On LycanthropyVarnard KaressenèÒ) ÙN„ `ÛhùýOn Lycanthropyùýý How does one become interested in studying the diseaselycanthropy? I have interviewed a number of my peers, anddiscovered that to a man, they have all entered the fieldöafter a horrifying encounter with a lycanthrope of somevariety. I am no exception. In Skyrim, it is an old tradition to rub canis root on thetrees surrounding your house as a ward against werebears.When I was young and stupid (as opposed, I guess, to beingold and stupid as I am now), I always had hoped to meet awerebear to see if they were as impressive as legendsuggested. I would follow strange tracks in the woods untilthey disappeared, with no fear or even thought about what Iwould do after I had found my quarry. By Thorig's beard, Iwas lucky that my investigations were fruitless. When I did finally see a lycanthrope, it was not a werebear. It was a werewolf, the"common" lycanthope, which can be found in every part ofTamriel. My father was a priest and during the coldest partof the winter, he allowed the beggars and riffraff ofFalcrenth to stay in the relative warmth of the cellar of histemple. We would even supply warm barley stew. My sistersand brothers and I actually enjoyed this bit ofphilanthropy, for in the cellars during the winter, it seemed there was a constant party. There were alwaysötravellers with interesting stories and eccentricities, andthe atmosphere in the cellars was always light and friendly.Until that night. By an established tradition, the beggars who were sick orwanted rest more than food and companionship would go tothe cots at the farthest, darkest end of the cellar when theycould be assured at least relative quiet. We were enjoyinga song, and my sister Gethessa was dancing to the amusementof all. The song ended, but a chorus continued from thedarkness at the far end of the cellar. As drunk andincomprehensible as most of the carolers were, it took aminute for us to realize that the sound we were hearing was notsinging, but screaming. No one was too concerned, for some of the older trampsoften suffered from vivid nightmares. Nevertheless, one offather's priests went to silence the screamer and the moment hedisappeared into the murk, we heard another sound. The snarlof a wolf. Then we heard the priest screaming as the originalscream died off. "Werewolf!" cried the old bard who had been leading theösong. The cellar exploded into chaos. I was pushed out the cellar door into the snow with thefirst wave of panic, but I could see that some of the morebrave (or more drunk) hobos were rushing into the darkness todo battle with the lycanthrope. They were all, of course,almost instantly killed. My father, upon hearing of his unwelcome visitor, sealedoff the cellar after the last survivor of the carnage hadleft. A seasoned battlemage from the Falcrenth Mages Guild,who owed father a favor, went into the cellar and slew thebeast. "Not too tough," he said as he emerged, carrying thecarcass with him. "Winter must have been tough on him too."Despite his bold words, the blood on his face and chest didnot only come from his foe. Werewolves do not revert to their human forms upondeath, despite what legends will tell you. I had theopportunity to look at the monster's steaming body out in thesnow before it was carried away to be burned. The teeth,öclotted with the flesh of the beggars, were horrifying, but theclaws shocked me even more. I have since seen livelycanthropes battle golems, atronachs, and other beings notharmed by mundane weapons, and concluded that they act asnaturally enchanted weapons. Because the werewolf is the most ubiquitous oflycanthropes, the term lycanthropy has been used sinceancient days to describe the disease that transforms men intohalf-beast, although lycanthrope only strictly shouldrefer to men who change into werewolves. But that issemantics. There are certainly differences between the sevendocumented forms of lycanthropy in Tamriel, but moresimilarities. In Black Marsh and southern Morrowind, werecrocodilesstalk the swamps. Black Marsh also shares with the ImperialProvince and the wetter parts of Elsweyr the vile presence ofwerelions. Valenwood's werevultures are not found in anyother province. The wereboar has found both the climates ofHigh Rock and Hammerfell amenable. As I mentioned before, thewerebear is the most common lycanthrope in Skyrim, and isalso found in the northern parts of High Rock, the ImperialöProvince, and Morrowind. The werewolf can be found in everyprovince. The seventh lycanthrope, which I have never seenbut my trusted peers have assured me exists, is a weresharkthat roams the oceans around Tamriel. I have spent my life categorizing and observinglycanthropes, but I sometimes feel that I am still a childtrapped in a cellar in my attempts to understand them. Iknow, for example, that lycanthropy can be cured shortlyafter infection, but after that time, the victim is doomed.No one of my acquaintance has cured themselves afterundergoing the first transformation. On the other hand, Ihave a colleague investigating a coven of witches in theGlenpoint foothills of High Rock who are rumored to have acure. I remain dubious. Perhaps it is because they are doomed that makeslycanthropes so aggressive. I have removed the contents of awerewolf's stomach and found more remnants of roots andberries than animal flesh. My conclusion is that they do notneed to attack and devour humans to survive. Yet, for somereason they do. Does lycanthropy drive them mad, or dolycanthropes feel the need to spread the disease as a form oföprocreation? I do not know. I am not certain that any of uswho are not lycanthropes ourselves will ever know. And then,of course, it's too late. ö