The Real Barenziah, Part VAnonymous) IA @o\"&*The RealBarenziahPart V Barenziah felt the weight of sorrow for several days, butby the third day out her spirits had begun to rise a bit. Shefound that she enjoyed being on the road again, although shemissed Straw's companionship more than she would havethought. They were escorted by a troop of Redguard knights,with whom she felt comfortable, although these were much moredisciplined than the guards of the merchant caravans. Theywere cordial but respectful towards her despite herattempts to flirt with the men. Symmachus scolded her privately, saying a queen mustmaintain a royal dignity at all times. "You mean I'm never to have any fun?" "Not with such as these. They are beneath you. Graciousness isto be desired in those in authority. Familiarity is not. Youwill remain chaste and modest while you are in ImperialCity." Barenziah screwed up her face. "I might as well be back inBlack Moor. Elves are promiscuous by nature. Everyone saysso." "'Everyone' is wrong, then. Some are, some aren't. Theemperor -- and I -- expect you to show both discriminationand discretion. Let me remind you that you will hold thethrone of Mournhold not by right of blood but solely at thepleasure of Tiber Septim. If he judges you unsuitable yourreign will end ere it begins. He requires intelligence,obedience, discretion and total loyalty in all hisappointees, and he favors chastity and modesty in women. Isuggest you model your deportment after Drelliane." "I'd liefer be back in Black Moor," Barenziah saidindignantly. "That is not an option. If you are of no use to TiberSeptim he will see to it that you are of no use to his enemieseither," Symmachus said coldly. "If you would keep yourhead upon your shoulders take warning. Let me add thatpower offers pleasures other than those of carnality andlow company." He spoke of art, literature, drama, music,and grand balls. Barenziah listened with interest spurredby his threats, but after asked if she might continue her studyof spellcasting while in Imperial City. Symmachus seemedpleased and promised to arrange it. Pleased with this she thensaid that she noted that three of their knights were women, andasked if she might train a little in combat with them, justfor the sake of exercise. Symmachus looked less than pleased,but agreed she might, although only with the women. The late winter weather held fair but cold for theirjourney, so that they travelled quickly over firm roads. Onthe last day, spring seemed to come at last for there was athaw, and the road grew sloppy underfoot, and everywhereone could faintly hear the sound of water trickling anddripping. They came to the great bridge that crossed into ImperialCity at sunset. The rosy glow turned all the stark whitemarble buildings a delicate pink. It all looked very newand grand and immaculate. A broad avenue led straightnorth to the Palace. There was a crowd of people of allsorts in the streets. Lights winked out in the shops and on inthe inns as dusk fell and the stars came out one by one. Eventhe side streets were broad and brightly lit. Near thepalace the towers of a grand Mage Guild reared to the eastwhile westward the stained glass windows of a great templeglittered. Symmachus had an apartment in a great house two blocks fromthe palace, past the Temple, the Temple of the One, he said,as they passed it, an ancient Nordic cult which Tiber Septimhad revived. He said that Barenziah would be expected tobecome a member, should she prove acceptable to theEmperor. Symmachus' apartment was very grand, although little toBarenziah's liking. The walls and furnishings were starkwhite, relieved only by touches of bright gold, the floorsof gleaming black marble. Barenziah's eyes ached for colorand shadow. In the morning Symmachus and Drelliane escorted her to theImperial Palace. Barenziah noted that everyone they metgreeted Symmachus with a deferential respect which in somecases bordered on obsequiousness. He took it quite forgranted. She and Symmachus were ushered directly into theImperial presence. Morning sun flooded the small room through a large windowwith tiny panes, washing over the breakfast table and thesingle man who sat there, dark against the light. He leapt tohis feet as they entered and hurried toward them, "Ah,Symmachus, my friend, I welcome thy return most gladly."His hands touched Symmachus shoulders briefly, fondly,interrupting the deep bow the elf had begun. Barenziahcurtsied as Tiber Septim turned to her. "Barenziah, my naughty little runaway, how do you, child?Here, let me have a look at you. Why, Symmachus, she'scharming, absolutely charming. Why have you hidden her fromus all these years? Is the light too much? Shall I draw thehangings? Yes, of course." He waved aside Symmachusprotests and drew the curtains himself, not troubling tosummon a servant. "You will pardon me for thisdiscourtesy to my guests. I've much to think of, but that'sscant excuse for inhospitality -- ah, pray join me. There'ssome excellent fruit from the Black Marsh." They settled themselves at the table. Barenziah wasastonished. Tiber Septim was nothing like the grim greygiant warrior she'd pictured. He was only of middle height,half a head shorter than tall Symmachus, although he waswell knit of figure and lithe in movement. He had a winningsmile, bright, indeed piercing, blue eyes, and a full headof stark white hair above a lined and weathered face. He mighthave been of any age from forty to sixty. He pressed food