A History of DaggerfallOdiva GallwoodèÒ) 1ÀÜ1 ±ùýAýHistoryýofýDaggerfallöùýý There is sufficient archaeological evidence for the modernhistorian to believe that there has been some variety ofhuman settlement in the city-state of Daggerfall startingat least a thousand years before recorded history. The firstuse of the name Daggerfall to refer to the area around thecurrent capitol was most probably in the 246th year of the1st Era. The north half of the Iliac Bay, in fact all of thecurrent province of High Rock, was conquered by invadingNords who brought a rough sort of civilization with them. Oneof the first civilized acts the Nords performed was a census-- the so-called Book of Life. Listed on page 933 of the Bookis this entry: "North of the Highest bluffs, south of the moors, west of thehills, and east of the sea is called DAGGERFALL. 110 men, 93women, 13 children under 8 years of age, 58 cows, 7 bulls,63 chickens, 11 cocks, 38 hogs live here."ö Nearly four thousand years after this census was taken, wecan see that these two hundred and sixteen people havemultiplied heartily. The last census, in the year 3E 401,lists the population at over 110,000. It is always difficultto find an exact number, but the capitol city ofDaggerfall certainly outnumbers her rivals, Sentinel andWayrest. It has been a consistant, if not actually helpfulamusement of historians to find the origin of placenames.Daggerfall, by tradition, is said to refer to the knife thefirst chieftain threw to form the borders of his lands. Butthere are other legends that may have equal validity. The Daggerfall entry from the Book of Life actuallysupports one theory about the reason for Daggerfall'slongevity. The people were coastal fishermen, but they alsofound the land itself sufficiently rich to support raisinglivestock. This inclination of the early citizenry towardreinforcing their principal products brought stability toa fickle land. Daggerfall thrived during the years of the Skyrimöoccupancy. When the Wild Hunt killed King Borgas ofWinterhold in 1E 369, the northlands engaged in the War ofSuccession and Skyrim, greatly weakened, lost her holdings inHigh Rock and Morrowind. The Iliac Bay had become importantstrategically, and Daggerfall began to expand hermilitary. There were multiple opportunities for her to exercise thisarmy and navy during the Direnni conflicts with the force ofthe Alessian Reform. The Dirennis were native Bretons, andBretons are hardly ever given to excessive religion.Daggerfall became a minor base of operations for theDirennis and their allies. Raven Direnni, the enchantresswhose magic helped secure the final victory over theAlessians in the Glenumbria Moors, was one of the earliestoccupants of Castle Daggerfall. Over the centuries that followed, the Dirennis felt intoobscurity, but Daggerfall continued her growth. In 1E 609,King Thagore of Daggerfall defeated the army of Glenpointand became the preeminant economic, cultural, andmilitary force in southern High Rock. A position the kingdom hasprecariously kept ever since.ö Ironically, it was another successful military exercisethree hundred and seventy years later that endedDaggerfall's monopoly of Bay trade: the annihilation of theorcish capitol Orsinium by a joint effort of Daggerfall,the new kingdom of Sentinel, and the now extinct Order ofDiagna. The scattering of the orcs from southeastern High Rockmade the river route to the Bay more accessible. The tinyvillage of Wayrest grew like a flower that no longer fearedthe mow. In twenty years, Wayrest's trade profits equalledDaggerfall's. In forty years, Wayrest was the acknowledgedmaster of Iliac Bay trade. In one hundred and twenty years,Wayrest became the Kingdom of Wayrest. The Kingdom of Sentinel did not exhibit Wayrest'saggrandizement during the First Era. The Redguards werewarriors learning the ways of the merchants, and their landwas enemy enough to keep their population checked. Indeed,the number of people in all areas of the Iliac Bay washalved once in the First Era by the Thrassian Plague, onceagain by the War of Righteousness, and a third time by theinvading Akavari. If Daggerfall had not spent its firstthousand years preparing for the battles of the nextthousand years, it is indeed conceivable that the Iliac Bayötoday might be Akavarian. The Second Era, like the latter part of the First Era, is atapestry of wars, insurrections, and plagues. Daggerfall,Sentinel, and Wayrest continued to expand and improvetheir military and economic positions in the Bay.Daggerfall and Wayrest would transpose positions as majortrading center of the Bay, and Daggerfall and Sentinellikewise bandied over which was the superior military power. The Iliac Bay has continued to hold an important positionin the Imperial government of the Third Era. Rarely allies(though the combined armies in opposition to the CamoranUsurper in the 3rd century of the 3rd Era is a notableexception), but not always enemies, Daggerfall, Sentinel,and Wayrest have weathered the storms of contention,plague, famine, and pestilence. The recent War of Betony wastypical of Iliac Bay warfare: sincere, frighteninglyviolent, and peaceably resolved.öö