The War of BetonyVulper NewgateèÒ) -› ~þwùýThe WarýofýBetonyùöý The history of the Iliac Bay, if told in its entirety,would horrify readers more than the most gruesome legend ofthe Underking. In comparison to the wars of the first andsecond era, our most recent appeal to arms, the War ofBetony pales. The Siege of Orsinium lasted from 1E 950 until1E 980 without a pause. A thousand years later, the ThrassianPlague coupled with the War of Righteousness slayed over half the population of the Iliac Bay. And yet, the War ofBetony fascinates us, and not just because of its immediacy. Ironically, Lord Mogref of Betony was seeking peace whenhe asked for Daggerfall's protection on the Isle of Betony.The island had long been independant, but as the piracy inthe Bay increased, Mogref truly realized Betony'svulnerability. King Lysandus agreed to be Betony's liege,on advice of many, including his archpriest of Kynareth,Lord Vanech. While Betony is a prosperous fishing island andwell-placed strategically, the vassalage of Betony wasprimarily an act of charity. Lysandus knew that if someonedid not help Betony, it would fall to the pirates, if notto someone worse.ö Unfortunately, King Camaron of Sentinel did not agree.Citing a two hundred year old contract, obliquely if notillegally written to suggest that Betony was a "traditionalholding" of the Kingdom of Sentinel, Camaron declaredwar. The majority of his advisors, being warlords in atraditionally bellicose country, supported their king inthis. The Chief Counselor, a woman called The Oracle,foresaw death and defeat in the war, but her wisdom wasstifled and she was banished from court. Camaron should havelistened to her. A few scrimages of the War of Betony went to Sentinel, butthe major battles were all won by Daggerfall. KingLysandus, his heir Prince Gothryd, and the general of thearmy Lord Bridwell were fine leaders and warriors as well,and the Battle of the Bluffs and the Siege of Craghold bothwent to Daggerfall. The war might have been won with one more victory, but foran unusual domestic incident in King Lysandus' court. Theking's mother, the dowager queen Nulfaga, had been uneasyabout the war since its beginning, but she now began to havevisions of cataclysm. She saw the death of her beloved sonöshould the war continue. Ebullient by his success, KingLysandus refused to listen to her fears until Nulfaga leftcourt. Lysandus then realized how certain she was about hisimpending death. He began to actively negotiate a peacetreaty with Sentinel, using the neutral lordship of ReichGradkeep as facilitator. The Treaty of Reich Gradkeep was never to be. King Camaronwas initially civil, as the losing side of a war is oftencivil, but when he realized that the proposed treaty wouldhave included a formal declaration that the kingdoms ofSentinel and Daggerfall would share Betony, he flew into arage. With no thought for the protocol of attacking aneutral peaceable lordship, Camaron order his army to riotthrough Reich Gradkeep. First the halls of the palace, andthen the streets of the capitol ran red with blood. It wasonly with the support of the Daggerfall army that the chaoswas brought under relative control. The Sentinel armyfled to the Yeorth Burrowland, and the Daggerfall armychased them as far as the Ravennian Forest before makingcamp. One week later, after each had a chance to send foröreinforcements and plan their strategies, the armies met inthe field that separated them, the flowering meadowlandcalled Cryngaine Field. In the heat of the clash, anunnatural fog spread over the field, blinding allcombatants. When the mist finally lifted, King Lysandus'body was found, his throat pierced by an unmarked arrow. Daggerfall did not waste any time in mourning; youngprince Gothryd, who had shown great bravery in battle andwas very popular among the troops, was crowned King ofDaggerfall just behind the battle lines, and he ordered thearmy onward. Perhaps it was the sight of the brave youngwarrior turned king appearing on the battlefield in fullregalia that inspired the Daggerfall army, perhaps thebattle would have turned regardless, Sentinel began topanic. King Gothryd met King Camaron before the Redguardshad retreated, and the two monarchs fought. Both wereexcellent warriors, but Gothryd was a more skillfulswordsman, and Camaron fell that day. Lord Oresme ofSentinel formally surrendered to Daggerfall, giving upall rights to Betony officially. He later commited suicide onthe ship back to Sentinel.ö Peace was a difficult process for the cities and towns onboth sides of the Iliac Bay. As part of the formal peacetreaty, King Gothryd asked for the hand of Princess Aubk-i,only daughter of the late King Camaron and the Queen RegentAkorithi. The request was intended to restore friendshipbetween the kingdoms, and it was partially successfulthough many in the royal court of Sentinel viewed theprincess as more a prisoner of war than a bond toDaggerfall. The only surviving member of the ruling family of ReichGradkeep was a sickly infant, so the councilors of stateappealed to Lord Auberon Flyte, a cousin of LordGraddock, to rule the lordship in regency. Lord Flyteaccepted, and his strong, almost dictatorial style wasjust what Reich Gradkeep needed to restore order after thebloody Treaty of Reich Gradkeep. His subjects were gratefulthat when the infant heir died, they not only elevated hiswife Doryanna and him from regents to rulers, they agreed torename the lordship in his honor. Reich Gradkeep becameAnticlere, named after his ancestral home. The horrors of the War of Betony still live on, even inöAnticlere. Whether Daggerfall and Sentinel will be able touse the marriage of King Gothryd and Princess Aubk-i as asymbol of peace rather than discord is something that onlythe future can show. -- 14 Suns Dawn 3E 404 ö