and drink upon them, then repeated hisquestion: why had she left her home? Had her guardians beenunkind to her? "No, excellency," Barenziah replied, "in truth, no,although I fancied so at times." Symmachus had made up a liefor her and Barenziah told it, although with misgivings. Thestableboy, Straw, had convinced her that her guardians,unable to find a suitable husband for her, meant to sell heras a concubine in Rihad, and when a Redguard had indeed come,she had panicked and fled with him. Tiber Septim seemedfascinated and listened raptly as she provided details ofher life as a merchant caravan guard. "Why, 'tis like a ballad," he said. "By the One, I'll havethe court bard set it to music. What a charming boy you musthave made." "Symmachus said--" Barenziah stopped in some confusion, "hesaid, well, that I no longer look much like a boy. I havegrown in the past few months." She lowered her gaze in whatshe hoped looked like maiden modesty. "He's a very discerning fellow, is my friend Symmachus." "I know I've been a very foolish girl. I must crave thypardon, and that of my kind guardians. I -- I realized thatsome time ago, but I was too ashamed to go home. And I dolong for Morrowind. My soul pines for my own country." "My dear. You shall go home, I promise you, but I pray youremain with us a little longer, that you may prepareyourself for the stern task with which I shall charge you."Barenziah gazed at him earnestly, heart beating hard. It wasall working just as Symmachus had said it would. She felt awarm flush of gratitude toward him, but was careful to keepher attention focused on the Emperor. "I am honored,Excellency, and wish most earnestly to serve you and thisgreat Empire you have forged in any way I can." It was thepolitic thing to say, but Barenziah really meant it. She wasawed by the magnificence of the city and the discipline andorder everywhere evident, and was excited at the prospect ofbeing a part of it all. Plus she felt quite drawn to TiberSeptim. After a few days Symmachus left for Mournhold to take up hisduties as governor until Barenziah was ready to assume thethrone, after which he would become her Prime Minister.Barenziah, with Drelliane as chaperone, took up residence ina suite at the Palace. Several tutors were provided forher. During this time she became deeply interested in themagical arts, but she found the study of history andpolitics not at all to her taste. On occasion she met Tiber Septim in the Palace gardens and hewould unfailingly inquire politely as to her progress, andchide her, although with a smile, over her disinterest inmatters of state. However, he was always happy to instructher on fine points of magic, and he could make even historyand politics seem interesting after all. "They're people,child, not dry facts in a dusty book," he said. As herunderstanding broadened their discussions became longer,deeper and more frequent. He spoke to her of his vision of aunited Tamriel, each race separate and distinct but withshared ideals and goals, all contributing to the commonweal. "Some things are universal, shared by all sentient folk ofgood will," he said. "So the One teaches us. We must uniteagainst the malicious and the brutish, the mis-created, theorcs, trolls, goblins and other worse creataures, notstrive 'gainst one another." His blue eyes would light as he stared into his dream, andBarenziah was delighted just to sit and listen to him. If hedrew close to her, the side of her body next to him would glowas if he were a fire. If their hands met she would tingle allover as if his body were charged with a small shock spell. Oneday, quite unexpectedly, he took her face in his hands andkissed her gently on the mouth. She drew back after a fewmoments, astonished by the violence of her feelings, and heapologized instantly. "I didn't mean to do that. It's just-- you are so beautiful, my dear. So very beautiful." Hewas looking at her with a hopeless yearning in his face. Sheturned away, tears streaming down her face. "Are you angrywith me? Talk to me." Barenziah shook her head. "I could never be angry with you. Ilove you. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it." "I have a wife," he said. "She is a good and virtuouswoman, and the mother of my children. I could never put heraside, yet there is nothing between us, no sharing of thespirit. She would have had me be other than what I am. I am themost powerful man in all Tamriel, and, Barenziah, I think Iam the most lonely as well. Power!" he said with contempt."I'd trade a goodly share of it for youth and love if thegods allowed it." "But you are strong and vigorous and vital, more than anyman I've ever known." He shook his head. "Today, perhaps. Yet I am less than I wasyesterday, last year, ten years ago. I feel the sting of mymortality and it is painful." "If I can ease thy pain, let me do so." Barenziah movedtowards him, hands outstretched. "I would not take thy innocence from thee." "I'm not that innocent." "How so?" Tiber Septim's voice grated harshly, his browknitted. Barenziah's mouth went dry. What had she done? "There was Straw," she faltered. "I -- I was lonely, too.Am lonely. And not so strong as you." She cast her eyes downin embarassment. "I'm not worthy--" "No, no, not so. Barenziah, it cannot last for long. Youhave a duty in Mournhold. I must tend my Empire. Shall weshare what we may and pray the One forgives us ourfrailty?" Tiber Septim held out his arms and, wordlessly, Barenziah stepped into his embrace.