snores) Adventurer: Tell me more. Contessa: Certainly. But first ... lets see how manyuses you have left in that ebony. Mmm, your Mages' Staff isin good shape ... (Enter Prologue) Prologue: Exactly. Sorry to interrupt again, butwe're going to have to stop this scene right here. After afrenzied night comes the placid dawn, tripping onto the skylike a budding rose. And then another day doth dawn, and thenanother. Ten dawns and ten frenzied nights pass as our wilyAdventurer, the wanton Contessa, the clever and naughtyNephron, the loutish Ortho, and an assemblage of randyarmorers and backsliding maidens take to the road. Imaginenow that we are in the wildy wilderness of High Rock near theWrothgarian Mountains. Scene 2 (Enter Nephron and assorted lads and lasses) (ExitPrologue) Contessa: I do so love a bucolic frolic. Adventurer: It's getting pretty wild now. I guess thedangerous part is coming up tomorrow...? Contessa: Yes, one last stop tonight, at that old inn uphere -- Minnie's Inn. Adventurer: Minnie's Inn? Oh, those two old scholars whogave it all up, came to run the inn out here. they must getall of two customers a year. Contessa: I think they like the solitude. It gives themtime to study. They know a lot about old Dwarvish stuff -- getthem started on that, they will wear you ears out. Adventurer: Er ... when does your surprise happen? Ishould probably know. Contessa: Don't fret, dear. At the Inn tonight. Just sitback and enjoy the show. (Enter Prologue) Prologue: Time passes, the carts roll, things happen in thebacks of the carts. And there are strange furtive movementsunnoticed by all, on the high ridges around. When next we seeour players, they are at Minnie's Inn, home of Minnie andCrunn, the philosopher- innkeeps. Imagine, if you will, therather dusty dining room of Minnie's Inn. (Enter Minnie, Crunn, and Gurnsey) (Exit Prologue) (Gurnseygoes to Orthos' table with more ale for him. She sits downsuddenly. She stares into Orthos' eyes, Ortho stares intohers. Mouths drop open.) Minnie: ... er ... Crunn ... Crunn: ... yes ... Minnie ... Minnie: ... I was thinking ... Crunn: ... yes, you were thinking, Minnie ... Minnie: ... er .... thinking ... Crunn: ... yes was I .... Minnie: ... can't remember now ... Crunn: ... yes, Minnie ... Minnie ... Minnie: ... Yes ..? Crunn: ... Shut up ... Gurnsey and Ortho (Together): Moo ... oooh ... moo. Adventurer: Moo? Contessa: See, Adventurer, Ortho's fixed. Adventurer: Is he? Contessa: You just watch. Adventurer: And what about the other armorers? Contessa: Any minute now. (Ortho and serving girl arise, approach Adventurers'table. The floor shakes.) Ortho: This Gurnsey. Ortho love Gurnsey, oooh. Gurnsey: Gurnsey love Ortho ... moo ... Ortho: We go get marry, we is. Adventurer: Well, congratulations! And that was a finelong speech, Ortho! Ortho: We go raise piggies. Gurnsey: Grows animals too, farmers be we. (Exit Ortho and Gurnsey) Adventurer: Extraordinary. Ave, I think that you musthave been up here before. Contessa: Oh yes. I often come up here to get away fromthe Palace and talk dwarves with Minnie and Crunn. Adventurer: You mean that these two ancient ... er, Scholar-InnKeeps can actually talk and about dwarves? (All but Adventurer, Contessa, Minnie, and Crunn fallasleep in their meat pies.) Contessa: Oh yes, you must just be very patient. But lookover at our other escorts ... Adventurer: By the Lady! Contessa: Minnie was an Alchemist before she met Crunn,and knows a lot of old forgotten Dwarvish potions. Adventurer: But what do we do with the bodies? Contessa: Wait ... (Enter Major) Contessa: Adventurer, meet Major Bloodnok, head of myown ...private little bodyguard. He's been with me since Iwas a mere girl. Served me very well, haven't you, Major? Major: We give our all, milady. Adventurer: Pleased to meet you, Major. Contessa: How are my other men? Adventurer: (aside) Other men? (Enter Other Men in Khajiit suits) Major: All presentand accounted for, milady. Had a spot of bother with whatlooked like a party of Merchants following you. But they areout of the picture now, down a ravine. Only one thing. Contessa: Yes? Major: Me and my men, we've been noticing sort offurtive movements, up on cliffs, on ridges -- always justout of the corners of our eyes. And we keep getting thisfeeling of being watched. Now, me and my men, we're the bestbut there's something out there. Don't like it, not one bit. Contessa: Oh Dear - and just when it was getting to be fun. Major: Its not anything human. Not Mages, Armorers,Priests. And its not the usual werewolves, harpies, orcs,daedra. Nothing like that, not at all. Minnie: Dwarves! Crunn: Where? ... oh ... Minnie ... you mean ... up ...there ... here ... Minnie: ... Dwarves, up there ... Crunn: ... How exciting ... mmmm ... Minnie: ... There, there, Crunn, calm down ... justdwarves ... I knew that one day they would ... Crunn: ... Wake