The Real Barenziah, Part VIIAnonymousèÒ) ?æS 꼆eùýThe RealýBarenziahýPart VIIùöý "Everything I have ever loved I have lost," Barenziahthought, looking over the mounted knights behind and ahead,the tirewomen near her in a carriage, "yet have I gained ameasure of wealth and power, and the promise of more tocome. Dearly have I bought it. Now do I better understandTiber Septim's love of it, if he has oft paid such prices,for surely worth is measured by the price one pays."Barenziah, by her wish, rode mounted on a shining black mare,clad as a warrior in shining chain mail of dark elf making. As the slow days slipped by and her train rode a windingroad eastward into the setting sun, around her rose thesteep-sided mountain slopes of Morrowind. The air was thinand a chill late autumn wind blew constantly, but it wasalso rich with the sweet spice smell of the late-bloomingblack rose, which grew in every shadowy nook and crevice,finding nourishment even in the stoniest slopes. In smallövillages and towns, ragged dark elf folk gathered along theroad to cry her name or simply gape. Most of her knightlyescort were Redguards with a few dark elves, Nords andBretons scattered among them. As they wove their way into theheart of Morrowind, these grew increasingly uncomfortableand clung together. Even the dark elf knights seemed somewhatuneasy. Barenziah felt at home, felt the welcome extended toher by this land. Symmachus met her at the Mournhold borders with an escort ofknights, about half of whom were dark elf in Imperial battledress, she noted. There was a grand parade into the city andspeeches of welcome from elders. "I've had the queen's suite refurbished for you," he said,"but you can change anything not to your taste, of course."He went on about details of the coronation ceremony which wasto be held in a week. He was his old commanding self, but shesensed something else as well. He was eager for her approvalof the arrangements. He asked her nothing about her stay inImperial City or Tiber Septim, although Barenziah wascertain that Drelliane had told him everything in detail.ö The ceremony itself, like so much else, was a mixture of oldand new, parts of it dictated by Imperial format, as shewas sworn to service of the Empire and Tiber Septim, aswell as to the land of Mournhold and its people. She thenaccepted fealty from the people and the council. Thecouncil was composed of a mixture of Imperialrepresentatives, advisors they were called, and nativerepresentatives of the people. These latter were mostlyelders, in accordance with elven custom. Barenziah foundthat much of her time was occupied in attempting toreconcile these two forces. And the elders were expected todo most of the conciliating in the name of the reformsintroduced by the Empire, such as land ownership and surfacefarming, which went clean against dark elven tradition, aslaid down by their ancient gods and goddesses. Now, TiberSeptim, in the name of the One had decreed a new tradition,and the gods and goddesses themselves were expected to obey. Barenziah threw herself into work and study. She was throughwith love and men for a long, long time, if not forever.There were other pleasures, she discovered, as Symmachus hadpromised, those of the mind, of power. She developed a loveöfor dark elf history and legend, a hunger to know the peoplefrom whom she sprang, proud warriors and craftsmen. Tiber Septim lived another half century, during which shesaw him on a few occasions, as she was bidden to ImperialCity for one reason or another. He greeted her with warmth onthese occasions and they had long talks together aboutevents. He seemed to have quite forgotten that there had everbeen anything more between them. He changed little over theyears. Rumor said that his mages had found spells to extendhis vitality, and even that the One had granted himimmortality. Then one day a messenger came with the news thathe was dead, and his son was now Emperor in his place. They'd heard the news in private, she and Symmachus. He tookit stoically, as he took everything. "It doesn't seem possible," Barenziah said. "I told you. It's the way of humans. They are a short-livedrace. It doesn't really matter. His power lives on, and hisson now wields it."ö "You called him your friend. Do you feel nothing?" He shrugged. "There was a time when you called him somewhatmore. What do you feel, Barenziah?" "Emptiness. Loneliness," she said, then she too shrugged."That's not new." "I know," he said, taking her hand. "Barenziah, let me try tofill that lonely place." He turned her face up and kissedher. It filled her with astonishment. She couldn't rememberhis ever touching her before. She'd never thought of him inthat way, and yet, undeniably, an old familiar warmthspread through her. She'd forgotten how good it was, thatwarmth. Not the burning heat she'd felt with Tiber Septim,but the warmth she associated with, with Straw! Straw, poorStraw. She hadn't thought of him in so long. He'd bemiddle-aged now if he still lived. Probably married with adozen children, she hoped, and a wife who could talk for two. "Marry me, Barenziah," he was saying, "I've worked andtoiled and waited long enough, haven't I?"ö Marriage. "A peasant with peasant dreams." The wordsappeared in her mind, as if from long ago. And yet, whynot? If not him, who? The great noble families had beendestroyed in the war and its aftermath. Dark elf rule hadbeen restored, but not the old nobility. Most of them wereupstarts, like Symmachus and not as good as he was. He'dfought to keep Mournhold whole and healthy when theirso-called advisors would have picked their bones, sucked themdry as Ebonheart had been sucked dry. He'd fought forMournhold, fought for her, while she and it grew. She felt asudden rush of gratitude, and, undeniably, affection. Hewas steady and reliable. He'd served her well. "Why not?"she said, smiling. The union was a good one, both in its political andpersonal aspects. While Tiber Septim's son viewed her with ajaundiced eye, his trust in his father's old friend wasabsolute. Symmachus, however, was still viewed withsuspicion by Morrowind's stiff-necked folk, suspicious of hispeasant ancestry, his close ties to the Empire, while she wasquite popular. "The Lady's one of our own in her heart," itwas whispered, "held captive as we are." Barenziah feltcontent. There was work and pleasure and what more couldöone ask of life? The years passed swiftly, with crises to bedealt with, storms and famines and failures and successesand plots to be foiled. Mournhold prospered well enough.Her people were secure and fed, her mines and farmsproductive. All was well save that the marriage produced nochildren. No heirs. Now elven children are slow to come, and most demanding oftheir welcome, noble children more so than others, thus manydecades had passed before they grew concerned. "The fault lies with me, husband. I am damaged goods."Barenziah said bitterly. "If you want to take another..." "I want no other," Symmachus snapped, "nor do I know thefault to be thine. Perhaps it is mine. Whichever, we will seeka cure. If there is damage, surely it may be repaired?" "How so? When we dare not entrust anyone with my true story? Healer's oaths do not always hold." "It won't matter if we change the time and circumstances abit. Whate'er we say or fail to say Jephre never rests. Hisöinventive mind and quick tongue are ever busy spreadinggossip and rumor." Priests and Healers came and went, but all their prayers,potions and other efforts produced not even a period ofbloom, let alone a single fruit. Eventually, they put itfrom their minds and left it in the gods' hands. They were yetyoung, with centuries ahead of them. There was time. Elvesalways have time. ö