MysticismTetronius LorèÒ) ü0hF ùýMysticism:ýTheýUnfathomableýVoyageöùýý Mysticism is the school of magic least understood by themagical community, most difficult to explain to novicesmages. The spells effects commonly ascribed to the Schoolof Mysticism are as wildly disparate as Soul Trap -- thecreation of a cell for a victim's spirit after death -- toSilence -- the extinction of sound. But these effects aresimply that: effects. The sorcery behind them is veiled in amystery that may go back to the oldest civilizations ofTamriel, and beyond. The Psijics of the Order of Artaeum's term for Mysticismis the Old Way. The phrase becomes bogged in a semanticquagmire, because the Old Way also refers to the religionand customs of the Psijics which may, or may not, be part ofthe magic of Mysticism. There are few mages who devote their lives to the study oföMysticism. The other schools are far more predictable andfathomable. Mysticism seems to derive its power from itscunundrums and paradoxes; the act of experimentation, nomatter how objectively implemented, can influence themagicka by its very existance. Thus, the Mystic mage mustregulate himself to finding consistant patterns in animbroglio of energy. In the time it takes him to find a sourcewith a consistant trigger and result, his peers researchingin other schools may have researched and documented dozens ofnew spells and effects. The Mystic mage is a patient anduncompetitve scholar. For centuries, mostly during the Second Era, scholarlyjournals publishes theory after theory about the aspect oraspects of magicka that we call Mysticism. In the traditionof the Mages Guild to find answers to all things, respectedresearchers suggested the energy source as coming fromAetherius or the Daedra themselves to explain the seeminglyrandom patterns of Mysticism; some ventured to guess thatMysticism comes from unused elements of successfully orunsuccessfully cast spells; discussion with the Order ofArtaeum after its reappearance has led some scholars topostulate that Mysticism is more spiritual in nature, eitheröthe intellect or emotion of the believer influences theenergy pattern and flow. None of these explanations is truly satisfactory. Forthe beginning student of Mysticism, it is best to simplelearn the patterns distinguished in the maelstrom in thecenturies past. The more patterns are found, the clearer theremaining ones become. Until, of course, they change. Andthen the journey begins anew. ö