up ..? Minnie: ... Come back ... Crunn: ... But ... I didn't go anywhere ... Minnie: ... The dwarves, Crunn ... Crunn: ... Oooh ... Back ... So excited ... Dwarves! ...oooh ... Contessa: Well Major, is it possible? Major: Anything's possible, especially up here.Dwarves? I don't know. Me and my men, we'll get rid of thislot. There's a good deep mine shaft out back. (Exit All, but the Adventurer and Contessa) Adventurer: Dwarves, Ave! Is that trouble? I mean, theysort of own all the ebony down here, don't they? Contessa: Maybe. I guess we just have to push on, see whatdevelops. I can try to talk to them, maybe? Oh, andAdventurer, you'll have to drive the first cart. I'll takeold Nephron's. We'll leave the other here -- Spares forlater. Adventurer: What, no more bucolic frolics? Contessa: Sorry, but we've got to get to the site andout again before the weather goes bad. Adventurer: Can't your Major and his men, handle thecarts? Contessa: Oh, no. They will cover us from all sides and make certain there are no surprises. Adventurer: Oh well. All good things end, I guess. Contessa: Not quite. If you have any charges left inyour bracelets of endurance, we can go upstairs and see whatdevelops. (Enter Prologue) Prologue: Well, I guess we all saw that coming. Scene 3takes place some time later at the site. Flanked by theMajor's men, the Adventurer and the Wanton Contessasuccessfully follow the map of the dear, departed mages.Imagine great veins of glistening ebonyesque materialpiercing the surface of the ground, and a nice warm fire ofFools Ebony where the Adventurer and the Contessa sprawl.To the west are signs that the weather is turning and the firstmajor snowstorm of the year is coming. For some time, theyhave been mining and the Adventurer is beginning to feel thestrain of actual labor. (Exit Prologue) Scene 3 Adventurer: I've got blisters on my hands fromshovelling that black rot, blisters on my rear from that cartbench, and we are running out of ale. My bracelet is runningdown and my fingers are getting frostbite. Contessa: What, your bracelet is running down? Oh, nowthat is serious. (Enter Major, running) Major: Dwarves! Milady, dwarves, dozens of the littlebuggers caught my men! I'm sorry, milady. (The Contessa jumps to her feet) Contessa: Major, get out of here now. If you get away,you can maybe help us later. I'll try to talk to them. (Exit Major) (Enter Dwarves) Contessa: Hhjgys jjvvu klpss Jjqqx zzyzx. Dwarves (Together): Jjpoo Kalagloo gashnoo bibloofranoo Xxnadoo Contessa Jnik? Balpo? Dwarves (Together) Gabloo! Wazzikoo! Eppapupu! Contessa Glooky, glooky, glooky. Adventurer: Ave, whats going on? Contessa: Relax. I think I've impressed them by talkingtheir language. I don't understand everything, but it seemsthat they have only just 'woken up' or something. And thatthey will not let us take any of this Fool's Ebony -- it'ssomehow related to the real stuff or something. And itreally belongs to the Lords of Oblivion -- the Dwarves arejust care or something. Adventurer: Very interesting. Now, what about us? Contessa: I made a deal with them the only way I couldsee. I told them about Minnie and Crunn, how those two oldones know lots of dwarven tales and legends. The dwarvestells me that, having just 'woken up' or something, they wantthree things -- ale, women, and us to leave the Fools' Ebonyalone. Adventurer: Ah, flog my log. Contessa: Well,I told them about all the ale down atMinnie's Inn. And about the 2 redheads there. They are goingthere, leaving right now. We may take one empty cart, 2horses. And they will keep us guarded all the way there. Theyalso said that they will -- I don't know how -- destroy all theFool's Ebony here. It shouldn't be on the surface like this,they say. (aside) Dwarvish is a remarkably compactlanguage. Adventurer: By the great roaring buttocks ofSheogorath! All these blisters and backache for nothing! Ahwell. At least we are still alive. For now ... (Exeunt) (Enter Prologue) Prologue: Farnoo Lickety Kanoo Gadfloo. Oh, I'm terriblysorry. As Scene 4 begins, we are back at Minnie's Inn, wherethe dwarves appear to be on holiday. (Enter the Adventurer, the Wanton Contessa, Minnie, Crunn,and Dwarves) (Exit Prologue) Scene 4 Minnie: ... ga ... sszx ... spnoo? ... Crunn: ... glurky ... Dwarves (Together): Jotcha potchka lazzo lanni joopyhoopy qui me amat, amat et canem meam Adventurer: Ave, any ideas? I can't seem to work mymagical items. And when the ale runs out ... Contessa: Your ebony material is useless against them.Dwarves fashion the ebony, so I guess they can suppress it orsomething. Don't worry - just think, these dwarves have beenasleep or something for hundreds of years. And Minnie has ahuge stock of ale. Not many customers come this way, and sheknows how to salt the ale just right to keep from spoilingfor decades. Adventurer Oh, that's why my tongue always looks like a chunkof