Notes For Redguard HistoryDestri MelargèÒ) 7’Ã ÿùýNotes ForýRedguard Historyùýö Biographical Note: Destri Melarg was a well-known historianand translator of old Redguard verse, born as simplyDestri in the city-state of Rihad in the 20th year of the 3rdEra. At the age of nineteen, he went to the Imperial City tostudy. There were few Redguards who had been to the ImperialProvince at the time, and it may be that he took the last nameMelarg in order to assimiliate with the Breton, Nordic, andDark Elf cultures he encountered there. When he died ninety-four years later, he left numerousunfinished histories and untranslated verse. Very few of thisfragmented work has found its way out of collections. Whatfollows is an unmailed letter to Melarg's publishers in theImperial City. The insights into the man who put the oraltraditions of the Redguards to paper impressed me enough toseek its publication. Melius, it should be noted, was Melius Kane, Melarg'spublisher in the Imperial City. --- Vune,û Redguardic First ScholaröûImperial Universityý* * * Melius, This is the outline of my final chapter for the series onHammerfell heroes. I condensed Dendle's storytelling. Ihave my notes, but the story gets long with all the quotes.She puts a lot of dialog in her storytelling. I am amazedthat the old stories about the 5 swords keeps cropping up.It's been a thousand years since Hellion's time, yet peoplecontinue to believe in the stories. The wagon master sat with me after listening to her story andsmoked a pipe with me. In discussing the story, he said that hisstoryteller used to say that one of the five swords survivedöthe closing of the Goblin gate, and is yet hidden here inHammerfell. It was the least of the five, but the story hasit that it exceeds and modern blade magical or ebony byseveral orders of magnitude. Of course I take this with a grain of salt, since a ebonyweapon is unparalleled in its keen cutting ability andpersonally I can't imagine a weapon doing more damage thana Claymore of Firestorm or a Saber of Life Steal. Dendle even believes that out in thecountryside outside of Skaven in one of the Halls of theVirtues of War, there are still people who follow the oldways and can from a Shehai or spirit sword. In collecting these stories, I once thought I was seeing aShehai being formed, by an old Hall master, but the thing,if it was a spirit sword was so faint that even the sword shapewas questionable. I didn't want to insult the old man so Iclaimed I saw it too. But if that was a Shehai, I can't imagine it possibly used as a real weapon. Here's myoutline of the new story: At the time of this story, Hammerfell is fully occupied byöRedguards. All the old cities of the Dwarves (but one - theGhost City of Dwarfhome) are now the cities of today's modernHammerfell. A second invasion of the giant goblins comes.Hammerfell is unprepared, except for a few faithfulfollowers, all youths in the rural Halls of Virtue. Hallin, being the only Ansei, rallies the armies ofHammerfell. After a defeat, he brings back the old ways bytelling each warrior to read the Book of Circles. The armyfights the Goblins to a standstill, but things look bleak,just as in Divad's song. Somehow the goblins keep beingresupplied both with arms and troops. Eventually the Armyof Hammerfell will lose. The old master of Hallin's Hall of the Virtues of War has anancient copy of Divad's will and testament, and reads it toHallin. It tells him that the 5 swords aren't lost, justhidden and well guarded in 5 caves. Each cave is home to amaster guardian, one of the old blind Ansei -- and also amaze. According to the will, Derik must, along with a virtuouscompanion of pure heart enter the cave, defeat each AnseiöMaster and retrieve their sword. Dendle went into great detail here. It seems that each Masterhad an outstanding trait -- one Katrice, possessed felinegrace, and had become very catlike; another, who had icycalm was something much like an Ice Golem. On each blade is inscribed part of an intricate message onhow to use the power of the swords combined. Derik scours therural Halls for Brothers of the Blade and Maidens of theSpirit Sword to accompany him in the quests. He finally oneby one finds his companions, and wins each sword. They learn from the blades and together wield the force ofthe 5 swords to seal the rent in space time that the Goblinshave made and from which springs their invasion. Hallin'scompanions avoided blinding by the magic swords by hurlingthe swords together into the void, and sealing forever thegiant Goblins in the void between their world and ours. The land is saved and Hallin and his companions (3 women and2 men) become Ansei and restore the teachings of FrandarHunding to Hammerfell.ö That's the story in brief. I welcome any comments from youor one of the other editors. One other concern of mine. I understand that you areconsidering using a better known writer, Uthilla Abuhk orCasmyr Kreestrom, to write the stories I've researched. I canunderstand that a better known writer may mean that a fewmore copies of the books will be sold, but that should not beyour only concern. Abuhk and Kreestrom, while fine writersand poets, will need to be lectured on the true history ofthe Redguards. Even if you are willing to pay me to do that,you will have to acknowledge that the books will take longerto write than if you just allowed me to do it. Just somethingto consider when you make the decision. I hope this letter finds you, your consort, and children togood health and humor. Yours faithfully, Destri Melarg ö