Banker's BetPorbert LyttumlynaughtyèÒ) )õ =ùýBanker'sýBetùýö It was a perfectly ordinary day at the main office of theBank of Daggerfall. Normal transactions took place:deposits were deposited, withdrawals were withdrawn, housemortgages were collected, letters of credit were golded.When a teller named Clyton J. Wifflington saw the littleold lady approaching him, dragging two large sacks, eachnearly as large as her, he changed his mind. It was not to bea perfectly ordinary day at the Bank of Daggerfall afterall. "I would like you to take the thirty million gold pieces Ihave in these sacks and open me an account," croaked thelittle old biddy. "Certainly, madam," Wifflington said, eagerly. Hecounted the gold in the sacks and found that it was thirtymillion gold exactly. "One moment, sonny," the little old lady chirruped."Before I open the account, I would like to meet the man I'mtrusting it to. I'd like to talk to the president of the bank." Wifflington wanted the president to know that he was theöteller who had taken the largest single deposit that year, soeagerly sent word to the president's secretary. As it turnedout, the president was equally eager to meet such a wealthywoman, so the old lady was brought to his office that veryday. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, milady. I amGerander P. Baggledon," said the president, Gerander P.Baggledon. "My name," said the little old lady. "Is PetuvaSmuthworthy." That was, in fact, her real name. "Thank youfor seeing me. I like to conduct my business in a morepersonal way." "I can certainly appreciate that," said Baggledonchucklingly. "It is an appreciable sum of gold. Would itbe rude of me to ask how you came by it?" "Not at all," said Mrs. Smuthworthy. "How came you by it?" asked Baggledon.ö "I'll let you guess," replied Mrs. Smuthworthy, with atrace of unattractive girlish flirtation. Baggledon was a man of enormous imagination, for abanker. He guessed inheritance and longtime thrift, but Mrs.Smuthworthy coyly shook her head. Perhaps she had sold alarge, old mansion? No. In a moment of chumminess,Baggledon asked if the gold came as a result of plunder orthievery. Mrs. Smuthworthy took no offense, but said no.Finally, he admitted defeat. "I'm a gambler," she said. "In arena fights?" he asked,interested. "No, no, dearie. Different things. For example, I'd bewilling to wager twenty five thousand gold pieces that atthis time tomorrow morning, your testicles will be coveredwith feathers." Mr. Baggledon was somewhat taken aback by the old woman'swords. Could she be mad? Could she be a witch? He eliminatedthe latter possibility, for he had a sense for such things. If she were mad, she was still a rich madwoman. And he couldöuse twenty five thousand gold pieces. So he took her wager. For the next twenty-four hours, Mr. Baggledon obsessedover his testicles. He checked his pants so often thatafternoon, his subordinates feared the worse and suggestedthat he not touch anything and go home for the rest of theafternoon. He spent the night seated, his pants around hisankles, his beady banker's eyes focused on his scrotum. Everytime he started to doze off, his vision was filled with imagesof Mrs. Smuthworthy plucking feathers from his balls,cackling. Mr. Baggledon arrived at the bank late the next day --only moments before Mrs. Smethworthy's arrival.Accompanying her was a lean, bespeckled fellow sheintroduced as a barrister from the court. Her son, it turnedout. Young Mr. Smethworthy always accompanied his motherwhen there was money involved, she explained. "Enough banter," she crowed. "Our bet, dearie?" "My dear, dear madam, I can tell you that your gold willbe quite safe at the Bank of Daggerfall. I hope it will notöcause you distress to discover that your gold will be saferhere than in your own hands. My family jewels are quite,shall we say, featherless. And you owe me a sum equallytwenty five thousand gold." Poor Mrs. Smethworthy's face fell when she heard this. "Areyou sure?" "Quite, madam." "Not even one feather?" Her voice suggested doubt. Mr.Baggledon could tell she thought he might be lying. "Not one, I fear, madam." "It's not that I don't trust you, Mr. Baggledon, but itis quite a lot of gold. Might I -- would you -- could Ipossibly see for myself?" As he knew he was soon to be a twenty five thousand goldpieces richer, and he was still a bit punchy from lack ofsleep, Mr. Baggledon merely smiled and dropped his breechesto the floor. Mrs. Smethworthy examined his testicles veryöcarefully, under, to the left, to the right. At last, she wassatisfied that there was not so much as a down featheranywhere in the region. While she was looking under them onelast time, Mr. Baggledon heard a thwacking noise across theoffice. Young Mr. Smethworthy was banging his head againstthe stone wall. "What in the Lady's name is wrong with your son, Mrs.Smethworthy?" he asked. "Nothing, dear," she said. "I merely bet him one hundredthousand gold pieces that by this time I would have thepresident of the Bank of Daggerfall by the balls." ö