Invocation of AzuraSigillah ParateèÒ) (ÉÛ ’ùýInvocation ofýAzuraùýö For three hundred years, I have been a priestess of Azura,the Daedric Prince of Moonshadow, Mother of the Rose, andQueen of the Night Sky. Every Hogithum, which we celebrate onthe 21st of First Seed, we summon her for guidance and togive up beautiful things to her majesty. She is a cruel butwise mistress. We do not invoke her on any Hogithum troubledby thunder storms, for those nights belong to the Mad One,Sheogorath, even if they do coincide with Hogithum. Azuraunderstands our caution. We may summon her on other dates also, and she quite oftenresponds. The only days we are forbidden to invoke her arethose prescribed to one of the other fifteen Princes: the 1stand the 13th of Morning Star, the 2nd and the 16th of SunsDawn, the 5th of First Seed, the 9th of Rains Hand, the 9th ofSecond Seed, the 5th of Mid Year, the 10th of Suns Height, the3rd of Hearth Fire, the 8th and the 13th of Frost Fall, the2nd and 20th of Suns Dusk, and the 20th of Evening Star. Iknow who is summoned on the 3rd of Hearth Fire, the 2nd ofSuns Dusk, and the 20th of Evening Star, but I am not certainof the others. It is enough that Azura has forbidden thosedates.ö Azura's invocation is a very personal one. I have beenthe priestess of three other Daedric Princes, but Azuravalues the quality of her worshippers, the truth behind ouradoration of her, and the When I was a Dark Elven maiden of sixteen, I joined mygrandmother's coven, worshippers of Molag Bal, the SchemerPrince. Blackmail, extortion, and bribery are as much theweapons of the Witches of Molag Bal as magic is. TheInvocation of Molag Bal is held on the 20th of Evening Star,except in stormy weather. This ceremony is seldom missed,but Molag Bal often appears to his cultists in mortal guiseon other dates. When my grandmother died in an attempt topoison the heir of Firewatch, I reexamined my faith in thecult. My brother was a warlock of the cult of Boethiah, and fromwhat he told me, the Dark Warrior was closer to my spiritthan the treacherous Molag Bal. Boethiah is a warrior Princewho acts more avertly than any other Daedra. After years ofskulking and scheming, it felt good to perform acts for myömistress which had immediate consequences. Besides, I likedthat Boethiah is a Daedra of the Dark Elves. Our cult wouldsummon her on the day we called the Gauntlet, the 2nd ofSuns Dusk. Bloody competitions would be held in her honor,and the duels and battles would continue until ninecultists were killed at the hands of other cultists. Boethiahcared little for her cultists -- she only cared about ourblood. I do think I saw her smile when I accidentally slew mybrother in a spar. My horror, I think, greatly pleased her. I left the cult soon after that. Boethiah was tooimpersonal for me, too cold. I wanted a master of greaterdepth than she. For the next eighteen years of my life, Iworshipped no one: I read and researched. It was in an oldand profane tome I came upon the name of Nocturnal.Nocturnal the Night Mistress, Nocturnal the Unfathomable.As the book prescribed, I called to her on her holy day, the3rd of Hearth Fire. At last, I had found the personalmistress I had so long desired. I strove to understand her labyrinthine philosophy, the source of her mysteriouspain. Everything about her was dark and shrouded, even the wayshe spoke and the acts she required of me.ö It took years for me to understand the simple fact that Icould never understand Nocturnal. Her mystery was asessential to her as savagery was to Boethiah or treachery wasto Molag Bal. To understand Nocturnal is to negate her, topull back the curtains in her realm of darkness. As much as Iloved her, I recognized the futility of unravelling herenigmas. I turned instead to her sister, Azura. Azura is the only Daedra Prince I have ever worshipped whoseems to care about her cultists. Molag Bal wanted my mind,Boethiah wanted my arms, and Nocturnal -- perhaps mycuriousity. Azura wants all of that, and our love. Not ourabject slavering, but our honest and genuine love in allits forms. It is important to her that our emotions areengaged. And our love must also be directed inward. If welove her and hate ourselves, she feels our pain. I will have no other mistress.ö