The Real Barenziah, Part VIAnonymousnaughty) 6# 5The RealBarenziahPart VI "You dance on the edge of a volcano, child," Drelliane scolded, as Barenziahadmired the emerald ring her lover had given her tocelebrate their one month anniversary. "How so? We make one another happy. We harm no one. Symmachusbade me to be discriminate and discreet. Who better could Ichoose? And we've been most discreet. He treats me as adaughter in public." Tiber Septim's nightly visits weremade through a secret passage. "He slavers over you like a dog his dinner. Have you notnoticed the coolness of the Empress and her son toward you?" Barenziah shrugged. Even before she and Septim had becomelovers she'd had no more from his family than bare civility.Threadbare civility. "What matter? It is Tiber who holdspower." "It is his son who holds the future. Do not hold his mother upto public scorn, I beg you." "Can I help it if that dry stick of a woman cannot hold herhusband's interest even in conversation at dinner?" "Have less to say in public. That is all I ask. She matterslittle, save that her children love her, and you do not wantthem as enemies. Tiber Septim has not long to live. I mean,"Drelliane amended quickly, at Barenziah's scowl, "Humans areall short-lived. Temporary, as we elves say. They come andgo as the seasons do, but the families of the powerful liveon for a time. You must be a family friend if you would see lasting profit from your relationship. Ah, how can Imake you truly see, you who are so young and human-bred aswell! If you take care you and Mournhold are like to live tosee the fall of Septim's dynasty, if indeed he has foundedone, as you have seen its rise. It is the way of human history.They ebb and flow like the tides. Their cities and even theirempires bloom like spring flowers, only to wither and diein the summer sun." Barenziah just laughed. She knew that rumors abounded abouther and Tiber Septim. She enjoyed the attention for allsave the Empress and her son seemed captivated by her. Bardssang of her dark beauty and her charming ways. She was infashion and in love and if it was temporary, well, what wasnot? She was happy for the first time she could remember,each day filled with joy and pleasure, and the nights yetbetter. "What is wrong with me?" Barenziah lamented. "Look, not oneof my skirts fit? What's become of my waist? Am I gettingfat?" Barenziah regarded her thin arms and legs and herundeniably thickened waist in the mirror with displeasure. Drelliane shrugged. "You appear to be with child, young asyou are. Constant pairing with a human has brought you earlyto fertility. I see no choice but for you to speak with himabout it. You are in his power. It would be best, I think,for you to go directly to Mournhold if he will agree, andbear the child there." "Alone?" Barenziah placed her hands on her swollen belly,tears forming in her eyes. Everything in her yearned to sharethe fruit of her love with her lover. "He'll ne'er agree tothat. He won't be parted from me now. You'll see." Drelliane shook her gray head. Although she said no more, alook of sympathy and sorrow had replaced her usual coolscorn. That night Barenziah told Tiber Septim of it when he came toher. "With child?" He looked shocked. Stunned. "You're sure ofit? I was told elves do not bear so young." Barenziah summoned a smile. "How can I be sure? I've never --" "I'll fetch my healer." The healer, a high elf of middle years, confirmed thatBarenziah was indeed pregnant and that such a thing had neverbefore been known to happen. It was a testimony to HisExcellency's potency, the healer said sycophantically.Tiber Septim snarled at him. "This must not be," he said."Undo it." "Sire," the healer gaped at him. "I cannot--." "Of course you can," he snapped. "I command you do so." Barenziah, wide-eyed with sudden terror, sat up in the bed."No!" she screamed. "No! What are you saying?" "My dear child," Tiber Septim sat down beside her with hiswinning smile. "I'm so sorry. Truly. But this cannot be.Your child could be a threat to my son and his sons. I willput it no more plainly than that." "The child I bear is your child!" she wailed. "No. It's but a possibility, a might be, not yet gifted witha soul or quickened into life. I will not have it so." Hegave the healer another hard stare and the elf began totremble. "It is her child. Children are few among elves. No womanconceives more than four and that is very rare. Two is theallotted number. Some bear none, some only one. If I takethis one from her, she may not conceive again." "You told me she would not bear to me. I've little faith inyour prognostications." Barenziah scrambled naked from her bed, and ran for thedoor, not knowing where she was going, only that she could notstay. She never reached the door for blackness took her. Barenziah awoke to pain and emptiness. Drelliane was there tosoothe the pain and clean the blood that pooled between herlegs, but there was nothing to fill the emptiness. TiberSeptim sent gifts and flowers, and came for short visits,always well attended. Barenziah received these visits withpleasure, but he came no more at night nor did she wish forhim. After a week, when she was physically recovered, it wasannounced that Symmachus had requested she come to Mournholdearlier than planned, and that she would leave forthwith.She was given a splendid retinue, a wardrobe befitting aqueen and a ceremonial departure from the gates ofImperial City.