Divad the SingerDestri MelargèÒ) (e½ yùýDivadýTheýSingerùöý Divad The Singer is in one body, two unique and distinctpeople. Divad is the most well known of the Redguard heroes.Frandar Hunding's son, probably the most accomplished Anseiwho ever lived. Yet early in his life, Divad appeared tothoroughly have rejected The Way of the Sword. Divad was the only son of Frandar Hunding, and was bornlate in Hunding's life (2396 in the old way of reckoning,probably about 1E 760 by the Tamrielic calendar), when hewas away most of the time fighting the last of his duels andengaging in the many battles and insurrections of theperiod. At eleven, Divad entered the Hall of the Virtues ofWar and began training, but at 16, he finally let his angerat growing up essentially fatherless get the better of him.Divad broke his swords and left the Hall to become an acrobatin a traveling circus. The life in the circus was unsatisfying to Divad, andafter two years, his innate artisan heritage drove him tobecome a musician and finally a Bard. For two more years hetraveled, singing in the cities of the empire -- gaining noösmall amount of fame and recognition for his stirring andpopular songs and music. Although Divad had publicly forsaken the Way of the sword,it would appear that he continued to practice thecompulsory forms of training he was taught in the Hall. Hecarried no sword, but in the late evening, bright lightscould be often be seen in his tent (my source says nothing moreabout this, but it may be assumed that the writer wassuggesting that Divad was practicing the form of the Wayknown as Shehai Shen She Ru -- the Way of the Spirit Sword, orsimply the Shehai). Divad was very popular with the people of the empire, andhis music and concerts were well attended. Still he couldnot escape his heritage of the sword. When the Last Emperorascended to power and began to persecute the sword-singers,Divad was among the first to attract his attention. Once the Emperor Hira and his consort decided to go to warwith the Singers for control of the empire, he moved swiftlyagainst those Singers who were visibly a part of empiresociety. Most he had killed, but Divad's music and fame wereöso wide spread that he sent a team of his personal guards toarrest him. The Emperor's men were either very lucky or very unluckydepending on how you choose to view it. Being no fool, Hirasent 100 of his best guards, for even an unarmed Singer was avery dangerous foe. The luck was that they were able tocapture Divad and place him in chains, for they came at him ashe sat dining with his elderly mother. The disaster was that ashe surrendered, they rashly struck the pleading old woman.Too hard, it would seem, for she fell dead with that singleblow. That single thoughtless deed, as is often the case in war,was the one pivotal factor causing their eventual defeat.That act ignited in Divad the spirit of the Way. Up untilthat careless stroke, Divad was an ordinary artisan, no, anartist, a great artist, but no warrior. The moment of her death, Divad rose from his seat, took hischains between his two hands and began swinging the heavychain in a deadly arc. He slew four of the guards, gainingenough space to run and dive through the window and into theöriver He disappeared into the night From that point, Divad was spotted many times and told ofin many more rumors all across the empire -- far more placesthan a mere mortal man could have ever been. At every pointwhere Hira's men gathered to do mischief, the resistance wasattributed to Divad. As Hira moved against the Singers and began forming hisarmy to invade High Desert, it was Divad who carried the newsto the Singers. Divad was among those who climbed Hattu tofind Hunding in his cave. What is not well known is thatHunding, at first refused to take leadership of the Singers.The first attempt to interrupt him at his death poem causehim to drive the elders from his cave, he even formed theShehai in his anger. It was Divad who reentered the cavealone to speak with Hunding. To this day, no one knows what wassaid, what happened in that cave. Scribes of the timereported bright flashes of light and angry voices. Fivelong hours came and went, then both emerged from the cave,Divad, at Hunding's side. The rest, as they say, is history ... Divad, who had not completed training in the Hall of theöVirtues of War, became an adviser to Hunding and spent histime reading the newly completed Book of Circles, but hisrole in the Hammer and Anvil strategy was as a simplesword-singer and fighter. It was not till the Singers fledtheir native empire and landed In New Land that his storytruly begins. ö