The Ebon ArmWitten RolèÒ) üË©1 ùýThe Ebon Armùýý The ground shakes. The great armies continue to wage theirunrelenting battle. The battlefield is red, the rivers flowcrimson, the sky reflects a deep pink. In the distanceölightning flashes, and thunder sounds. Two huge ravens begincircling the field; their blackness is vibrant against thevarious shades of red in this vista of death and suffering.The bright flashes of light and rumbling begin to increase.The redness surrounding the battlefield begins giving wayto a golden glow from the east, almost like a summer'ssetting sun. From the false sunset a massive golden stallionand single rider approach. All become suddenly still onthe field of battle as both sides recognize Reymon Ebonarm,God of War, and the companion and protector of allwarriors, also known as the Black Knight and his mighty steedWar Master. He rides into the middle of the blood soaked field anddismounts. He is a very imposing figure. His very tall andheavily muscled body is encased in ebony armor. His ebonyhelmet does not hide the flowing reddish blonde hair andbeard which appear almost as shimmering gold, nor does itshield the steel blue eyes that seem to pierce all they fallupon. In his left hand he carries a massive ebony towershield on which is emblazoned a fiery red rose. As he raises hisright arm, all see an arm and a magnificent ebony bladewhich are extensions of each other. The fused arm and swordöare a result and symbol of the wounds suffered by this godduring titanic battles in the youth of this world. The ravens come to rest on his shoulders. And, as the pointof the ebony blade seemingly touches the sky, lightningflashes, thunder roars. Then total quiet descends and ashudder rolls through both armies. The leaders of both armies approach Reymon Ebonarm andkneel. In turn they tell their reasons for this war. Each asksfor the favor of the Black Knight for their cause. ReymonEbonarm listens, but there is no acknowledgment that he haschosen to favor one side or the other in this fight. However,each of the leaders has heard the other state his position.And, each now knows that this war is baseless. They embraceand turn to their armies. They instruct their forces to burytheir dead, tend their wounded and return to their homes. Reymon Ebonarm mounts his great golden stallion, WarMaster, and again raises the ebony blade skyward andextends the huge rose emblazoned ebony shield to both armies.A massive chorus of cheers rises from the armies. The ravensagain take to the air. Lightning and thunder follow him as heörides into the sunset followed by the two birds. The armies do as they have been bidden. They care for theirwounded and bury their dead. As they retreat towards theirhomes each warrior is sure that the great God Reymon Ebonarm,the Black Knight, has responded to their individual prayersfor intervention. Each side has won, neither has lost. As the armies depart the field, the rivers begin to runclear, and a single red rose begins to bloom near the graveof a fallen hero. ö