leather after a pint or two. Contessa Dwarves apparently love ale. I expect themall to pass out in an hour or so. (Dwarves fall into comas) Contessa: If not sooner. Come on, Adventurer. Grab asack and start collecting! When the dwarves wake up,they'll finish the ale, and then us. (The Wanton Contessa and Adventurer pillage the dwarves) Adventurer: South, as fast as our horses will take us inthis weather. Contessa: If we make enough distance before they wake up,we'll be all right - I don't think that they will leave theirprecious mountains. I hope not. (Enter Prologue) Prologue: The wailing wintery wind whirls wickedly,wafts whipping, wading waist-high, oh never mind. TheAdventurer and the Contessa get lost in the snow storm.Several days later, we find them desperate for warmth andexhausted. (Exit Prologue) Adventurer: The horses have had it. They can't go anotherstep and its going to snow again. No ale left, and just oneloaf. Contessa: It will have to do. (Suddenly, a party of giants leaps on our hero andheroine. But after some quick work with Bracers of Firestorm,really dead giants lie around in heaps) Adventurer: Anything left, Ave? Contessa: No, no more fire anything - just my daggers Adventurer: Same here, just a common shortsword. CurseSheogorath for those dwarves! Those oafs chewed up ourhorses! Do you think the Major made it out? Contessa: If anyone can, it's him. Guess we'll find out intown. Interesting thought just occured to me. Don't giantshunt in several groups? Is that more I hear? (sound of grumbling and gargling offstage) Adventurer: Yes, there are more giants out there. Quick,Ave. Help me with this one. (The Adventurer starts to disembowel a giant's body) Contessa: What on Tamriel are you doing? This is not thetime for studying anatomy! Adventurer: Don't argue, climb inside! Contessa: Poppydash and Baldercock! Inside that smellydead giant? My dear Adventurer, I'm a Lady. Adventurer: It's our only hope! The giant smell willhide our scent, and live giants never touch dead ones.Quick! (The Adventurer and the Contessa climb inside the steaminggiant's body) Adventurer: Here, help me pull the skin shut - and try notto throw up. Don't make a sound. (Enter Prologue) Prologue: A few hour pass. (Exit Prologue) (The Adventurer and the Wanton Contessapoke their heads out of the giant's belly.) Adventurer: They've all left, but it's snowing hard.Definitely getting real cold. We better stay here. Contessa: It indeed is warm. Adventurer: It will keep us warm, safe from the stormand giants, for a day or soif we can stand the smell. Here,want some bread? (The Contessa falls victim to nausea) (Enter Prologue) Prologue: For this, the last scene of the play, pleaseforgive us, but we need to change the set. Remove the "giantcorpses" and whatnot. Please be patient while our bardperforms the timeless classic "Whither Goest Thou?" (Bard plays "Whither Goest Thou?" If the scenarists take toolong, he also plays "For Further Consideration.") Prologue: Ah, here we are, back at the Dead Daedra Inn. TheContessa and the Adventurer made it, after all. They had topay three times the normal rate, for they were very dirty andstinky. Now poor Prologue will bid you farewell, goodlypeople. Scene 6 Contessa: Thank the Gods for hot water and soap! Ithought I would smell like a giant forever. Adventurer: Me too. Where did you go while I wasbathing? And why no mages, priests, armorers, or merchantsoutside yelling for our blood? Contessa: I took a quick trip to the Palace. I've fixed itso some cousins have told the armorers and merchants that wedon't have cartloads of the Fools' Ebony. Adventurer: Pity that that's actually true. Contessa: But at least no one's interested in usanymore. Seems that some priests turned up dead in an old temple, up on Edward's Mountain. They were found with somegirl, all dead from 'bad green powder' or something. Andsome old mages named Shub have gone missing ... Adventurer: Now then, what did you stuff in those sacksthats so important? Contessa: Here, dump them out, take a look. Adventurer: By the Gods, just look at that! Contessa: Yes, those dwarves were just loaded withebony. Look. Rings, torcs, bracers, belts, helms All solidold ebony. Adventurer: And this stuff feels just loaded withmagicka. Why, I bet that this ring alone has a thousand uses... whatever it does. Contessa: Ooh! Look! Bracers of Extreme Endurance and aBelt of Strength! Put them on, Adventurer, let'scelebrate! Adventurer (aside) Help! Enter Epilogue Epilogue: As I feared, all the loose threads of the playwere ended by wholesale slaughter. More of the adventures ofthe Adventurer will follow, unless, of course, they don't.We thank you for your tempered patience. Don't forget to tipyour worthy wenches on your way out this evening, and enjoyour bard's rendition of the Khajiiti classic, "It's A Matterof Luck." Goodnight. (Flourish) (Exeunt Omnes)